Planning/Preparation Time Sample Clauses
Planning/Preparation Time. 1. Elementary School employees shall have a prep time schedule of one (1) hour per day except Wednesday. Middle school and high school employees shall have at least one period of planning/preparation time during each instructional school day. (2018)
2. Non-instructional time that is not a part of the prep period and/or a part of the duty free lunch period may be scheduled as duty time provided that such duty time does not exceed the thirty (30) minutes per week. Whenever practical, the prep period should be at the same time period each instructional day.
3. Except in a bona fide emergency, planning/preparation time shall not be assigned to other duties except by mutual consent of the employee and the District.
4. Except in a bona fide emergency or unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, planning/preparation time shall be uninterrupted and duty free.
5. Planning/preparation time shall be scheduled to occur during the teacher's instructional day which is defined as the six and one half (6.5) hour time period that commences with the regular class starting time in the District as described in Article IV, 4.A above and exclusive of the employee's duty free lunch period. Planning/preparation time missed to late start and/or early dismissal shall not be a violation of this provision.
6. Substituting during preparation time: If an employee and his/her supervising principal mutually agree to the employee using his/her preparation time to substitute for another member of the bargaining unit, then the employee using his/her preparation time for such purpose shall be paid at half the daily substitute rate of pay.
Planning/Preparation Time. 22.01 All bargaining unit members shall be granted a minimum of forty-five (45) minutes per day for planning, preparation and conferences of which at least thirty (30) minutes must be consecutive and the remaining time will be in one (1) block. Three of the days shall not be used for meetings. For elementary preparation time, the remaining minutes will be scheduled either before or after the instructional day.
22.02 Teachers have the right to refuse to "cover" a class during their planning, preparation and conference period. Teachers who are asked and agree to cover a class during their planning, preparation and conference period will be paid at the rate of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per period used. This section shall also apply to elementary teachers who must "cover" an art, music, or physical education class due to the absence of a special area teacher where no substitute for that teacher has been provided.
22.03 Elementary teachers (K-6) shall have the responsibility of noon duties. However, junior/senior high school (7-12) teachers will not be assigned lunch duty more than three years out of five years.
22.04 The Board will make every reasonable effort to limit class size to a maximum of thirty (30) pupils, including "mainstreamed" pupils. Band, general music, choir, physical education, and study halls are exempted from this provision. Where class size at the elementary level exceeds the thirty (30) pupil goals described above, the teacher of the affected class will receive one (1) dollar per pupil per day for each pupil over the thirty (30) pupil goal for any portion of a day.
Planning/Preparation Time. The parties recognize the educational importance of collaboration and planning time for licensed employees. The parties will cooperate in maximizing collaboration and planning time for licensed employees. High school and middle school licensed employees shall be assigned collaboration and planning time equivalent to at least one (1) school site class period per day. Elementary school licensed employees shall be assigned planning and collaboration time equivalent to at least forty-five (45) uninterrupted minutes per day, which may be averaged over a two (2) week period. It is recognized that, due to the need to revamp current schedules at all elementary schools, this provision as it pertains to elementary school can not be implemented until January 2007.
Planning/Preparation Time. 23.01 A. All certificated members shall be granted one (1) planning/preparation period per day (approximately 42 minutes) with no classroom responsibilities. Such periods shall be scheduled during the time students are in session. This planning/ preparation period shall be in addition to the thirty (30) minute, duty-free lunch. For special program teachers, in order to maintain scheduling flexibility, their planning/preparation time shall be arranged by the Career Technical Director. Other certificated members not having a fixed schedule, will be allowed flexibility in arranging their planning/preparation time.
Planning/Preparation Time. Each full time teacher should have a daily period for conferences and preparations and should have a schedule which normally provides a minimum of two hundred (200) minutes per five (5) day week. In the event a teacher at any building is assigned or agrees to teach a scheduled class during their normal planning time, the teacher shall receive additional compensation in the amount of $3,000 per semester or $6,000 per year.
Planning/Preparation Time. All Employees classified as classroom teachers shall receive a planning/preparation period equal to no less than one (1) class period per scheduled day.
Planning/Preparation Time. 1. Elementary School employees shall have one (1) forty-five (45) minute prep period per regular length instructional day. For 2014-2015 the previous sentence has been suspended and the elementary staff has agreed to a prep time schedule of one (1) hour per day except Wednesday. Middle school and high school employees shall have at least one period of planning/preparation time during each instructional school day. (2014)
2. Non-instructional time that is not a part of the prep period and/or a part of the duty free lunch period may be scheduled as duty time provided that such duty time does not exceed the thirty
Planning/Preparation Time. All teachers shall be provided at least one period per day for the purposes of planning/preparation. All elementary teachers in the district shall have at least (40) minutes of time each workday for the purpose of planning with 30 minutes being consecutive. Reasonable efforts shall be made to provide duty- free planning time. Except when assigned to supervise students, elementary teachers may use the time during which their students are in special classes such as art, music, or physical education as preparation/conference periods.
Planning/Preparation Time. 1. The parties recognize the educational importance of collaboration and planning time for licensed employees. The parties will cooperate in maximizing collaboration and planning time for licensed employees.
2. High school and middle school licensed employees shall be assigned collaboration and planning time equivalent to at least one (1) school site class period per day.
3. Elementary school licensed employees shall be assigned planning and collaboration time equivalent to at least forty-five (45) uninterrupted minutes per day, which may be averaged over a two (2) week period.