Obligations of the Town Sample Clauses

Obligations of the Town a) The Town agrees to provide the Visitor’s Center to the Chamber as outlined in the Lease Agreement dated November 28, 2011 as authorized by Ordinance 22-2011, to be operated as both a Visitor’s Center and as Chamber offices. b) The Town agrees to plow the Visitor’s Center parking lots as part of its routine snow removal. Major arterials will always be a priority over this parking lot. Also, at the Town’s discretion, some snow may need to be kept on site, and will likely be stored at the lower parking lot. At no time will the Town hand shovel any snow at the Visitor’s Center. c) The Town agrees to allow the Chamber to utilize the Town’s dumpster located on the site of the Public Works Shop to dispose of trash generated at the Visitor’s Center and Chamber Office. Furthermore, the Town agrees to empty the outside trash containers as part of its regular schedule, with the understanding that the overall upkeep of the site is a Chamber responsibility and that from time to time, other Town responsibilities may take precedence over this function, leaving the duties of trash removal instead to Chamber staff and volunteers. If the Town determines that trash from the Chamber becomes an unfavorable situation, due to quantity, handling or otherwise, the Town may require the Chamber to provide trash disposal at the Chamber’s expense. d) The Town agrees to share in the costs of operating the Visitor’s Center. For the budget year 2015, the Town agrees to pay $32,732 from undesignated General Fund revenues towards this goal. This money will be remitted quarterly by the Town after receiving a quarterly report from the Chamber and the Town finds the report to be satisfactory. e) The Town agrees to remit to the Chamber on a quarterly basis 95% of the Nightly Rental License Fees collected by the Town. This money will be remitted by the Town after receiving a quarterly report from the Chamber and the Town finds the report to be satisfactory. f) The Town agrees to designate two members of the Town Board of Trustees to serve as voting members of the Board of Directors of the Chamber. g) The Town agrees to provide timely review and comment of documents submitted by the Chamber as required by this Agreement. h) The Town agrees to review this Agreement with the Chamber annually during the month of October. i) The Town agrees to allow the use of accumulated maintenance contingency funds towards improvements to the basement of the Visitor's Center. The Town and the Chamber will coor...
Obligations of the Town. The Board of Selectmen shall ensure that there is one person appointed as representative to the Oversight Board, and may name an alternate if desired. The appointee shall actively participate in the governance of the VHCAP by attending and participating in meetings, reviewing reports, evaluating programs and identifying unmet needs in their communities. The Town agrees to provide the following services to ensure that the County provides quality, efficient delivery of service: a) Appoint a member to the Oversight Board. Resignation and/or change in town’s representative are to be submitted in writing to the Dukes County Manager at the earliest possible convenience. b) Refer relevant complaints of any kind to the County Manager and the VHCAP Director as soon as possible c) Assist the County Manager and the VHCAP Director in establishing work tasks and priorities. d) Communicate any concerns about the program first to the County Manager in writing. e) Provide prompt review of staff reports and other materials. f) Ensure prompt payment of invoices
Obligations of the Town. The Town agrees as follows: a) The Town Select Board shall appoint one person as representative to the FSOB. The appointee shall actively participate in the FSOB by attending and participating in meetings, reviewing reports, and evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of the underlying programs. b) Submit notice of any resignation, appointment, or any other change in the Town’s representative in writing to the Dukes County Manager at the time such changes occur. c) Submit any relevant concerns to the County Manager in writing as they arise. d) Permit the County Advisory Board to make intra-year budgetary adjustments for both Underlying Service Providers and County Provided Services. e) Ensure prompt payment of invoices issued to the towns for their membership assessments to the extent authorized pursuant to paragraph 5 below.
Obligations of the Town a) The Town agrees to appoint a representative to serve as liaison to the Board of Directors of the Chamber, as needed. b) The Town agrees to remit to the Chamber on a quarterly basis 25% of the annual allocation designated to the Chamber by the Town for fiscal year 2024 related to License Fees, Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants Fees collected by the Town, and General Fund Revenues, as specified in the approved 2024 Town budget. This money will be remitted by the Town within one week of the beginning of each fiscal quarter. c) The Town agrees to remit seventy-one thousand dollars ($71,000) to the Chamber in four quarterly payments to offset the costs of providing marketing and public relations services.
Obligations of the Town. 4.1 The Town agrees that the subject lands constitute an eligible heritage property under By-law 79- 2017, the Heritage Property Tax Rebate Program bylaw. 4.2 Where an application to participate in the Heritage Tax Refund Program is approved, any monies shall be used to preserve, repair and maintain the property. Monies may also be applied to associated works that support and enhance the preservation, repair and maintenance of the designated structure.
Obligations of the Town. 6.1 Prior to the effective date of this Agreement, the Town shall furnish the Authority with the following information: (a) An original up-to-date map of the District supply and distribution system, to the extent such maps are presently available, showing the location and size of any and all water mains and extensions thereto (with identification of said mains as to whether they are cast iron or asbestos cement or other material), existing valves and valve connections, and the location of all hydrants (if any) indicating whether such hydrants are equipped with shut-off valves (a copy of same is attached hereto as Exhibit A). The SCWA shall maintain maps of the District system and any additions, betterments, or deletions to the system and shall incorporate the District information into the SCWA’s mapping program which shall be made available to the District and the Town as changes are made. On the termination of this Agreement, the SCWA shall provide the Town with up-to-date maps of the District system, to include all information that the Town provided to the SCWA pursuant to this paragraph 6.1(a). (b) An up-to-date file of customers and tap card information for the District’s services and fire line services, to the extent such information is available, showing the street address location, including Suffolk County Tax Map information, name of the account and size of each meter and service, type of material and ties to the curb valve, and other information necessary to administer customer accounts. (c) Documentation showing all parcels of land and buildings used in the operation of the District’s water supply and distribution systems and which are to be leased to the SCWA pursuant to this Agreement (see Exhibit A attached hereto). 6.2 The Town agrees to adopt all rates, fees, charges and/or ad valorem or other levies sufficient to pay the management fee set forth in Section VII of this Agreement. 6.3 The Town hereby represents that any debt that has been incurred by the Town, or its predecessors, for the purpose of paying for the cost of improvements to the District water supply and distribution system that is the subject of this Agreement has been paid in full. To the extent that any debt incurred by the Town for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvements to the District water supply and distribution system have not been paid, the Town hereby covenants and agrees that such debt is solely the responsibility of the Town, and the Town agrees to dischar...
Obligations of the Town. PARAGRAPH 5.01. The Town shall make (or shall cause to be made) improvements to Xxx School Road within the existing public right-of-way; and it is expressly acknowledged by the Parties that no additional public right-of-way shall be required to be dedicated to the Town in order to facilitate such improvements to Xxx School Road. The improvements to Xxx School Road shall be in accordance with the following provisions (so that no portion of the Property shall be required to be dedicated as additional right of way). The Town agrees to improve the currently unimproved portion(s) of Xxx School Road (i.e., asphalt pavement) from the Town municipal limits to Solana Boulevard in accordance with all applicable design and engineering standards including, but shall not be limited to: A. Reconstructing and paving the portion(s) of Xxx School Road as shown on EXHIBIT “C”, attached hereto and incorporated herein in concrete, subject to review and approval by the Town Manager; and B. Reconstructing and paving the portion(s) of Xxx School Road as shown on EXHIBIT “C” to a minimum width of 37 feet, including all curbing and drainage infrastructure, and ensuring that, such improvements are capable of supporting either a two-lane or a four-lane undivided road to be determined at the sole discretion and option of the Town Manager, within a minimum existing dedicated right-of-way of 70 feet; and C. Such reconstruction and paving of the portion(s) of Xxx School Road shall also include a sidewalk a minimum of five (5) feet in width along the portion of Xxx School Road that borders the Property; and D. Such reasonable reconstruction of the portion of the entry drive shown as “SOLANA HILLS DRIVE” which falls within the right-of-way, subject to approval by the Town Manager and requirements of State Law. The Town Manager, at their sole option and discretion, may elect to defer such approval to the Town Council. E. The Parties agree that the timing for commencing the improvements to Xxx School Road in accordance with the specifications of this Agreement and all other regulations and standards as found in the Town of Westlake, Texas Code of Ordinances, as amended, shall be at the sole discretion and option of the Town Manager; and F. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the Town shall be responsible for facilitating and managing construction of improvements to Xxx School Road in accordance with the specifications of this Agreement and all other regulations and standards as found in ...
Obligations of the Town. The Town hereby agrees to pay to the Contractor for the faithful performance of this Contract at the rates set forth on Exhibit 1 with a total not to exceed as set forth in the applicable Work Order.
Obligations of the Town. TOWN shall: 1) Obtain the concurrence from TSVI for the CONSULTANT’S proposed tasks and fees (“Task Order”) for the subject work. 2) Enter into an agreement with CONSULTANT for the completion of the subject tasks. 3) Provide periodic updates to TSVI of ongoing efforts and CONSULTANT costs incurred.
Obligations of the Town. A. The Town agrees and covenants that it will not institute or maintain an action pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules against the Commissioner of DEC, or DEC itself relating to the issuance and/or renewal of a permit to construct and operate the Valley Infill Expansion, as defined herein, in the Town of Seneca Falls. B. Nothing herein will be construed as preventing the Town from opposing any other landfill, or solid waste management unit not described in this HCA from being constructed or operated. C. In the event that the Town, in the future, modifies the terms and conditions of any permits issued to SMI or its regulations governing the operation of the Facility in a manner which substantially interferes with the operation of the Facility, which is inconsistent with DEC’s regulation of the Facility, and which requires SMI to materially change its operations to its significant detriment, SMI may opt, at its