Method of Referral. To be eligible for the recruitment bonus, County Fire Application for Employment must contain the name of the referring employee on the application.
Method of Referral. To be eligible for the recruitment bonus, the County Application for Employment must contain the name of the referring employee in the appropriate area of the application.
Method of Referral. Employer shall advise the Business Manager of the Local Union of the number of applicants needed. The Business Manager shall refer applicants to the Employer by first referring applicants in GROUP I in the order of their seniority on the "Out-of-Work List" and then referring applicants in order of their place successively from the "Out-of-Work List" in GROUP II, then GROUP III and then GROUP IV. Any applicant who is rejected by the Employer shall be returned to his appropriate place within his GROUP and shall be referred to other employment in accordance with the position of his GROUP and his place within the GROUP.
Method of Referral. 2.1. Referrer will be issued a unique referral link at the time of sign up. This unique referral link is also available through the affiliate dashboard.
2.2. Referrer will direct Referred User to LawPath subscription using the unique referral link provided. This referral link is valid for 30 days to capture any paid sign ups.
2.3. Upon sign up to a paid plan, LawPath will record the Referred user and associated referral link. The associated discount will then be listed on the affiliate dashboard after five (5) Referred Users have signed up to a paid LawPath plan.
Method of Referral. Pursuant to WIOA Section 121(c)(2)(A)(iii), the parties agree that the referral of individuals between the One-Stop Operator(s) and the Partners’ for the services and activities described in Article IV will be performed using the following principles:
1. Staff of the Partner agencies will have information on the services offered by the other Partners.
2. Customers accessing services through a WorkForce Center will receive assistance in determining which of the Partner agencies may have services the customer wants.
3. When one of the Partner agencies learns that a customer could benefit from the services of another Partner agency, that agency will facilitate a referral to the other agency. Referral to most programs covered under WIOA is simply a matter of the case manager deciding which program (or group of programs) among the options available will best meet the customer’s needs. If other partners’ programs seem appropriate, the Case Manager will initiate referral procedures according to procedures set by the receiving partner or provide information to the participant. Case notes/notation will be used to indicate referrals and co- enrollments. Competitive Grant funding may require additional referral considerations which will be established in separate agreements if deemed necessary.
Method of Referral. Pursuant to WIOA Section 121(c)(2)(A)(iii), the parties agree that the referral of individuals between the KCC Operator(s) and the partners’ for the services and activities described in Article IV will be performed using the following methods: Accessibility to the services provided by the American Job Centers and all Partner agencies is essential to meeting the requirements and goals the Cumberlands Career Center network. Job seekers and businesses must be able to access all information relevant to them via visits to physical locations as well as in virtual spaces, regardless of gender, age, race, religion, national origin, disability, veteran’s status, or the basis of any other classification protected under state or federal law. One-stop centers will maintain a culture of inclusiveness and the physical characteristics of the facility, both indoor and outdoor will meet the latest standards of accessible design. Services will be available in a convenient, high traffic, and accessible location, taking into account reasonable distance from public transportation and adequate parking (including parking clearly marked for individuals with disabilities). Indoor space will be designed in an “equal and meaningful” manner providing access for individuals with disabilities. The Cumberlands Local WDB will work with the Kentucky Workforce Development Board to ensure that job seekers and businesses have access to the same information online as they do in a physical facility. Information must be clearly marked and compliant with Section 508 of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services code. Partners will comply with the Plain Writing Act of 2010; the law that requires that federal agencies use “clear Government communication that the public can understand and use” and all information kept virtually will be updated regularly to ensure dissemination of correct information. Communications access, for purposes of this MOU, means that individuals with sensory disabilities can communicate (and be communicated with) on an equal footing and those who do not have such disabilities. All Partners agree that they will provide accommodations for individuals who have communication challenges, including but not limited to individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing, individuals with vision impairments, and individuals with speech-language impairments. All Partners agree that they will not discriminate in their employment practices of services on the basis of gender, gender ide...
Method of Referral. The Xxxxxx Job Center is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. No appointment necessary for first visit. Virtual Services also available at 1-888-728-JOBS (5627) May have additional appointments scheduled for future visits. 0000 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Washington, MO 63090 2) Trade Adjustment Assistance 3) Jobs for Veterans State Grants programs
Method of Referral. The Washington Job Center is open Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. No appointment necessary for first visit. Virtual Services also available at 1-888-728-JOBS (5627) May have additional appointments scheduled for future visits. P.O. Box 59 Jefferson City, MO 65104 Website: Services available on - File for Unemployment - My Account/Claim Status - Reschedule Job Services - Change your Payment Method - Update your Contact Information - Tax Information
Method of Referral. Claimants can use UInteract to file an unemployment claim, check account status, file an appeal to a claim decision and much more online. Access UInteract at The Missouri Job Center staff are available in the Xxxxxx Job Center and Washington Job Center to provide assistance with the unemployment compensation claims filing website and assistance by phone or via other technology. Xxxxxx Job Center Washington Job Center Phone: (000)000-0000 Phone: (000) 000-0000 Jefferson City, MO 65104 Seasonal Farmworker (MSFW) programs Website: In order to accomplish this, all AJCs must identify and serve all farmworkers in an equitable manner. All AJCs will ensure that MSFWs who are English Language Learners (XXXx) receive, free of charge, the language assistance necessary to afford them meaningful access to the programs, services, and information offered by the one-stop centers. AJC staff must provide MSFWs a list of available career and supportive services in their preferred language. AJC staff must provide the following services: • Registration for Xxxxxx—Xxxxxx (WP) • Services such as: Counseling, Job Search Assistance, job training opportunities, skills assessments, job fair access, job referrals, agricultural labor law information • Explanation and use of • Labor market information On the state and local labor market conditions, industries, occupations, and characteristics of the workforce, area business identified skills needs, employer wage and benefit trends, short and long- term industry and occupational projections, worker supply and demand, and job vacancies survey results.
Method of Referral. The Family Support Division (FSD) Information Center allows individuals to speak with a team member about FSD services and what benefits may be available. Team members are available by phone at (000) 000-0000, Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Community Action (JFCAC) WIOA One-Stop Partners: 1) Department of Housing and Urban Development