Merit Salary Adjustment. 1. An employee shall be eligible for consideration for a salary step adjustment upon:
a. Successful completion of a probationary period for probationary employees, or successful completion of a qualifying period for promoted, permanent or permanent-intermittent employees; and
b. Each anniversary date that occurs on or after July 1, 2002 of his/her employment in such class annually thereafter until the top of the salary range is reached in that class. An employee shall be eligible for this adjustment whether occurring at the same or separate time as the probation or qualifying adjustment prescribed in paragraph “a” and “b” above. The anniversary date is normally considered to be that date an employee commences work in that classification to which he/she has been most recently appointed.
2. The procedures used to evaluate an employee shall be uniformly and consistently applied in accordance with the guidelines established by Xxxxx County Human Resources. There shall be an equal number of management and labor representatives appointed to an Advisory Team (with no more than six (6) members total) to establish meritorious job standards for the classifications covered by this Agreement. Labor representatives shall be appointed by the Association and management representatives shall be appointed by the department head. In the event a merit increase is not granted, the employee will be informed in writing of the specific reason(s) for denial and may, within two (2) working days of such notification, request a review before his/her supervisor and the department head or his/her designee to discuss the reason for the denial. The review may be attended by the employee, an Association officer, the supervisor, the department head or his/her designee, and, upon request of the employee or the supervisor, a representative of Xxxxx County Human Resources as designated by the County Manager. The decision of the department head or his/her designee will be final. In determining eligibility for a salary step adjustment, employees shall receive a performance evaluation. Employees who meet a “meritorious level of performance and competence” shall receive a one step salary adjustment. Employees who receive unsatisfactory or not meeting expectations in 50% or more of the rating factors shall not receive a salary step adjustment. Any employee scheduled to receive a performance evaluation pursuant to the terms of this Article in order to determine his/her qualifications for a salary ...
Merit Salary Adjustment. If the appointing authority certifies in the manner prescribed by the Department of Personnel Administration that the employee has met the standards of efficiency required for the position, the employee who is not paid at the maximum step of the salary range shall receive a merit salary adjustment equivalent to 5 percent in the salary range provided that rate does not exceed the maximum salary rate effective on the first of the monthly pay period next following completion of:
Merit Salary Adjustment. If the appointing authority certifies in the manner prescribed by the Department of Personnel Administration that the employee has met the standards of efficiency required for the position, the employee who is not paid at the maximum step of the salary range shall receive a merit salary adjustment equivalent to five percent (5%) in the salary range provided that rate does not exceed the maximum salary rate effective on the first of the monthly pay period next following completion of:
A. Twelve months of qualifying service after:
1. Appointment; or
Merit Salary Adjustment. Effective May 1, 2015, merit increases shall be administered for all employees where eligibility has been met. Eligible employees advanced in the merit salary structure shall receive a maximum five percent (5%) increase in compensation effective the first pay period following May 1, 2015. For current employees April 1 will now become the merit increase anniversary date. For employees hired on or after May 1, 2015, merit salary increases shall accrue pursuant to the City of Lincoln Personnel Rules and Regulations. For employees who promote into the bargaining unit on or after May 1, 2015, merit salary increases shall accrue pursuant to the City of Lincoln Personnel Rules and Regulations.
Merit Salary Adjustment. Upon recommendation of the Department Director that an employee’s performance has been above average, an employee receiving less than the maximum rate of base pay within the assigned range for the classification may be given a merit salary adjustment upon approval by the City Manager. A full time employee is eligible for this adjustment upon completion of 6 months service each in Steps A and in Step B and 1 year service each in Steps C and D. (PPPM 2-2.1b)
Merit Salary Adjustment. 1. Bi-lingual Stipend: An employee who is routinely required to use a language in addition to English in the performance of regular job duties will receive a two percent (2%) stipend.
Merit Salary Adjustment. Employees who do not change their classification shall not receive a new merit salary anniversary date.