ORGANISATION STRUCTURE. The Chair for the Team is occupied by the Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants as outlined in the appointment of the institutions forming the Tracking and Monitoring Team by the Minister of Finance and National Planning. The rest of the team are members. An individual will assist the chairperson and members as a full-time Executive Secretary and will head the Secretariat that will, co-ordinate the activities of tracking and monitoring of HIPC resources. He will be key to the development of policy and liaison with the Government and stakeholders. In addition, there will be independent person with depth in consultancy, monitoring and evaluation expertise, a Project Manager who will be responsible for all aspects of the tracking and monitoring of HIPC projects. The Executive Secretary and the Project Manager will constitute the Secretariat. The Secretariat, it is envisaged will be the nerve centre, such that it will be of efficacy to members who are part-time. The Executive Secretary will be assisted by a full-time Personal Secretary cum Office Manager and a full-time Driver. The actual tracking and monitoring activities from project identification to implementation will be decentralised from national, through the regional to the district levels through mobilising and networking with legally recognised and organised volunteer groups of non-governmental organisations working with communities in poverty alleviation activities. In addition the provincial and district administration centres of the government will be utilised for procurement of appropriate information requisite for tracking and monitoring activities. The National HIPC Tracking and Monitoring Team will provide expert advisory services to these mobilised NGOs to enable them participate effectively and efficiently and in so doing finally cultivate a culture of citizens taking individual responsibility in the tracking and monitoring of HIPC resources which are targeted at them. Nonetheless, the national Tracking and Monitoring Team will undertake to make periodic visits to all points of project implementation. A memorandum of understanding with each one of those NGOs selected will be put in place to specifically outline the duties and responsibilities of each party.
ORGANISATION STRUCTURE. As proposed by PwC, the Lion Group’s organisation structure is currently segregated into three (3) distinct levels covering the structure at the overall Group Management level, PLC Management level and also the structure at the various Key Operating Companies (“KOCs”) level.
ORGANISATION STRUCTURE. In order to reflect the industrial leadership as set forth in Section 3.4, it is the Parties' intention that Demag Cranes is operated as a separate and independent operating segment similar to Terex' current Cranes, Construction, Aerial Work Platforms and Material Processing segments and that the Management Board shall continue to have at least the same areas of responsibility for the Demag Cranes business as currently held by the senior management of other Terex segments, and that this responsibility shall vest with a corresponding Demag Cranes Operating Segment Board (such Demag Cranes Operating Segment Board shall be the Management Board). With due regard to the status of Demag Cranes as a member of the Terex Group, the Demag Cranes Operating Segment Board shall have the following areas of responsibility: (a) Operating segment CEO (Chief Executive Officer) with responsibility for the Service Segment, Corporate Strategy, Compliance, Legal Affairs, Corporate Com-muni-cation & Marketing, Internal Audit, Regional Subsidiaries, Executive Training & Coaching, Human Resources; (b) Operating segment COO (Chief Operating Officer) with responsibility for the Industrial Cranes Segment and Port Technology Segment; and (c) Operating segment CFO (Chief Financial Officer) with responsibility for Investor Relations, Accounting, Treasury & Insurance, IT, Planning, Reporting & Financial Controlling, Tax, Mergers & Acquisitions and Purchasing, in each case including all subsidiaries, joint ventures and investments in affiliates of Demag Cranes AG ("Subsidiaries" or "Subsidiary"), provided however, that • the members of the Demag Cranes Operating Segment Board shall, to the extent permissible under German law, cooperate to ensure compliance of Terex with its requirements as a US-listed company; and • upon effectiveness of the Domination Agreement, the areas of responsibilities shall be in line with the structure of responsibilities within the Terex Group. The Demag Cranes Operating Segment CEO shall (i) receive the title of "President of Demag Cranes", (ii) report directly to the chairman and chief executive officer of Terex, and (iii) be a member of the Terex Executive Leadership Team.
ORGANISATION STRUCTURE. [Define how the congress will be organised – eg by the Associate Society or Societies, or by a Limited Company set up by an Associate Society to organise the congress Name the person responsible for the organisation of the Congress and the person responsible for the Scientific Programme] [Name – member of IRPA Executive Council] will be IRPA’s EC liaison member for this Regional Congress. [State whether the IRPA nominee is a member of the Congress Organising Committee]
ORGANISATION STRUCTURE. Both parties agree that the organisational structure developed for the future must ensure optimum productivity is achieved. Optimum means the best achievable outcomes recognising all circumstances. 17.1. It is further recognised that teamwork is the key to introducing productivity improvements in the future. This will result in employees working in both functional and cross-functional teams from time to time. Functional teams are teams formed from within the same functional area whereas cross functional teams involve employees from different functional areas formed to address a specific or particular issues. 17.2. Both parties are committed to the concept of self-directing work teams as a means of increasing employee job satisfaction, productivity, safety, and employment security. It is recognised that the introduction of this concept will have a significant impact on the role of jobs and will aim at increased autonomy for employees in the way they undertake their work. It will also result in a need for an increased level of flexibility of staff to perform a range of duties at a higher, and at times, a lower level. The concept aims to empower work teams to make operational decisions which affect their day-to-day work in providing improved service to the local community without the necessity to refer to a higher level of authority. 17.3. During the course of this Agreement the parties agree to hold discussions in order to review the application of the existing classification structure. Upon agreement an alternative structure may be substituted during the term of this Agreement.
ORGANISATION STRUCTURE. CLAUSE 3.6 .............................................................. 10 OVERTIME – CLAUSE 4.3 ............................................................................................... 20 PARENTAL LEAVE (INCLUDES MATERNITY, PATERNITY AND ADOPTION LEAVE) – CLAUSE 6.4 ....................................................................................................
ORGANISATION STRUCTURE. 22 PART 6HOURS OF WORK & RELATED MATTERS ......................................... 23 6.1
ORGANISATION STRUCTURE. The congress will be organized under responsibility of the Society. A simple organization chart is given below The Society formed a Local Organising Committee for the purposes of the bid to host AOARP 5 in Melbourne. The Local Organising Committee consists of: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx (President) A/Xxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx (Immediate Past President) A/Xxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx (Vice President and Convenor) Xxxxx Xxxxxxx (Treasurer) Xx Xxxxx Xxxxx
ORGANISATION STRUCTURE. The parties agree that the organisational structure developed for the future must ensure optimum productivity is achieved. Optimum means the best achievable outcome recognising all circumstances. 3.6.1 It is further recognised that teamwork is the key to introducing productivity improvements in the future. This will result in employees working in both functional and cross-functional teams from time to time. Functional teams are teams formed from within the same functional area whereas cross functional teams involve employees from different functional areas formed to address a specific or particular issue.
ORGANISATION STRUCTURE. The congress will be organized under responsibility of the Foundation. A simple organization chart is given below ATPRI&NI President is AFRIRPA V TUNIS 2018 congress president . The Steering Committee is presided by the ATPRI&NI secretary. The LOC is presided by the ATPRI&NI vice president, the The coordinator of F&L Affairs is the ATPRI&NI tresorer; the AFRIRPA V TUNIS 2018 congress president will assign a PR person The Steering Committee consists of Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxx AFRIRPA V TUNIS 2018 congress president Xx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, secretary the stearing committee Xx Xxxxxx Chouchene , co-ordinator working group on financial and legal aspects Xx Xxxxx Kamoun, chairman LOC Ms Xxxxxxx El May, chairman SPC [Name – nominated by IRPA Executive Council] will be IRPA’s principal point of contact for this Regional Congress. The IRPA nominee will receive all communication of the Local Organizing Committee and is invited to provide advice concerning organizational matters whenever appropriate.