Management and Leadership. 1. Reasonably support the Scouting Unit Committee, comprised of at least three members for each Unit.
2. Review and select all adult leaders, subject to the approval of the Local Council, and ensure they are willing to accept Scouting’s values and meet all other requirements of membership.
3. Administer the assets of the Unit, including all funds, real property, and personal property (e.g., trailers) that are acquired by the Unit either for the benefit of Scouting or in the name of Scouting and administer the assets for the benefit of the Unit.
4. Authorize the unit to open a separate bank account for the Unit using the Charter Organization EIN and provide the Unit with policies and procedures for financial reporting and asset management.
5. Follow all Guide to Safe Scouting requirements to ensure the adequate review and inspection of trailers, and other assets.
Management and Leadership. In recognition of the importance of effective leadership, the following principles were developed through consultation with the Library’s employees. Principles were defined as the characteristic qualities, underlying styles and skills assumed by effective leaders. Effective leaders: • Demonstrate a visionary perspective for the Library • Encourage a sense of belonging and acceptance through mutual respect • Recognise and encourage talent by accepting others advice and expertise • Empower employees to take risks through effective delegation of decision making • Clearly communicate their objectives and expectations • Reinforce the Library’s Service Charter • Are highly visible, coaching and developing skills and teams • Show confidence in the ability of employees to perform their duties • Are receptive to others ideas demonstrating flexibility and open mindedness • Lead by example, demonstrating confidence and decisiveness • Develop the skills of the team by providing clear and constructive feedback • Demonstrate self-awareness and awareness of relationships with others • Are calm in reconciling conflicting demands We will ensure that these principles and behaviours increasingly form part of the performance assessment process for all employees.
Management and Leadership. 2.1 Ensures compliance with the Mental Health Act (2014) and other relevant legislation.
2.2 In partnership with the Regional Manager MH & CADS, provides leadership in the identification of priorities, strategic planning and development of policies and procedures that define, refine and support service delivery.
2.3 Provides advice to the Regional Manager and others regarding the Mental health and Community Alcohol Drug Service (MH& CADS) and associated issues.
2.4 Informs the Regional Manager of any significant events relating to delivery of clinical services.
2.5 In partnership with the Regional Manager monitors standards of care and reviews work priorities, policies and processes to ensure safe working practices and environment.
2.6 Represents the service on the Regional Safety Quality and Risk Management Committee and acts as Chair Person for the MH Subcommittee.
2.7 Undertakes the direct line management and performance appraisals of all medical staff in MH&CADS and advises on Rosters.
Management and Leadership. 2.1. Demonstrates effective leadership, decision making qualities and participates in the effective functioning of the community mental health team/multidisciplinary team.
2.2. Provides individual PSOLIS care plans and maintains appropriate records on PSOLIS and in the consumer medical records.
2.3. Participates in the effective functioning of the community mental health clinic and team through efficient use of resources.
2.4. Maintains knowledge of current emergency procedures according to departmental policies.
Management and Leadership. 32.1 The Service Provider management will demonstrate effective leadership through evidence of a performance culture that inspires staff to achieve and deliver safe, high quality and person-centred care.
32.2 The Service Provider management shall ensure that all new managers in Health and Social Care must undertake the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management within one year of being appointed, if they do not already have a relevant transferable management qualification.
32.3 The Service Provider management shall ensure there are workable, fair and published disciplinary, grievance, appeals and sickness absence policies and procedures in place and these are used effectively to manage staff performance.
32.4 The Service Provider management will promote maximising independence and promoting positive occupation within care home settings to increase residents' feeling of security, belonging, continuity, purpose, achievement and significance.
32.5 The Service Provider will ensure that all staff are trained in Positive Behavioural Support.
Management and Leadership. 57.1 The Provider's management will demonstrate effective leadership through evidence of a performance culture that inspires Staff to achieve and deliver safe, high quality and person-centred care.
57.2 The Provider shall demonstrate it operates with a capable, confident and skilled workforce, at all levels particularly in leadership and management where value based approaches set cultural standards equally alongside high standards of regulatory and quality activity throughout the home.
57.3 The Provider will promote, adopt and implement a caring and compassionate culture, which is evidenced through feedback from Residents, their Carers, family members, representatives and stakeholders.
57.4 The Provider management shall ensure that all new managers in Health and Social Care must undertake the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management within one year of being appointed, if they do not already have a relevant transferable management qualification.
57.5 The Provider's management shall ensure there are workable, fair and published disciplinary, grievance, appeals and sickness absence policies and procedures in place and these are used effectively to manage Staff performance.
57.6 The Provider's management will promote maximising independence and promoting positive occupation within Home settings to increase Residents' feeling of security, belonging, continuity, purpose, achievement and significance.
57.7 The Provider will ensure that all Staff are trained in positive behavioural support.
57.8 The Provider will promote the uptake of appropriate vaccinations for Staff who have regular contact with Residents. The Provider shall provide evidence via the staff Occupational Health Vaccination Schedules.
Management and Leadership. In future a range of collaborative business models for FE colleges will emerge, focusing on provision for young people aged 14-19 (with schools and the Children’s Workforce Network), for adult workforce development (with employers), for HE delivered in FE colleges (with HEIs) and for tackling social exclusion (with the Community, Learning and Development constituency). This will have implications for the FE workforce who will be required to develop effective partnership working skills and business skills. Employers and stakeholders also report difficulties in recruiting staff to management positions who possess the range of skills required for this role. This includes knowledge and experience of Further Education as well as business skills and experience. Additionally, the ageing of the FE labour force, means that a significant proportion of management staff will be retiring within the next five years. An emerging issue for the Further Education workforce is a growing emphasis on employer engagement.
Management and Leadership. In recognition of the importance of effective leadership, the following principles were developed through consultation with the Library’s employees. Principles were defined as the characteristic qualities, underlying styles and skills assumed by effective leaders. Effective leaders: Demonstrate a visionary perspective for the Library Encourage a sense of belonging and acceptance through mutual respect Recognise and encourage talent by accepting others advice and expertise Empower employees to take risks through effective delegation of decision making Clearly communicate their objectives and expectations Reinforce the Library’s Service Charter Are highly visible, coaching and developing skills and teams Show confidence in the ability of employees to perform their duties Are receptive to others ideas demonstrating flexibility and open mindedness Lead by example, demonstrating confidence and decisiveness Develop the skills of the team by providing clear and constructive feedback Demonstrate self-awareness and awareness of relationships with others Are calm in reconciling conflicting demands We will ensure that these principles and behaviours increasingly form part of the performance assessment process for all employees.
Management and Leadership. Just over a quarter of employers (i.e. excluding sole traders / the self-employed) feel that there are skills and attributes lacking among their management team which constrain business growth (28%). Larger firms (over half of those with 100 or more staff) were particularly likely to be facing these management skill shortages (63).
Management and Leadership. Responsible for the development and maintenance of the CAHS Record Keeping Plan in collaboration with service areas. • Provides leadership to implement electronic document records management system (EDRMS) throughout CAHS. • Implements the CAHS Record Keeping Plan to manage the development of business processes that support the acceptance of record keeping changes consistent with legislative requirements. • Leads a service that is innovative, customer focussed and highly efficient. • Manages the human, financial and physical resources of the unit. • Provides high-level advice and support to the executive and senior management on compliance with the State Records Act 2000 and other relevant legislation and standards. • Supervises and provides professional development to employees in the operation of the EDRMS, processes and procedures.