Procedure for Handling Harassment Complaints Sample Clauses

Procedure for Handling Harassment Complaints a) All complaints of harassment shall be covered by this article and dealt with in a serious manner. b) Leave without loss of pay and expenses shall be paid by the Employer for any proceedings under this article. c) All proceedings under this article are confidential. Breach of confidentiality shall be subject to disciplinary action. d) No information relating to complainant(s) personal background, lifestyle, mode of dress, etc., will be admissible during proceedings under this Article. e) In the event that both the harasser as well as the victim, are members of the Union, the Employer agrees to allow each their right to xxxxxxx representation. f) Nothing in this article precludes the rights of the victim to take their complaint to any outside agency, i.e., Human Rights Commission, SCAR, Ombudsman, MLA, MP, church, etc., at any time they deem appropriate. 1. Any complaint may be lodged in confidence with a Union or management official of their choice, or a formal complaint may be lodged directly at Step 2. In either case, the recipient of the complaint shall immediately notify the accused of the complaint. 2. The complaint shall be investigated in confidence and an honest attempt will be made to achieve resolution. 3. If a satisfactory resolution is achieved, the process ends here. If no satisfactory resolution is achieved, then Step 2 is implemented. Step 2 1. A formal complaint shall be submitted concurrently in writing, to management, and to the Union, i.e., Chief Executive Officer. 2. Upon receipt of the written complaint, management shall set up a board within five (5) calendar days to investigate the complaint. The board shall consist of one (1) union representative, one (1) management representative and an independent chairperson. The chairperson is to be selected by rotation, (No representative on the board shall be from the department workplace where the incident is alleged to have occurred). The first item of business shall be to recommend to the Employer whether the harasser or complainant should be removed from the immediate workplace. It is agreed that as a general principle the harasser be the one removed. However, in exceptional circumstances, (factors such as the emotional and mental health of the complainant), the complainant may be removed. In any case, there shall be no loss of pay or benefits during the period of investigation for either party. 3. An opportunity for all parties affected to be heard, will be provided, in whatever manner ...
Procedure for Handling Harassment Complaints. All complaints of harassment shall be covered by this Policy and dealt with in a serious manner.
Procedure for Handling Harassment Complaints a) All complaints of harassment shall be covered by this Article and dealt with in a serious manner. b) Leave without loss of pay, for employees required to be involved, shall be allowed by the Employer for any proceedings under this Article. c) All proceedings under this Article are confidential. Breach of confidentiality shall be subject to disciplinary action. d) No information relating to the alleged harasser's or the complainant's personal background, lifestyle, mode of dress, etc., will be admissible during proceedings under this Article unless directly related to the incident in question e) In the event that the alleged harasser and the complainant are members of the Union, the Employer agrees to allow each their right to union representation.
Procedure for Handling Harassment Complaints. All complaints shall be dealt with in a serious matter and according to Appendix “B”.
Procedure for Handling Harassment Complaints a) All complaints of harassment shall be covered by this Article and dealt with in a serious manner. b) Leave without loss of pay, for employees required to be involved, shall be allowed by the Employer for any proceedings under this Article. c) All proceedings under this Article are confidential. Breach of confidentiality shall not be tolerated and may lead to disciplinary action. d) No information relating to the personal background, lifestyle, mode of dress, etc., will be admissible during proceedings under this Article unless directly related to the incident in question e) In the event that the respondent and the complainant are members of the Union, the Employer agrees to allow each their right to individual union representation. 6.4.3 Step 1 ( Informal): a) Any complaint may be lodged with a Union or management official of their choice or a formal complaint may be lodged directly at Step 2. In either case, the recipient of the complaint shall immediately notify the other party and the respondent will be notified of the complaint by the employer. b) The complaint shall be reviewed by the two parties and an attempt will be made to achieve resolution. c) If a satisfactory resolution is achieved, the process ends here. d) If no satisfactory resolution is achieved, then Step 2 is implemented.
Procedure for Handling Harassment Complaints. 1) All complaints of harassment shall be covered by this Article and dealt with in a serious manner. 2) Leave without loss of pay for Employees shall be allowed by the Employer for any proceedings under this Article. 3) All proceedings under this Article are confidential. Breach of confidentiality shall be subject to disciplinary action. 4) No information relating to the alleged harasser's or the complainant's personal background, lifestyle, mode of dress, etc., will be admissible during proceedings under this Article unless directly related to the incident in question. 5) In the event that the alleged harasser and the complainant are members of the Union, the Employer agrees to allow each their right to Union representation. 23.4.3 Step 1 (Informal) It is the goal of this step to find a resolution to behavior that is disrespectful, discriminatory, or harassing that helps to maintain the dignity and worth of all individuals. At each step of the process, efforts will be made to assist the parties in taking responsibility for their own actions and wellbeing.
Procedure for Handling Harassment Complaints a) All complaints of harassment shall be covered by this article and dealt with in a serious manner. b) Leave without loss of pay and expenses shall be paid by the employer for any proceedings under this article. c) All proceedings under this article are confidential. Breach of confidentiality shall be subject to disciplinary action. d) No information relating to complainant(s) personal background, lifestyle, mode of dress, etc., will be admissible during proceedings under this Article. e) In the event that both the harasser as well as the victim, are members of the Union, the employer agrees to allow each their right to xxxxxxx representation. f) Nothing in this article precludes the rights of the victim to take their complaint to any outside agency, i.e., Human Rights Commission, SCAR, Ombudsman, MLA, MP, church, etc., at any time they deem appropriate. a) Any complaint may be lodged in confidence with a Union or management official of their choice, or a formal complaint may be lodged directly at Step 2. In either case, the recipient of the complaint shall immediately notify the accused of the complaint. b) The complaint shall be investigated in confidence and an honest attempt will be made to achieve resolution. c) If a satisfactory resolution is achieved, the process ends here. d) If no satisfactory resolution is achieved, then Step 2 is implemented.
Procedure for Handling Harassment Complaints a) All complaints of harassment shall be covered by this article and dealt with in a serious manner. b) Leave without loss of pay and expenses shall be paid by the employer for any proceedings under this article. c) All proceedings under this article are confidential. Breach of confidentiality shall be subject to disciplinary action. d) No information relating to complainant(s) personal background, lifestyle, mode of dress, etc., will be admissible during proceedings under this Article. e) In the event that both the harasser as well as the victim, are members of the Union, the employer agrees to allow each their right to xxxxxxx representation. f) Nothing in this article precludes the rights of the victim to take their complaint to any outside agency, i.e., Human Rights Commission, SCAR, Ombudsman, MLA, MP, church, etc., at any time they deem appropriate.

Related to Procedure for Handling Harassment Complaints

  • Complaints Procedure (a) A formal complaint must be submitted in writing within six months of the last alleged occurrence. (b) A complaint must be submitted through the Union and/or directly to the Executive Director (or the equivalent or designate). When the Executive Director has received a complaint, they will notify the respondent and the union staff representative of the substance of the complaint in writing within 15 days. (c) The complaint must contain the specific instance(s) and date(s) that the alleged harassment occurred, the names of any witnesses, an explanation of how the action constitutes a violation of Article 29 (Harassment), and the remedy sought. (d) The Executive Director or their designate will investigate the complaint and will complete their report in writing within 30 days. (e) The Employer will take action to resolve the complaint within 10 days of receiving the investigator's report. (f) The Employer will advise the respondent, the complainant and the Union in writing of the substance of the investigator's report and the resolution of the complaint. (g) If the resolution involves separating employees, reasonable efforts will be made to relocate or reschedule the respondent. The complainant may agree in writing to be transferred or rescheduled. (h) If the resolution involves separating an employee and a respondent who is not an employee, reasonable efforts will be made to remedy the situation. (i) If the respondent is the Executive Director (or equivalent), or where there are possible systemic issues or multiple complaints, the following process will be used: (1) The complainant will contact the Union. (2) As soon as possible but within 30 days the Union will notify the Executive Director (or equivalent) and CSSEA. Clause 29.4 (a) and (c) apply to the notice. CSSEA will inform the Employer's Board of Directors. (3) CSSEA and the Union will appoint either Xxxxx Xxxxx or Xxxxxx Xxxx to resolve the complaint. (The person appointed is referred to below as "the Appointee".) (4) After consultation with the parties involved, the Appointee will establish the process to resolve the complaint. The process may include - at the Appointee's discretion - any of the following (or any combination of them): fact-finding, mediation, making recommendations or a full report, or conducting an expedited arbitration. In exercising their discretion with respect to the process, the Appointee will consider the parties' desire that the process be fair and expeditious, that it minimizes disruption in the workplace, that it respects individual privacy to the degree possible in the circumstances, and that it keeps costs to a reasonable level. The Appointee will submit any report or recommendations to CSSEA and the Union. The report and recommendations will remain confidential, except for distribution to the Employer's Board of Directors, the complainant and the respondent. The Appointee may stipulate conditions she/he deems appropriate with respect to distribution. Any outcomes of the process are without prejudice or precedent for other proceedings. (5) The Appointee's fees and expenses will be shared by the Employer and the Union. (j) The Employer may take appropriate action, including discipline, against a complainant if the investigation determines that the complaint is frivolous, vindictive or vexatious.

  • COMPLAINT AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 9.01 Where a difference arises between the parties relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement, including any questions as to whether a matter is arbitrable, or where an allegation is made that this Agreement has been violated or whenever an employee who has completed the required probationary period and has been accepted by the Employer for employment in the permanent service, claims that he/she has been disciplined or discharged without reasonable cause, such difference, allegation or claim being hereinafter referred to as the grievance, the grievance procedure set forth below shall apply. 9.02 The Association shall name, appoint or otherwise select a Grievance Committee of no more than three (3) who shall be members of the Association and shall have reached at least the rank of First Class Fire Fighter and other advisors as deemed necessary at the expense of the Association. The Employer shall recognize and deal with the Grievance committee with respect to any matter or dispute which properly arises from a breach of the Collective Agreement from time to time during its term. This committee shall suffer no loss as a result of their attendance at such grievance meetings, hearings, etc. 9.03 No grievance will be considered where the circumstances giving rise to it occurred or originated more than ten (10) full working days before the submission of the grievance. Step 1 - An employee having a grievance will take the matter up through their Association representative. The President or designate shall contact Fire Management to seek a resolution. Step 2 - If the grievance is not settled within five (5) working days, the Association shall submit the matter in writing to the Fire Chief or designate within five (5) working days of receiving the reply from Step 1. The Fire Chief or designate shall render the written decision to the Association within five (5) working days after receiving the written grievance. In the context of this Article a working day shall be deemed to be Monday to Friday excluding designated holidays. Step 3 - If the reply of the Fire Chief is not acceptable to the Association the grievance may be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) or the Director of Human Resources within five (5) working days of the written decision of the Fire Chief. The CAO or the Director of Human Resources, who together with the Fire Chief and any other advisors deemed necessary, shall meet with the Association Representatives within 5 working days to consider the grievance. Within five (5) working days of the aforesaid, the CAO or the Director of Human Resources will render a written reply to the employee and the Association. Step 4 - If no resolve is reached at Step 3, the matter shall be submitted to arbitration. Notice shall be given within 5 business days. The parties agree that, for the purposes of this collective agreement the words of the expedited arbitration provisions of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 as amended (Section 49), will be deemed to have been incorporated into this collective agreement. Accordingly and notwithstanding any other provisions of this article (the grievance/arbitration provisions); either party may refer a grievance to expedited arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Section 49. The parties further agree that neither party will raise any jurisdictional or other objection to the application of Section 49 to a grievance under this collective agreement as it pertains to the right to an expedited arbitration. Either party is entitled however, to raise any objection, with the arbitrator with respect to whether the provisions of Section 49 have been properly utilized in respect of any specific grievance (e.g. objections with respect to time limits etc.). Such an appointment by the Minister of Labour or his or her designate will be determined to be a joint appointment in accordance with Section 53(3) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act. 9.04 Extensions to the time limits in 9.03 may not be unreasonably withheld. 9.05 The employee in all steps of the grievance procedure shall be confined to the grievance and redress sought as set forth in the written grievance initially filed as provided.

  • Informal Grievance Procedure Employees are encouraged to act promptly to attempt to resolve disputes with their manager/supervisor through an informal procedure. A meeting between the manager/supervisor and the employee should take place whenever requested by either party to assist, to clarify or resolve the grievance. The employee may be accompanied by his/her Union representative at the informal meeting. Any resolution reached at the informal step must be in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, or other rule or ordinance and shall not set precedent.

  • COMPLAINT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall maintain and adhere to its written procedures for responding to parent complaints. These procedures shall include annually notifying and providing parents of LEA students with appropriate information (including complaint forms) for the following: (1) Uniform Complaint Procedures pursuant to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 4600 et seq.; (2) Nondiscrimination policy pursuant to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 4960 (a); (3) Sexual Harassment Policy, California Education Code 231.5 (a) (b) (c); (4) Title IX Pupil Grievance Procedure, Title IX 106.8 (a) (d) and 106.9 (a); and (5) Notice of Privacy Practices in compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), if applicable. CONTRACTOR shall include verification of these procedures to the LEA upon request. CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify LEA of any complaints filed against it related to LEA students and provide LEA with all documentation related to the complaints and/or its investigation of complaints, including any and all reports generated as a result of an investigation.

  • COMPLAINTS HANDLING 44.1 Either Party shall notify the other Party of any Complaints made by Other Contracting Bodies, which are not resolved by operation of the Supplier's usual complaints handling procedure within five (5) Working Days of becoming aware of that Complaint and, if the Supplier is the Party providing the notice, such notice shall contain full details of the Supplier's plans to resolve such Complaint. 44.2 Without prejudice to any rights and remedies that a complainant may have at Law (including under this Framework Agreement and/or a Call Off Agreement), and without prejudice to any obligation of the Supplier to take remedial action under the provisions of this Framework Agreement and/or a Call Off Agreement, the Supplier shall use its all reasonable endeavours to resolve the Complaint within ten (10) Working Days and in so doing, shall deal with the Complaint fully, expeditiously and fairly. 44.3 Within two (2) Working Days of a request by the Authority, the Supplier shall provide full details of a Complaint to the Authority, including details of steps taken to achieve its resolution.

  • Grievance on Layoffs and Recalls Grievances concerning layoffs and recalls shall be initiated at Step 2 of the grievance procedure.

  • PROFESSIONAL GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE A. A claim by a teacher or the Association that there has been a violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of any provision of this Agreement or any rule, order or regulation of the Board may be processed as a grievance as hereinafter provided. B. The grievant may invoke the formal grievance procedure on the form set forth in annexed Schedule C, signed by the grievant and a representative of the Association, which form shall be available for the Association representative in each building. A copy of the grievance form shall be delivered to the principal or supervisor. If the grievance involves more than one school building, it may be filed with the superintendent or a representative designated by him. C. Within five (5) school days of receipt of the grievance, the principal or supervisor shall meet with the Association in an effort to resolve the grievance. The principal or supervisor shall indicate his disposition of the grievance in writing within five (5) school days of such meeting, and shall furnish a copy thereof to the Association. D. If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance, or if no disposition has been made within five (5) school days of such meeting or ten (10) school days from the date of filing, whichever shall be later, the grievance shall be transmitted to the Superintendent. Within five (5) school days the superintendent or his designee shall meet with the Association on the grievance and indicate his disposition of the grievance in writing within five (5) school days of such meeting, and shall furnish a copy thereof to the Association. E. If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance by the Superintendent or his designee, or if no disposition has been made within five (5) school days of such meeting or ten (10) school days from the date of filing, whichever shall be later, the grievance shall be submitted to the Board within ten (10) working days by filing a written copy thereof with the Secretary or other designee of the Board. The Board, no later than its next regular meeting or two (2) calendar weeks, whichever shall be later, shall hold a hearing on the grievance, and give such other consideration as it shall deem appropriate. Disposition of the grievance in writing by the Board shall be made no later than seven (7) days thereafter. A copy of such disposition shall be furnished to the Association. F. The Association may request arbitration of any unresolved grievance which is arbitrable by filing the Arbitration Request Form with the American Arbitration Association and delivering a copy of this Form to the Employer through the Superintendent's Office within thirty (30) working days following the receipt of the Board's written disposition. If the Board fails to answer a grievance within the time limits set forth in Paragraph E, the Association may request arbitration by filing the Arbitration Request Form with the American Arbitration Association and delivering a copy of this Form to the Employer through the Superintendent's Office not later than thirty (30) working days following the date the Board's written disposition was due. The grievance may thereafter be submitted to arbitration. If the Association does not request arbitration in the manner or within the time limits established herein, the grievance shall be considered settled on the basis of the Employer's last disposition. If a grievance is to be submitted to arbitration, the arbitrator shall be selected from a panel submitted by the American Arbitration Association pursuant to their rules The fees and expenses of the arbitrator and all hearing location costs shall be shared equally by the Association and the Employer. Each party shall pay the fees, expenses, wages, and any other compensation of its own representatives and legal counsel. The arbitrator's powers shall be limited to the application and interpretation of this Agreement as written. The arbitrator shall at all times be governed wholly by the terms of this Agreement and shall have no power or authority to amend, alter or modify this Agreement either directly or indirectly, or to rule upon a specific grievance considered settled. In addition, the following may not be considered by the arbitrator: 1. The termination of service of or failure to reemploy any probationary teacher. 2. Any action involving a tenured teacher, including but not limited to discharge, demotion, layoff or failure to recall, if that action when timely raised is subject to review before the Michigan Teacher Tenure Commission. If the issue of arbitrability is raised, the arbitrator shall not determine the merits of any grievance unless arbitrability has been affirmatively decided. The arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding upon the Association, the Employer and employees in the bargaining unit; provided, however, that each party may have its legal remedies if the arbitrator exceeds the jurisdiction provided in this Agreement. G. If any teacher for whom a grievance is sustained shall be found to have been unjustly discharged, he shall be reinstated with full reimbursement of all professional compensation lost. If he shall have been found to have been improperly deprived of any professional compensation or advantage, the same or its equivalent in money shall be paid to him. H. The time limits provided in this article shall be strictly observed but may be extended by written agreement of the parties. In the event a grievance is filed after May 15 of any year and strict adherence to the time limits may result in hardship to any party, the Board shall use its best efforts to process such grievance prior to the end of the school term or as soon thereafter as possible. I. If an individual teacher has a personal complaint which he desires to discuss with a supervisor, he is free to do so without recourse to the grievance procedure. However, no grievance shall be adjusted without prior notification to the Association and opportunity for an Association representative to be present, nor shall any adjustment of a grievance be inconsistent with the terms of the Agreement. In the administration of the grievance procedure, the interests of the teachers shall be the sole responsibility of the Association. J. Filing time for an alleged violation is limited to twenty (20) teaching days from the date of an alleged incident.

  • Disciplinary Procedures The employing authority should ensure that all employees are aware of the disciplinary rules and procedures that apply. All employees should also be aware to whom they can apply if they are dissatisfied with any disciplinary decision. These procedures should accord with legal requirements and with the ACAS Code of Practice and guidance.

  • Grievance Procedures The AGENCY agrees to establish a formal written grievance process with procedures through which clients and recipients of services may present grievances to the governing authority of the AGENCY regarding services being provided under this Contract. Additionally, the AGENCY agrees to establish fair hearing procedures that ensure all persons will be advised of their rights to a fair hearing to appeal a denial or exclusion from services and/or the failure of staff to take into account the individual’s choice of service. The AGENCY’S internal grievance procedure must document and include, at a minimum, the following: date of grievance, a written response to the applicant sent within thirty (30) days, and the opportunity for the applicant to meet with the AGENCY Executive Director or designee. Upon request by the COUNTY, the AGENCY shall provide a written report as to the grievance outcome within five (5) normal COUNTY working days. The AGENCY will maintain these documents on file for review by the COUNTY.

  • 000 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 7. 100 It is agreed that it is the spirit and intent of this Agreement to adjust grievances promptly. All grievances, including discharge for just cause, but not those pertaining to jurisdictional disputes that may arise on any work covered by this Agreement, must be initiated within fifteen (15) working days of the incident by either the employee in Step I or the Local Union in Step II and shall be handled in the following manner: