O&M Manual Sample Clauses
O&M Manual. 19.7.1 Ninety (90) days prior to the anticipated date for commencement of the Operations Period (as determined by the Independent Engineer), the Concessionaire, the Concessionaire Project Engineer and the Independent Engineer shall jointly prepare and submit to Authority, an operations, repair, maintenance and safety manual (together with arrangements and procedures for conducting safety related measures) in respect of the Concession Assets that shall comply with the Applicable Standards and Good Industry Practices and shall set out, inter alia, the regular preventive maintenance and operating procedures for the Concession Assets, as to be performed pursuant to the Applicable Standards and Good Industry Practices. Such operations, repair, maintenance and safety manual shall include provisions for operation and maintenance of the Concession Assets and shall, inter alia, provide for life cycle maintenance, routine maintenance and reactive maintenance which may be reasonably necessary for maintenance and repair of the Concession Assets, including replacement thereof, such that their overall condition conforms to the Applicable Standards. The operations, repair, maintenance and safety manual shall also set out certain Project O&M Milestones and their respective Project O&M Milestone Dates.
19.7.2 The operations, repair, maintenance and safety manual jointly prepared by the Concessionaire, the Concessionaire Project Engineer and the Independent Engineer shall be subject to approval of the Authority; provided, however, such approval shall be granted by Authority within fifteen (15) days of the Concessionaire’s request for such approval if the operations, repair, maintenance and safety manual is recommended by the Independent Engineer for approval after addressing any comments and observations of the Authority on the same. The operations, repair, maintenance and safety manual, as approved by the Authority, shall be binding on the Parties (the O&M Manual).
19.7.3 Four (4) copies of the O&M Manual shall be provided by the Concessionaire to each of Authority and the Independent Engineer.
19.7.4 The O&M Manual shall be revised and updated on third (3rd) anniversary of its initial preparation and subsequently every three (3) years thereafter, in each case, with mutual consent of the Parties and in consultation with the Independent Engineer; provided, however, the Parties may revise, update and/or amend the O&M Manual with mutual consent at any time.
O&M Manual. The O&M Manual serves as a guide to the purpose and function of the equipment and systems that make up the remedy. Respondents shall develop the O&M Manual in accordance with Guidance for Management of Superfund Remedies in Post Construction, OLEM 9200.3-105 (Feb. 2017).
O&M Manual. At least sixty (60) Days prior to the start-up of the Facility or any portion thereof, Contractor shall deliver to Company four (4) copies of the preliminary draft of the O&M Manual for the Facility as provided in the Scope of Work. The O&M Manual shall include the information for that manual described in the Scope of Work. Such preliminary draft shall be as reasonably complete as available information shall allow and at a minimum with sufficient information to permit the training of Company’s operation and maintenance personnel and the normal operation and maintenance of the Facility by persons generally familiar with facilities and plants similar to the Facility. Contractor thereafter shall provide to Company four (4) copies of the final and complete O&M Manual for the Facility prior to Final Completion.
O&M Manual. Consultant will receive from the Contractor an operation and maintenance manual (O&M) that includes all major equipment. Consultant to provide brief supplement outlining the purpose, design criteria, operations/controls (including normal operations, theory of operation), and a summary of recommended preventative maintenance activities. This task does not include a comprehensive update to the overall facility O&M manual.
O&M Manual. Supplier shall submit the Operation & Maintenance Manual to Owner within sixty (60) days after the shipment of the last Equipment Package. Unless required by applicable Law, Supplier agrees that neither the Operation & Maintenance Manual (nor any updates or amendments to the Operation & Maintenance Manual, including any service bulletins) shall materially adversely impact the performance, safety or the expected lifetime of the Equipment. Any such updates or amendments shall be sent to Owner in a timely manner. In addition, Supplier agrees that the Operation & Maintenance Manual (and any updates or amendments to the Operation & Maintenance Manual, including any service bulletins) shall comply with Prudent Practices and be consistent with applicable Laws.
O&M Manual. The Company shall have provided to the County 5 copies of a draft Operation and Maintenance Manual 90 days before the Operations Commencement Date, and the final Operation and Maintenance Manual prior to the Operations Commencement Date;
O&M Manual. ENGINEER shall prepare an update to the narrative sections of the existing WRWTP O&M Manual for the processes that are being modified through this project, as well as the WWSP RWF_1.0. Information pertaining to the existing facility that are not impacted by the final design will not be updated. It is assumed that up to 80 hours will be required to update O&M Manual.
1. Section updates to the existing WRWTP O&M Manual. Assumptions
1. The CITY shall provide control descriptions regarding the equipment installed or updated during the WWSP RWF_1.0
O&M Manual. As a Condition Precedent to achieving SPG Mechanical Completion, the preliminary draft of the O&M Manual shall be delivered to Buyer for Buyer's review and comment, including, each of the following: (i) the Vendor Manuals including the installation manuals and the Solar Panel Supplier manuals, assembled and compiled in binders, containing all such materials organized by the categories; (ii) the list of recommended Spare Parts, specifications, and vendor information; and (iii) other documents that Buyer may reasonably request. After following the review and comment procedure set forth below in Section 11.10.5 for Deliverables and as a condition to achieving Substantial Completion, Seller shall furnish to Buyer six (6) complete hard copies plus a reproducible electronic copy (in a format/media satisfactory to Buyer) of the final O&M Manual. Seller agrees to send or cause to be sent to Buyer any updates to the O&M Manual issued by the Solar Panel Supplier in a timely manner until Substantial Completion. As a Condition Precedent to achieving SPG Mechanical Completion, the preliminary draft of SCADA Manual shall be delivered to Buyer for Buyer's review and comment. After following the review and comment procedure set forth below in Section 11.10.5 for Deliverables and as a Condition Precedent to achieving Substantial Completion, Seller shall furnish to Buyer six (6) complete hard copies plus a reproducible electronic copy (in a format/media satisfactory to Buyer) of the final SCADA.
O&M Manual. In accordance with WAC 000-000-000, we will prepare an operations and maintenance (O&M) manual to describe and explain the design intent, function, and operational and maintenance requirements of the new facilities at the treatment plant. The hard copy manual will include cross referencing, with specific equipment operation and maintenance requirements provided by the Contractor (and by equipment suppliers in the case of City-procured equipment items). The O&M Manual will include: • Process control • Operational strategies • Troubleshooting guidance • Specific maintenance data for: o Headworks o Anoxic selector and aeration basins o UV disinfection o Blowers o Miscellaneous piping, valving and hydraulic structures o General plant facilities • Functional descriptions for programming • Record drawings (as completed in Task 8.2) The Draft O&M Manual will be prepared prior to construction completion and submitted to the City for review. After review comments have been incorporated, three printed and electronic copies of the Final O&M Manual will be submitted prior to the initial plant startup.
O&M Manual. At least three (3) months prior to the Completion Date, the Project Company will deliver to the Contracting Authority and the Independent Expert, the completed O&M Manual prepared on the basis of the Project Company O&M Plan . The Project Company O&M Plan, as incorporated in the O&M Manual, shall be the updated version of the O&M Plan (incorporating the Project Company Monitoring and Inspection System) which is attached in Schedule 17 (Project Company O&M Plan) to this Agreement.