Preparation Day. Teaching Support Staff Teaching Assistants, Laboratory and Library Employees will be afforded one day, or the equivalent of one day, during the student-free days at the commencement of each year free from meetings for preparation.
Preparation Day. Upon notice by the building principal to the Association President of the intent to schedule a staff meeting during a teacher preparation day, the building’s licensed/certificated staff shall conduct a vote on whether to consent to such a meeting. The teacher preparation day may not have administratively scheduled staff meetings without the prior consent of a majority of the building licensed/certificated staff. If a meeting is held with such consent, the meeting may not exceed one hour in length unless mutually agreed upon.
Preparation Day. The purpose of the Preparation Day is to allow certified classroom teachers, including special area teachers, a day to attend to professional duties. Each certified classroom teacher will be allowed one (1) Preparation Day during the school year. The following guidelines will apply to the Preparation Day.
1. The certified teacher will schedule the Preparation Day either in writing (Cause of Absence Form) or using the Absence Reporting System (AESOP) no less than five
Preparation Day. Teacher preparation days prior to each track are intended primarily for classroom setup and preparation. Staff meetings scheduled on these days should relate directly to the coordination and start up of the incoming track.
Preparation Day. The purpose of the Preparation Day is to allow certified classroom teachers, including special area teachers, a day to attend to professional duties. Each certified classroom teacher will be allowed one (1) Preparation Day during the school year. The following guidelines will apply to the Preparation Day.
1. The certified teacher will schedule the Preparation Day either using the Absence Reporting System (AESOP) no less than five (5) working days prior. All Preparation Days must be pre-approved by the Site Administrator. The Preparation Day may be scheduled up to February 28th of each school year.
2. Once the Preparation Day is approved, the certified teacher will enter the requested day into the absence reporting system no less than two (2) working days prior to the Preparation Day.
3. The certified teacher will report to a site that has been mutually agreed upon by the teacher and site administrator.
4. If the certified teacher does not work at his/her primary work site, he/she will provide documentation to show he/she worked the required hours for his/her duty day. The following days are exempt from Preparation Days:
a. Anytime that students do not attend
b. First week students attend c. Two days prior to and one day following a holiday 5. A substitute teacher will be provided for the certified teacher. A substitute plan will be provided by the certified teacher to cover the day’s lessons. In the event a substitute is not secured, the certified teacher may need to re-schedule the Preparation Day.
Preparation Day. One (1) day shall be scheduled on the work year calendar for individually- directed preparation prior to the start of the school year.
Preparation Day. The District agrees to pay certificated staff for one per diem (in building) “Teacher work day” prior to the beginning of each year through the 2013-2014 school year. Dates for preparation days will be determined through the calendar process. This day is not mandatory and only staff who choose to work that day will be reimbursed.
Preparation Day. Teacher preparation days prior to each track are intended primarily for classroom setup and preparation. Staff meetings scheduled on these days should relate directly to the coordination and start up of the incoming track. Book CVEA Association Contract Section CAJON VALLEY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION Title Sabbatical Leave Code ... Addendum 8 Status Active Adopted February 14, 2017
Preparation Day. Teaching Support Staff Teaching Support Employees will be afforded one day, or the equivalent of one day, during the student-free days at the commencement of each year free from meetings for preparation.
58. HOURS OF WORK - CORE AND FLEXIBLE ELEMENTS - Part-time Teacher Assistants
58.1 An Employee's hours of work will be made up of a ‘core’ element (his/her substantive position) based on the average (mean) of his/her full-time equivalent (FTE) over the previous three years of his/her employment in the school. There may be an additional ‘flexible’ element in his/her FTE, which can vary from time to time according to the schools’ need.
58.2 Part-time Teacher Assistants are on-going Employees unless they are on Replacement or Limited Tenure contracts. Individual letters of appointment must state this.
58.3 Calculations of core and flexible elements for all part-time Teacher Assistants will be done in mid Term 3 each year initially by averaging the Employee’s FTE for the current year and the previous two years of service using a divisor of three (3).
58.4 In cases where an Employee gains a position in his/her current or a new school at a higher FTE the Employee’s core FTE will be the average of the previous two years FTE and the FTE of the new appointment.
58.5 In cases where an Employee gains a position in his/her current or a new school at a lower FTE the Employee’s core FTE will be deemed to correspond to the FTE of the new appointment.
58.6 A further calculation will apply; 70% of the core element will be designated as the actual core element and 30% will be designated the flexible element.
58.7 If three years of service including the current year as a full year have not been completed the averaging process will still use a divisor of three (3) for the purpose of calculating core and flexible elements.
58.8 If a reduction in core element FTE is requested by the Employer due to a need to reduce staffing Clause 30 (Reduction in Hours of Work and Transitional Maintenance of Salary) will apply.
58.9 The FTE applicable to each Employee at 1 March of each year will be the FTE that is applied for calculation purposes.
58.10 The flexible element FTE may be varied from year to year according to the school’s need and this will be noted in a limited tenure contract. The flexible element will be the difference between the total FTE and the core element.
58.11 The core and flexible elements must be clearly expressed in statements of FTE hours issued each year.
58.12 If...
Preparation Day. All employees provided the workload stipend in paragraph 1 above, except school psychologists, shall be given a supplemental contract, prorated by FTE, for one (1) additional classroom/program preparation day at the certificated hourly rate to complete program schedules, prepare IEP-at-a-glance documents, and/or prepare learning spaces for the first day of school. Employees who believe they need additional time may request such time with the Director of Special Services.