Elementary Preparation Time Sample Clauses
Elementary Preparation Time. [a] All elementary educators, including special education teachers, will receive the equivalent of thirty-six (36) minutes per day of preparation time during the contract day (with the exception of first week of school). Teachers are expected to use this time in direct preparation for their classroom teaching. The principal with input from the JSSC, will determine how to structure the preparation program for their school. The preparation schedule may be modified for special activities when agreed upon by the JSSC. [b] By mutual agreement of the contract negotiating teams, an elementary preparation time committee may be convened to evaluate and recommend changes to the Elementary Prep Time Program. Such committee will be made up of an equal number of educators, classified employees, and administrators. This committee will make recommendations to the negotiation teams about how future funding can best be used to promote high quality instruction within the preparation time program.
Elementary Preparation Time. Each full time elementary teacher shall have a minimum of 60 minutes of preparation time per day, or a minimum of 300 minutes of preparation time per week, in blocks of no less than 30 minutes. Exceptions to this may be made by mutual agreement between the School District and the Exclusive Representative of the teachers.
Elementary Preparation Time. The Board agrees to provide a weekly minimum of two hundred twenty-five (225) minutes of preparation and conference time for all elementary teachers.
Elementary Preparation Time. A 1.0 FTE shall be provided a minimum of three hundred (300) minutes per week of preparation time during the student contact day. Daily preparation time shall be provided in uninterrupted blocks of fifty (50) minutes. Such time shall not include student transitioning.
Elementary Preparation Time. The Board shall provide a minimum of 180 minutes per five-day week of preparation time for each elementary teacher. Special circumstances that alter this schedule will not exceed two (2) times per year, per teacher. Preparation time for part-time elementary teachers shall be pro-rated on the basis of this allotment. 30 minute lunches, recesses and before and after school time shall not count as part of this time.
Elementary Preparation Time. All elementary classroom employees shall have a minimum of 160 minutes of preparation time each week (excluding the half-hour before and after school, the regularly scheduled recess times and duty-free lunch period). The time made available while an employee’s students are in a program taught by a specialist may be used to meet the 160-minute requirement for preparation time. Preparation time K-5 will be equitable.
Elementary Preparation Time. 17.8.1. Each primary grade elementary classroom teacher grades TK-2, shall be provided a minimum of one hundred (100) minutes preparation time during the school week. At least fifty (50) minutes of this time shall be scheduled within the unit members’ site workday, which includes twenty (20) minutes before school, twenty-five (25) minutes after the primary grade dismissal bell, and twenty (20) minutes after the upper grade dismissal bell. Unit members shall not be assigned any instructional or supervision duties during the planning/preparation time. For at least 32 weeks per year, the District shall provide fifty (50) minutes of prep, per week, unless adjusted for field trips, minimum days and testing schedules. This prep time shall be scheduled within the instructional day for students. Unit members shall not be assigned any instructional or supervision duties during this planning/preparation time.
17.8.2. For any week in which there are at least four (4) student instructional days, the District shall provide each upper grade, 3-5, elementary classroom teacher an average of one hundred (100) minutes per week of preparation time during the school year, unless adjusted for field trips, minimum days and testing schedules. This preparation time shall be scheduled within the instructional day for students. Unit members shall not be assigned any instructional or supervision duties during their planning/preparation time. In order to meet the commitment to provide the elementary preparation time provided for herein, if the elementary preparation time is provided by physical education (P.E.) teachers, those P.E. prep teachers shall receive two (2) fifty (50) minute preparation periods per five day week. If assigned to one school, elementary P.E. prep teachers shall perform other duties required of classroom teachers at the school such as supervision and adjunct duties. P.E. prep teachers shall have one common collaboration day per trimester in addition to the District and Site PD days.
17.8.3. Classroom teachers grades 1 to 5 shall ensure that students receive 200 minutes of physical education instruction every 10 consecutive school days. If some physical education instruction is provided by a credentialed physical education teacher, the regular classroom teacher shall provide the remainder.
Elementary Preparation Time. The Parties note the government’s intention, conditional upon the approval by the Lieutenant Governor-in-Council, to fund additional preparation time for elementary teachers as follows:
Elementary Preparation Time. Elementary teachers will, through the employment of art, music and physical education teachers and librarians, have a minimum of two hundred twenty-five (225) minutes of preparation time per week during the student day. Each elementary teacher will have a minimum of forty-five (45) minutes of individual preparation time during the student day scheduled as a single block of time whenever possible. Each elementary special area teacher will have a minimum of forty-five (45) minutes of individual preparation time to be scheduled as a single block of time whenever possible. Where scheduling does not support a full forty-five (45) minute single block, planning time in partial blocks of no less than fifteen (15) minutes in length will be used.
Elementary Preparation Time. Section 1: Effective September 1, 2025, each elementary teacher will be scheduled for a minimum of 180 220 minutes of preparation time per week (during the regular school day), which is to be scheduled in meaningful units, pro-rated by FTE. Given the minimum scheduled preparation time of 180 220 minutes per week, elementary teachers will receive a minimum of 30 45 minutes of duty-free preparation time (excluding their duty-free lunch time) for three (3) days per week, and the Committee will make reasonable efforts to continue providing, subject to economic factors, a minimum of 30 45 minutes of duty-free preparation time (excluding their duty-free lunch time) on two (2) additional days per week for a total of five (5) days per week.