31 a. The minimum guarantee for a Remote Assist SHALL APPLY to any 1 authorized Remote Assist received within the eight-hour period 2 prior to the start of the normal scheduled work hours regardless of 3 whether or not the employee is scheduled to work the following day 4 and regardless of the duration of the call.
5 b. The minimum guarantee SHALL APPLY to Remote Assist calls 6 (authorized or not) received greater than eight hours prior to the 7 start of the normal scheduled work hours provided the call exceeds 8 seven (7) minutes.
9 c. The minimum guarantee for Remote Assist SHALL NOT apply to 10 any call (authorized or not) received greater than eight hours prior 11 to the start of the normal scheduled work hours provided the call is 12 of seven (7) minutes or less duration.
13 d. Once the minimum guarantee applies, employees may be called 14 (by telephone or computer) more than one time and all work 15 performed within the duration of this minimum guarantee shall still 16 be considered one (1) Remote Assist.
MINIMUM GUARANTEES. LICENSEE guarantees that its aggregate annual royalty payments to NBAP for each Contract Year under this Agreement shall not be less than the amount set forth opposite such Contract Year:
MINIMUM GUARANTEES. Section 1. Longshoremen Working at Other Than Passenger Ship Terminals
(a) Employees employed from Monday to Sunday inclusive shall receive four (4) hours’ pay for the period between 8:00 A.M. and 12:00 noon, regardless of any con- dition.
(b) Employees re-employed at 1:00 P.M. from Monday to Sunday inclusive shall receive four (4) hours’ pay, except upon the finishing of a hatch or the finishing of a ship, when they shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours’ pay.
(c) Employees hired for 1:00 P.M. from Monday to Sunday inclusive who have not worked in the morning shall receive four (4) hours’ pay regardless of any condi- tion.
(d) Employees re-employed at 7:00 P.M. from Monday to Sunday inclusive who have worked during the day shall receive four (4) hours’ pay, except upon the fin- ishing of a hatch or the finishing of a ship, when they shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours’ pay.
(e) Employees re-employed at 1:00 A.M. from Monday to Sunday inclusive shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours’ pay, except upon the finishing of a hatch or the finishing of a ship, when they shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours’ pay.
(f) Employees ordered to report for work at 7:00 P.M. from Monday to Sunday inclusive who have not worked during the day shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours’ pay, regardless of any condition.
(g) If employees have worked all night (Monday to Sunday inclusive) and are asked to work after 6:00 A.M., they shall receive the prevailing overtime rate for the hours actually worked until they finish, regardless of relief for the breakfast hour.
(h) When employees are ordered out and report for work at 7:00 A.M., they shall be paid:
(i) From Monday to Friday inclusive one (1) hour at the overtime rate from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. and, thereafter, in accordance with the other min-
(ii) On Saturdays, Sundays, and paid holidays, one (1) hour at the overtime rate of one and one- half times the basic straight-time wage rate from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. and, thereafter, in accor- dance with the other minimum guarantee provi- sions of Article VI, Section 1 of this Agreement.
(i) When employees are needed to dock and undock ships outside the regular working hours, they shall perform such work as their Employer directs during the minimum hours referred to hereunder and shall be paid at the over- time rate of one and one-half times the basic straight-time wage rate:
(i) With a minimum of four (4) hours’ pay, if ordered out at any time between 7:00 P.M. and ...
MINIMUM GUARANTEES. 6.6.1. Should M-Net be required to pay any minimum guarantees to * * pursuant to an agreement between * * whether in short form or long form, MultiChoice undertakes and guarantees that it shall pay to M-Net the minimum guarantees payable by M-Net in respect of those 20 countries listed in Schedule 2B hereto but only in respect of a maximum of 10,000 (ten thousand) Subscribers for all such countries taken together. The amount payable by MultiChoice to M-Net pursuant to the guarantee set out in this clause 6.7.1 shall be 10,000 less the actual number of Subscribers in all Schedule 2B countries during the relevant period multiplied by the actual programming cost payable per Subscriber paid by M-Net to * in respect of the countries set out in Schedule 2B for that period. If M-Net removes any country from Schedule 2B in terms of clause 24 or if M-Net appoints a third party distributor under clause 24.6.2, then the number of Subscribers in respect of which MultiChoice guarantees payment under this clause 6.7.1 shall be reduced by 500 in respect of each such removed country. Any amount payable by MultiChoice in accordance with this clause 6.7 will be payable by MultiChoice to M-Net on the last day of the Accounting Period in which such amounts are payable by M-Net to * and will be set out in an invoice which will be submitted by M-Net to MultiChoice conditional on the submission by MultiChoice to M-Net of the information set out in Schedule 4 in accordance with clause 7.
6.6.2. M-Net shall make available, upon reasonable notice by MultiChoice, and MultiChoice shall be entitled to examine and take copies of, all relevant books, records and/or contracts or extracts thereof containing information which may be required for the determination and verification of (i) any minimum guarantees payable by M-Net to * and (ii) the actual programming per Subscriber cost paid by M-Net to * as referred to in clause 6.7.1.
MINIMUM GUARANTEES. LICENSEE guarantees that its aggregate royalty payments to NBAP for the Term under this Agreement shall not be less than forty-six thousand dollars ($46,000).
13 a. The minimum guarantee for a Remote Assist SHALL APPLY to any 14 authorized Remote Assist received within the eight-hour period 15 prior to the start of the normal scheduled work hours regardless of 16 whether or not the employee is scheduled to work the following day 17 and regardless of the duration of the call.
18 b. The minimum guarantee SHALL APPLY to Remote Assist calls 19 (authorized or not) received greater than eight hours prior to the 20 start of the normal scheduled work hours provided the call exceeds 21 seven (7) minutes.
22 c. The minimum guarantee for Remote Assist SHALL NOT apply to 23 any call (authorized or not) received greater than eight hours prior 24 to the start of the normal scheduled work hours provided the call is 25 of seven (7) minutes or less duration.
26 d. Once the minimum guarantee applies, employees may be called 27 (by telephone or computer) more than one time and all work 28 performed within the duration of this minimum guarantee shall still 29 be considered one (1) Remote Assist.
1 e. Minimum Guarantee: HOURS RATE ON STANDBY 1 hour 1½ times the employees straight time rate of pay NOT ON STANDBY 1½ hours 1½ times the employees straight time rate of pay 3 CALL OUT
4 a. Once the minimum guarantee applies, employees may be called 5 out more than one time and all work performed within the duration 6 of this minimum guarantee shall still be considered one (1) Call 7 Out.
8 b. Minimum Guarantee 9 HOURS RATE ON STANDBY 2 hours 1½ times the employees straight time rate of pay NOT ON STANDBY 3 hours 1½ times the employees straight time rate of pay 11 15.9 REST TIME/DOUBLE TIME
12 A. Whenever an employee is required to work without having had 13 eight (8) consecutive hours off, such hours worked shall be 14 cumulative, and when the total number of hours worked reaches 15 sixteen (16) hours, any additional hours worked shall be 16 compensated at two (2) times the employee’s straight time rate of 17 pay until the employee shall have had eight (8) consecutive hours 18 off.
19 B. Remote Assist work of two (2) instances or less in number and 20 seven (7) minutes or less duration shall not be considered an 21 interruption of consecutive hours off duty.
22 C. Prior to or after an employee has worked sixteen (16) hours as 23 specified above, the City may, at its option, grant the employee 24 eight (8) consecutive hours off duty.
25 D. If any of the off-duty hours fall within or overlap into the employee’s 1 next regul...
MINIMUM GUARANTEES. Operators shall be paid a minimum of two and one-half (2-1/2) hours for any piece of work not part of a regular run, except that (a) a minimum of one (1) hour shall be paid for pulling or spacing buses, spotting same for ticket sales for civic ventures (such as American Royal, Starlight Theatre, etc.); (b) actual time shall be paid for any messenger service performed by operators; and (c) if the overtime rate is applicable to any of the above-mentioned pieces of work, either the work time at the time and one-half rate, or the minimum guarantee at the straight hourly rate, whichever is the larger amount, shall be paid, but not both. A bus operator called out for work before his regular assignment, as per Section 1.34, shall be guaranteed at least three (3) consecutive hours of extra work at time and one-half, unless the work for which called out extends into the time of his regular assignment, in which event time and one-half shall be paid from the starting time until the time of his regular assignment, and the balance at his regular rate; and a bus operator called out for work after his regular assignment, as per Section 1.34, shall be guaranteed at least three (3) consecutive hours of extra work at time and one-half.3 An operator called out on his regular day off, shall be entitled to one (1) hour travel pay and three (3) hours' guarantee as provided in Section 1.34. Operators on the Extra Board who make their regularly required show-ups and perform the work assigned shall be guaranteed eight (8) hours work or pay per day at the straight hourly rate. Operators on the Extra Board shall be paid at the 3 For minimum guarantees of non-operating employees on call-outs, see Section 1.34. straight hourly rate for all waiting time; except that an operator calling in before his sign on time, but arriving late shall be paid at one-half the straight hourly rate for all waiting time for the first show-up per day, and for any show-ups in excess of one (1) per day such operators shall be paid the straight hourly rate for all waiting time in each such excess show-up. Show-up time shall begin when operator reports to the Office Dispatcher, but in no event earlier than time of required show-up, and show-up times shall end when operator is excused by the Office Dispatcher. If operator makes his regularly required show-ups but gets no work that day he shall be allowed the minimum guarantee of eight (8) hours. Show-up time shall not pay overtime or be used in computing overt...
MINIMUM GUARANTEES. Nothwithstanding anything herein contained, the Licensee hereby provides to WagerLogic the following revenue guarantees (all amounts paid to WagerLogic under this Paragraph 5.3 are hereinafter referred to as the “Minimum Guarantee Amounts”):
(a) Upon WagerLogic developing a Poker Skin Room, the Licensee hereby guarantees that from and after the go-live date of the said Poker Skin Room, the said poker room shall generate Poker Revenue in the minimum amount of USD $50,000 per Month, (the “Poker Room Minimum”). In the event that during any Month of the Term, a Poker Skin Room fails to generate an amount of Poker Revenue equal to the Poker Room Minimum, it is expressly agreed that, when calculating WagerLogic’s entitlement under Paragraph 5.2.2 hereof, each Poker Skin Room which has failed to generate revenue equal to the Poker Room Minimum, shall be deemed to have generated Poker Revenue equal to the Poker Room Minimum. Notwithstanding the forgoing, the Poker Room Minimum shall terminate in the event that Licensee provides WagerLogic a notice of cancellation of a particular Poker Skin and WagerLogic shall no longer be required to provide operations for PokerSkin for the rest of the Term;
(b) Upon WagerLogic developing an Additional Language Poker Room, the Licensee hereby guarantees that from the go-live date of the said Additional Language Poker Room, WagerLogic shall earn minimum annual licensee revenue under Paragraph 5.2.2 and attributable to the said Additional Language Poker Room equal to USD $200,000 (the “Minimum Language Fee”). In the event that during any Month of the Term, WagerLogic fails to earn a minimum Monthly licensee fee under Paragraph 5.2.2 and attributable to the Additional Language Poker Room equal to USD $21,000, WagerLogic shall be entitled to receive the shortfall out of the Licensee Net Revenues for the Month; provided that any monthly payments made under this subparagraph (b) shall be subject to annual adjustment, and any over-payment of amounts in respect of the Minimum Language Fee shall be reimbursed to the Licensee as soon after the annual review as is reasonably possible. The Licensee’s obligations under this Paragraph 5.3(b) shall be subject to the following:
i. The Licensee shall have no minimum guarantee obligations in respect of an Additional Language Poker Room in respect of any period subsequent to the one year anniversary date of the go-live date of the subject Additional Language Poker Room;
ii. From and after the time ...
12 a. The minimum guarantee for a Remote Assist SHALL APPLY to any 13 authorized Remote Assist received within the eight-hour period prior 14 to the start of the normal scheduled work hours regardless of 15 whether or not the employee is scheduled to work the following day 16 and regardless of the duration of the call.
17 b. The minimum guarantee SHALL APPLY to Phone/Computer Assist 18 calls (authorized or not) received greater than eight hours prior to the 19 start of the normal scheduled work hours provided the call exceeds 20 seven (7) minutes.
21 c. The minimum guarantee for Remote Assist SHALL NOT apply to 22 any call (authorized or not) received greater than eight hours prior to 23 the start of the normal scheduled work hours provided the call is of 24 seven (7) minutes or less duration.
25 d. Once the minimum guarantee applies, employees may be called (by 26 telephone or computer) more than one time and all work performed 27 within the duration of this minimum guarantee shall still be 28 considered one (1) Remote Assist.
29 e. Minimum Guarantee: HOURS RATE ON STANDBY 1 hour 1½ times the employees straight time rate of pay NOT ON STANDBY 1½ hours 1½ times the employees straight time rate of pay 2 CALL OUT
3 a. Once the minimum guarantee applies, employees may be called out 4 more than one time and all work performed within the duration of this 5 minimum guarantee shall still be considered one (1) Call Out.
10 b. Minimum Guarantee 11 HOURS RATE ON STANDBY 2 hours 1½ times the employees straight time rate of pay NOT ON STANDBY 3 hours 1½ times the employees straight time rate of pay
MINIMUM GUARANTEES. The minimum guarantees in place in each provincial collective agreement shall remain as per each provincial agreement for the life of the collective agreement.