Letters of Offer. Each employee shall be provided with a letter of offer of employment prior to commencement of their employment. The letter shall include the information as required in clause four above and shall state the workplace or workplaces where the employee is required to work. For permanent and fixed-term employees, the letter of offer shall state the employee’s position, minimum guaranteed hours of work, rostering requirements, commencing ordinary hourly rate, and commencement date. In addition, for fixed-term employees, the period of their engagement and the reason for their fixed- term employment shall also be stated. Additional terms shall be not inconsistent with the collective agreement. Any subsequent variations to the original letter of offer shall be recorded in writing and kept on file. A copy will also be provided to the employee.
Letters of Offer. Each new employee prior to commencement of employee will be provided with a letter that shall confirm agreed hours, roster, place(s) of work, rate of pay and for fixed term employees the reason why and their proposed end date. Any agreed variation shall be confirmed in writing.
Letters of Offer. 7.3.1 A faculty member is appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the department chair, the xxxx, and the Xxxxxxx. The terms and conditions of appointment are contained in a letter of offer to the candidate, signed by the chair, the xxxx and the Xxxxxxx.
7.3.2 The letter of offer shall include: the departmental assignment to be filled, academic rank, salary, expectations with respect to the completion of advanced degrees in relation to rank and tenure, reference to the Collective Bargaining Agreement and the Faculty Handbook, and any other accommodations negotiated by the candidate.
Letters of Offer. Appointments of Sessional Academic Staff Members shall be made by the President upon recommendation by the Vice-President Academic, and only after approval of the Sessional Academic Staff Members’ qualifications by the University of Xxxxxx. Normally, all Sessional appointments shall be made at least twenty-one (21) days before the start of the semester. If circumstances preclude an appointment being made in accordance with the process outlined in Article 17, the University shall inform the Faculty Association in a timely manner. Each Sessional Academic Staff Member being offered an appointment by the University shall be sent a Letter of Offer setting forth the conditions of the appointment. The Letter of Offer shall indicate the URL (uniform resource locator) for the Faculty Association website, specify the conditions by which the member shall become eligible for benefits, and describe the benefits that are available. Sessional Academic Staff Member Letters of Offer shall also indicate the start and termination dates of the appointment, pre and post work to the course if applicable under Article 23 – Workload and Support, the salary, any additional travel remuneration, the location, and dates and times of the course. The University acknowledges that Sessional Academic Staff Members may have preparatory work to do before the start date and sometimes may have to deal with grading tasks after the termination date (see Article 23).
Letters of Offer. 7.3.1 A faculty member is appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the department chair, the xxxx, and the Xxxxxxx. The terms and conditions of appointment are contained in a letter of offer to the candidate, signed by the chair, the xxxx and the Xxxxxxx.
7.3.2 The letter of offer shall include: the departmental assignment to be filled, academic rank, salary, expectations with respect to the completion of advanced degrees in relation to rank and tenure, reference to this Agreement and the Faculty Handbook, the date by which the faculty member must apply for tenure, and any other accommodations negotiated by the candidate.
Letters of Offer. Appointments of Sessional Academic Staff Members shall be made by the President upon recommendation by the Vice-President Academic, and only after approval of the Sessional Academic Staff Members’ qualifications by the University of Xxxxxx. Normally, all Sessional appointments shall be made at least twenty-one (21) days before the start of the semester. If circumstances preclude an appointment being made in the normal way, the University shall inform the Faculty Association in a timely manner. Each Sessional Academic Staff Member being offered an appointment by the University shall be sent a Letter of Offer setting forth the conditions of the appointment. The Letter of Offer shall indicate the URL (uniform resource locator) for the Faculty Association website, specify the conditions by which the member shall become eligible for benefits, and describe the benefits that are available. Sessional Academic Staff Member Letters of Offer shall also indicate the start and termination dates of the appointment, pre and post work related to the course, the salary, any additional travel remuneration, the location, and dates and times of the course. The University acknowledges that Sessional Academic Staff Members may have preparatory work to do before the start date and sometimes may have to deal with grading tasks after the termination date (see Article 23). Sessional Academic Staff Members who perform Field Supervisor or equivalent duties will have this stated in their Letter of Offer.
Letters of Offer. In the event there are any Letters of Offer/Letters of Approval in respect of the Facility, all the terms and conditions in the Letters of Offer/Letters of Approval shall form part of the Agreement and in the event of conflict or discrepancy between the terms and conditions of the Letters of Offer/Letters of Approval and the Agreement, the terms and conditions of the Letters of Offer/Letters of Approval shall prevail. The term “Letters of Offer” shall also include any amendments or supplements thereto issued by the Bank from time to time and accepted by the Borrower containing the main terms and conditions upon which the Bank has agreed to provide the Facility to the Borrower.
Letters of Offer. All successful candidates shall receive a letter of offer that shall contain, as a minimum, the following information: course (if applicable), general location of work, start date, end date, total hours of employment, name of Supervisor, rate of pay, average hours of work per day and/or week, and a general outline of duties and responsibilities. The letter shall also include the web address of the current Collective Agreement, the web address of the current University policies and procedure, the web address of the PSAC Local 400004 website and a statement encouraging the candidate to provide a copy of the letter of offer to PSAC Local 40004.
Letters of Offer. Each employee shall be provided with a letter of offer of employment prior to commencement of their employment. The letter shall include the information as required in clause 4 above and shall state the workplace or workplaces where the employee is required to work. For permanent and fixed-ƚĞƌŵ ĞŵƉůŽLJĞĞƐ͕ ƚŚĞ ůĞƚƚĞƌ ŽĨ ŽĨ minimum guaranteed hours of work, rostering requirements, commencing ordinary hourly rate, and commencement date. In addition, for fixed-term employees, the period of their engagement and the reason for their fixed-term employment shall also be stated. Additional terms shall be not inconsistent with the collective agreement. Any subsequent variations to the original letter of offer shall be recorded in writing and kept on file. A copy will also be provided to the employee.
Letters of Offer. Parent shall have entered into Letters of Offer, in the form approved by Parent, with certain Company Employees that have been identified by Parent in writing.