PATERNITY AND ADOPTIVE LEAVE. A prospective father or adoptive parent is entitled to paternity or adoptive leave of up to six (6) consecutive months, the dates of which are to be mutually agreed to by the employee and the Agency/Department Head. Such an employee may elect to take accrued vacation or compensating time off during the period of paternity/adoptive leave, except that in the case of an employee who is regularly scheduled to work less than the normal full-time work week for the classification, paid leave shall be granted only for those days, or fractions thereof, on which such an employee would have worked but for paternity/adoptive leave. The use of sick leave during paternity/adoptive leave shall not be permitted to fathers or adoptive parents unless they are otherwise eligible to use it as provided in Section 11.K. Reinstatement subsequent to paternity/adoptive leave of absence shall be to the same classification from which leave was taken and the Agency/Department Head shall make its best effort to return such employee to the same geographical location, shift, and where there is specialization within a classification, to the same specialization. Questions as to whether or not the Agency/Department Head has made its best effort herein, shall not be subject to the grievance procedure.
PATERNITY AND ADOPTIVE LEAVE. An employee shall be entitled upon request to a leave of absence to begin at any time between the birth or adoption of the child and one (1) year
1. Said employee shall notify the Superintendent, in writing, of his desire to take such leave and, except in case of emergency, shall give such notice at least thirty (30) days prior to the date on which his leave is to begin. The notice shall include a copy of the birth certificate or adoption papers.
2. All or part of a leave taken by a teacher for the purpose paternity or adoption may be charged, at the employee’s discretion, to available paid sick leave days.
PATERNITY AND ADOPTIVE LEAVE. A prospective father or adoptive parent is entitled to paternity or adoptive leave of up to 12 weeks in a twelve month period, the dates of which are to be mutually agreed by the employee and the Agency/Department Head. To be eligible for such leave, an employee must have worked at least 12 months for the County and at least 1,250 hours during the 12 months preceding the first day of leave. Such an employee may elect to take accrued vacation or compensating time off during the period of paternity/adoptive leave, except that in the case of an employee who is regularly scheduled to work less than the normal full-time work week for the classification, paid leave shall be granted only for those days, or fractions thereof, on which such an employee would have worked but for paternity/adoptive leave. The use of sick leave during paternity/adoptive leave shall not be permitted to fathers or adoptive parents unless they are otherwise eligible to use it as provided in Section 11.I. Reinstatement subsequent to paternity/adoptive leave of absence shall be to the same classification from which leave was taken and the Agency/Department Head shall make his/her best effort to return such employee to the same geographical location, shift and where there is specialization within a classification, to the same specialization. Questions as to whether or not the Agency/Department Head has made its best effort herein, shall not be subject to the grievance procedure.
PATERNITY AND ADOPTIVE LEAVE. An employee shall be entitled upon request to a leave of absence to begin at any time within one (1) year of the birth or adoption of the child, and such leave shall be used for the care of and/or bonding with the child, or, for paternity leave, for the care of the mother and/or child.
1. Said employee shall notify the Superintendent, in writing, of his desire to take such leave and, except in case of emergency, shall give such notice at least thirty (30) days prior to the date on which his leave is to begin. The notice shall include a copy of the birth certificate or adoption papers.
2. All or part of a leave taken by a teacher for the purpose paternity or adoption may be charged, at the employee’s discretion, to available paid sick leave days.
3. The leave allowed will be: Paternity Leave – up to 10 days Adoptive leave – Child under the age of 5: up to 30 days Adoptive Leave – Child over the age of 5: up to 10 days
PATERNITY AND ADOPTIVE LEAVE. A prospective father or adoptive parent is entitled to paternity or adoptive leave of up to 12 weeks, the dates of which are to be mutually agreed by the employee and the Chief of Service. Such leave shall be scheduled within the period of 30 days prior to the estimated date of delivery/adoption and 30 days after the date of delivery/adoption. Such a Resident Physician may elect to take time off allowance as provided in Section 13.D, during the period of paternity/adoptive leave. The use of sick leave during paternity/adoptive leave shall not be permitted to fathers or adoptive parents unless they are otherwise eligible to use it as provided in Section 15.B. Reinstatement subsequent to paternity/adoptive leave of absence shall be to the same classification from which leave was taken and the Chief of Service shall make its best effort to return such employee to the same geographical location, shift, and where there is specialization within a classification, to the same specialization. Questions as to whether or not the Chief of Service has made its best effort herein, shall not be subject to the grievance procedure.
PATERNITY AND ADOPTIVE LEAVE. A prospective father or adoptive parent is entitled to paternity or adoptive leave of up to six (6) consecutive months, the dates of which are to be mutually agreed by the employee and the Department Head. Such an employee may elect to take accrued vacation or compensating time off during the period of paternity/adoptive leave except that in the case of an employee who is regularly scheduled to work less than the normal full-time workweek for the classification, paid leave shall be granted only for those days, or fractions thereof, on which such an employee would have worked but for paternity/adoptive leave. The use of extended sick leave during paternity/adoptive leave shall not be permitted to fathers or adoptive parents unless they are otherwise eligible to use it as provided in Article 11, Paragraph 162.
PATERNITY AND ADOPTIVE LEAVE. Paternity or adoptive leave shall be granted for the first or second year, but not both, and for a total of up to one year, following the birth or placement of an employee's child, without pay. If the necessity for leave is foreseeable based on the expected birth or placement, the employee shall provide the Superintendent with not less than thirty (30) days’ notice before the date the leave is to begin. If the date of birth or placement requires the leave to begin in less than thirty (30) days, the employee shall provide such notice as is practicable.
PATERNITY AND ADOPTIVE LEAVE. A prospective father or adoptive parent is entitled to paternity or adoptive leave of up to six consecutive months, the dates of which are to be mutually agreed by the employee and the Department Head. Such an employee may elect to take accrued vacation or compensating time off during the period of paternity/adoptive leave except that in the case of an employee who is regularly scheduled to work less than the normal full-time workweek for the classification, paid leave shall be granted only for those days, or fractions thereof, on which such an employee would have worked but for paternity/adoptive leave. The use of sick leave during paternity/adoptive leave shall be permitted to fathers or adoptive parents provided in Section 11.
PATERNITY AND ADOPTIVE LEAVE will allowed one day without loss of to responsibilities associated bringing a child into
PATERNITY AND ADOPTIVE LEAVE. Certificated paternity and adoptive leave may be granted to district employees upon approval of the superintendent. Two weeks-advanced notice in writing is required. This leave may be deducted from sick leave.