MINIMUM CALL OUT. When an employee is called out for unscheduled overtime work from his/her home, he or she shall be paid for four (4) hours at the applicable rate of pay. If the four (4) hours overlap into his or her regularly scheduled work shift, the straight time rate of pay for that shift shall begin at the end of the four-hour period and end at the regular quitting time.
MINIMUM CALL OUT. When an employee is called out for unscheduled overtime work from his/her home, he or she shall be paid for four
MINIMUM CALL OUT. An on call employee who is called out to work outside his or her regularly scheduled hours shall be paid a minimum of three hours’ pay at straight time or all hours worked at overtime rates, whichever is greater. Employees who are not on call but who are called out will receive a minimum of four hours’ pay at straight time or for all hours worked at overtime rates, whichever is higher.
MINIMUM CALL OUT. 10.1 When an employee is called in for emergency overtime work outside of her normal working hours, she shall be provided with a minimum payment of two (2) hours' pay at the appropriate overtime rate.
10.2 When an employee has completed her call-out she will be allowed to return home, provided she has checked to ensure that additional calls have not been received. All calls received within two (2) hours of the first call shall be considered the same call.
10.3 There shall be no minimum payment applicable to call-outs or overtime worked contiguous to an employee's normal daily working hours. Calls received less than one hour before normal starting time do not qualify for minimum call out. Premium rate for time worked will apply.
MINIMUM CALL OUT. The City will pay for at least two (2) hours at the appropriate rate for employees called back to work after completing their regular shift, subject to the following:
MINIMUM CALL OUT. The City will pay for at least two (2) hours at the appropriate rate for employees called back to work after completing their regular shift subject to the following:
1.12.1 Compensation for overtime shall be based on actual arrival and departure time at the assigned reporting center; and,
1.12.2 In addition to hours worked, employees called back to work shall be compensated for seventy-eight (78) minutes (1.3 hours) at the applicable rate.
1.12.3 The City reserves the right to implement a technology solution to determine employee arrival and departure times for overtime worked.
MINIMUM CALL OUT. When Employees are called in for emergency overtime work outside of the normal working hours, Employees shall receive a minimum payment of four (4) hours at their regular base rate, or the actual time worked at the appropriate overtime rate, whichever is the greater. Should one call-out follow within one and one-half (1 ½) hours of the completion of a previous call-out, only one minimum payment will apply and time will be considered continuous from the beginning of the first call-out. There shall be no minimum payment applicable to call-outs or overtime worked as an extension of Employees’ normal daily working hours, or within one (1) hour of normal starting time.
MINIMUM CALL OUT. An employee who is ordered to report for work and so reports shall receive a minimum of three (3) hours pay at one and one-half (1 1/2) times his current rate of pay, so long as the time worked does not abut his regular shift. Shift fill scheduling will continue to be in no less than four (4) hour increments.
MINIMUM CALL OUT. 15.01 When an employee is called from his or her home for authorized work, a minimum of three (3) hours for full time and part time employees at straight time shall be paid except when the time worked extends into his or her regular shift hours. This three (3) hours for full time employees and part time employees minimum at straight time, or the actual time worked at the appropriate premium rates, whichever is greater, will be paid.
15.02 On call duty is defined as that duty performed by qualified employees who are required by the Corporation to be readily available for service. Payment of three dollars and forty ($3.40) per hour retroactive on all hours paid to January 1st, 2020, three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) per hour effective January 1st, 2021 and three dollars and sixty cents ($3.60) per hours effective January 1st, 2022 will be made for authorized on-call duty. On call duty will be apportioned equitably among the full time operators and qualified dispatcher who will be required to make themselves available for on-call duty when required by the Corporation. On call duty shall be assigned on a rotational basis utilizing the seniority list. Full time employees are permitted to have another full time or part time qualified operator or dispatcher assume their scheduled on call duty providing that the Manager/ Designate, or in their absence the Driver Coordinator, has been notified.
MINIMUM CALL OUT. C.6.1 An employee who reports to work will be paid a minimum of four (4) hours pay.
C.6.2 An employee who has completed the work shift and left the worksite for the day and who is subsequently called out to work on that same day will be paid a minimum of an additional four (4) hours at overtime rates.