Person-Centered Planning. The formal process, consistent with the requirements of 42 C.F.R. § 441.725, that organizes services and supports around a self-directed, self- determined, and goal-directed future. This includes the process by which a child’s family or guardian, with the assistance of appropriate State personnel or contracted entities, Provider Agency staff, and/or healthcare professionals, identifies the most integrated setting appropriate for the child and the services necessary to enable the child to reside in the most integrated setting.
Person-Centered Planning. The Michigan Mental Health Code establishes the right for all recipients to have an Individual Plan of Service (IPS) developed through a person-centered planning process (Section 712, added 1996). The CMHSP shall implement person-centered planning in accordance with the MDHHS Person-Centered Planning Practice Guideline, Attachment C 3.3.1.
Person-Centered Planning. The state must utilize a person-centered and directed planning process, intended to identify the strengths, capacities, preferences, needs, and desired outcomes of the participant. An Individual Service and Spending Plan (ISSP) is developed with the assistance of the service advisor team and those individuals the participant chooses to include. The ISSP includes the services and supports that the participant needs to live independently in the community. A back-up plan must be developed and incorporated into the ISSP to assure that the needed assistance will be provided in the event that the regular services and supports identified in the ISSP are temporarily unavailable. The back-up plan may include other individual assistants or agency services. The state shall have a process that permits participants to request a change to the person-centered plan, if the participant’s health circumstances necessitate a change, but in any event, the ISSP will be reviewed and
Person-Centered Planning. The Parties recognize that all contracts should reflect person-centered planning that values the input of consumers, family members, and PSWs.
Person-Centered Planning. 11 Section 5. Centralized State Payment System for Brokerage and CDDP Providers 11 Section 6. Properly Completed Claim 11 Section 7. Submission. 12 Section 8. Payment System Processing. 12 Section 9. Payment Dates 12 Section 10. Direct Deposit 12 ARTICLE 9 – NO DISCRIMINATION 12 Section 1. No Discrimination. 12 Section 2. Consumer Rights 12
Person-Centered Planning. MassHealth MCO, Partnership Plan, and Primary Care ACO enrollees with identified LTSS needs will have a person-centered care plan maintained at the MassHealth MCO, Partnership Plan, or Primary Care ACO, consistent with the requirements at 42 CFR 438.208(c)(3). Person-centered planning includes consideration of the current and unique psycho-social and medical needs and history of the enrollee, as well as the person’s functional level and support systems. The person- centered plan will be developed by a person trained in person- centered planning using a person-centered process and plan with the enrollee, the assistance of the enrollee’s providers, and those individuals the enrollee chooses to include. The plan will include the services and supports that the enrollee needs. The plan will be reviewed and revised upon reassessment of functional need, at least every 12 months, if the enrollee’s needs change significantly, or at the request of the enrollee. Person-centered plans will be developed in accordance with 42 CFR 441.301(c)(4)(F)(1) through (8).
Person-Centered Planning. An individual-directed process that may include a representative whom the individual has freely chosen, and others chosen by the individual to contribute to the process. This is a positive approach to the planning and coordination of services and supports based on individual aspirations, needs, preferences, and values in a manner that reflects individual preferences and goals. The goal of person-centered planning is to create a plan that optimizes the person’s self-defined quality of life, choice, and control, and self-determination through meaningful exploration and discovery of unique preferences, needs and wants in areas including, but not limited to, health and well-being, relationships, safety, communication, residence, technology, community, resources, and assistance. The person must be empowered to make informed choices that lead to the development, implementation, and maintenance of a flexible service plan for paid and unpaid services and supports in the most integrated setting that reflects personal preferences and choices. Person-Centered Support Plan (PCSP) – As it pertains to CHOICES, ECF CHOICES, and 1915(c) waivers, the PCSP is a written plan developed by the Support Coordinator, Care Coordinator, Independent Care Coordinator, or DIDD Case Manager in accordance with person-centered planning requirements set forth Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM) – An entity responsible for the provision and administration of pharmacy services. Plan of Care – As it pertains to Population Health the plan of care is a personalized plan to meet a member’s specific needs and contains the following elements: prioritized goals that consider member and care giver needs which are documented; a time frame for re-evaluation; the resources to be utilized; a plan for continuity of care, including transition of care and transfers; and uses a collaborative approach including family participation. The plan of care is built upon the information collected from the health assessment to actively engage the member in developing goals and identifying a course of action to respond to the members’ needs. The goals and actions in the plan of care must address medical, social, educational, and other services needed by the member. Providing educational materials alone does not meet the intent of this factor. Population Health Care Coordination Program - The program addresses acute health needs or risks which need immediate attention. Assistance provided to enrollees is short-term and ti...
Person-Centered Planning. ICOs shall ensure that a person-centered planning process is used to develop an Individual Integrated Care and Supports Plan (IICSP). Enrollees receiving supports and services have a right to choose an independent or external facilitator of the person-centered planning process. ICOs will ensure that medically necessary services are provided to enrollees in accordance with criteria established in the Medicaid policy, in the most integrated community setting, and in accordance with the enrollee’s wishes and IICSP. Sufficient investment in training in the person-centered planning process will be made to assure competency in its application as the basis for all supports and services.
Person-Centered Planning. Person-Centered Planning is a continuous problem-solving process used to assist members to plan for their future. The focus is on helping members to develop personal relationships, participate in the community, increase control and autonomy over their own lives and develop the skills and abilities needed to achieve their goals. Person-Centered Planning maximizes member- direction and supports the member to make informed decisions, so that he/she can lead/participate in the process to the fullest extent possible. The Planning Document developed through this process, safeguards against unjustified restrictions of member rights, and ensures members are provided with the necessary information and supports in order to gain full access to the benefits of community living to the greatest extent possible. The Contractor, in collaboration and coordination with the member’s Support Coordinator, ensures responsiveness to the member’s needs and choices regarding service delivery, personal goals, and preferences. The member and family/representative, as appropriate, and providers involved in the support, care and treatment of the member have immediate access to the member’s Planning Documents to promote coordinated, integrated care.
Person-Centered Planning. Person-centered planning is a collaborative, person-directed process designed to assist an individual to plan their life and supports. A PIHP is a managed care organization that provides Medicaid services and money to the Community Mental Health Service Provider to pay for specialty mental health services and supports in an area of the state. There are 10 PIHPs in Michigan. A Purchase of Service Agreement is an option of self-direction where the individual can contract directly with a professional level provider including those who are not already on the provider panel. The individual has the authority to terminate the contract and set wages based on the CMHSP contracted rate for that service. A qualified provider is an individual or agency that meets the federal and state requirements in their contract to provide mental health services and supports. Self-determination (SD) is the right of all people to have the power to make decisions for themselves; to have free will. The goals of SD, on an individual basis, are to promote full inclusion in community life, to feel important and increase belonging while reducing the isolation and segregation of people who receive services. Self-determination builds upon choice, autonomy, competence and relatedness which are building blocks of psychological wellbeing. Self-direction is an alternative method for obtaining supports and services. It is the act of selecting, directing and managing one’s services and supports. People who self- direct their services are able to decide how to spend their CMH services budget with support, as desired. The methods of self-direction are crafted with the principles of self-determination. Freedom Deciding how to live a good life Authority Controlling a targeted amount of dollars Support Organizing resources in ways that are life enhancing and meaningful Responsibility Using public funds wisely Confirmation Having a role in redesigning the service system Supported Decision-Making Is a process that enables people receiving services to retain and exercise their rights and make and communicate choices in regard to personal and legal matters assisted by a group of people they know, trust and have chosen to support them. Supported Decision-Making is an alternative to guardianship. Instead of having a guardian make a decision for the person, Supported Decision-Making allows the person to make his or her own decisions.