Long-Term Disability Income Protection. The School District will pay the full premium for coverage in the existing long-term disability income protection plan for all full-time teachers who qualify for and enroll in such coverage. This coverage will apply to the base annual salary. See MOU Long-Term Disability Coverage for Mental Health & Chemical Dependency. Subd. 5. Dental Insurance:
Long-Term Disability Income Protection. The School District will pay the full premium in the existing long-term disability income protection plan of the School Board for employees who qualify for and enroll in such coverage. This coverage will apply to total annual salary. Employees who have qualified for long term disability insurance and who previously qualified for the School District's health and hospitalization insurance benefits will have these benefits maintained for a period of one (1) year from the date of disability. Thereafter, these benefits will be available to the employee at their expense.
Long-Term Disability Income Protection. The Board shall provide this insurance plan at no cost to the employee. The maximum monthly benefit for qualified teachers shall be equal to two-thirds of current annual salary not including extra services compensation.
Long-Term Disability Income Protection. The School Board shall pay the full premium in the existing long-term disability income protection plan of the School Board for all Principals employed by the School Board who qualify for and enroll in such coverage. This coverage shall apply to total annual salary. Principals who have qualified for long term disability insurance and who previously qualified for the District's health and hospitalization insurance benefits shall have these benefits maintained for a period of one (1) year from the date of disability. Thereafter, these benefits will be available to the Principal at their expense. See MOU Long-Term Disability Coverage for Mental Health & Chemical Dependency.
Long-Term Disability Income Protection. 22.1. Effective the first day of the month following the date of hire, an Employee shall be eligible for long-term income protection to age 70 for disability
22.2. For the purposes of this Article, disability means that which is caused by illness or injury which occurs during the Employee's term of employment and which prevents the Employee from performing the major tasks of the Employee's position.
22.3. Payment of benefits pursuant to this Article to a disabled Employee shall commence when the employer determines that the Employee has a disability and chooses not to provide benefits to the Employee under Article 22.4(b). The amount of such protection shall be 65% of the Employee's Monthly Pay, including earned longevity award, at the commencement of the qualifying disability but shall not exceed gross Monthly Pay of $7,000. During any pay period, the amount of such protection shall be reduced by any amount that the Employee receives for such pay period as a retirement or disability pension from the Public Employees Retirement Association or from the federal government pursuant to the federal Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Act, and by any amount that the Employee receives as worker's compensation in lieu of wages or salary. Any cost of living adjustment to any amount received as a retirement or disability pension or as worker's compensation shall not be used to reduce the amount of such protection. The amount of such protection for any pay period shall also be reduced by any amount that the Employee receives as wages or salary from any source, including the Employer, during that pay period, but only when the total amount that the Employee has received for wages or salary during the calendar year exceeds $5,000.
22.4. a. Payment of benefits due under this article shall be calculated for each regular pay period, and shall be paid for the period at the same time as Employees are then paid pursuant to Article 23 of this Agreement. For any Pay Period the City may deduct from the payment of benefits any amount which the Employee previously received as payments of benefits but to which the Employee was not entitled because of the provisions of this Article.
Long-Term Disability Income Protection. The School Board shall pay $5.64 per year per $1,000 coverage toward the premium for employee coverage in the existing long-term disability income protection plan of the School Board for all full-time employees employed by the School Board who qualify for and enroll in such coverage. This coverage shall apply to base annual salary.
Long-Term Disability Income Protection. All wages shall be paid by the Board during the qualifying period of twenty-six (26) weeks; thereafter all benefits of the long-term disability insurance will provide a long-term disability plan that provides for 70% of the monthly income replacement as per the Terms and Conditions of the employer’s contract with the carrier.
Long-Term Disability Income Protection. In the event the Executive becomes disabled, the Corporation will continue to compensate the Executive at a rate equal to 70% of the Executive's salary at the time of the disability and most recent bonus received prior to the disability for the duration of the disability period or age 65, whichever occurs first. The corporation may choose to secure insurance policies for this obligation and the Executive will submit to any examinations required to secure such insurance coverage.
Long-Term Disability Income Protection. The Board shall provide this insurance plan at no cost to full-time Coordinators. The maximum monthly benefit for qualified Coordinators shall be two-thirds of current contract salary. Coordinators on long-term disability:
Subdivision 1. Coordinators who are on a long-term disability shall be allowed to continue participation in any group health insurance plan in which they participated prior to going on long-term disability.
Subdivision 2. The District shall contribute an amount equal to that contributed or active Coordinators for single health/hospitalization coverage. Dependent coverage contribution by the District shall continue at the amount in effect at the time of disability and shall cease two years from the time of long-term disability eligibility.
Subdivision 3. The District shall contribute the full premium for life insurance until the waiver of premium commences.
Subdivision 4. Dental insurance may be secured by employee payment of the entire premium in effect for active Coordinators.
Long-Term Disability Income Protection. Long-term disability income protection will be provided to those employees that work 20 (twenty) hours or more per week.
1. The Board will provide a long term disability package which will include an income protection program in the amount of sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66-2/3) of basic earnings for permanent personnel commencing on the ninetieth (90th) consecutive day of disability. It is understood that a modified fill provision will be added and that the maximum amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) earnings per month will be allowed. The disability insurance will contain a Social Security Freeze provision and a cost of living allowance.
2. Selection of the carrier will be at the discretion of the Board.
3. Any employee whose personal illness or injury extends beyond her sick leave days or when income protection goes into effect, must submit a request for a health leave within ten (10) calendar days after the sick leave expiration or the start of income protection. The employee shall not receive any salary compensation from the Board after the expiration of sick leave or when income protection is in effect. Insurance benefits will be paid for the first (1st) thirty (30) days of total disability.