Distinguished. Professional practice at Level 4 is that of a master professional whose practices operate at a qualitatively different level from those of other professional peers. To achieve this rating, a teacher would need to have received a majority of distinguished ratings on the criterion scores. A teacher at this level must show evidence of average to high impact on student growth. Ongoing, reflective teaching and leading is demonstrated through the highest level of expertise and commitment to all students' learning, challenging professional growth, and collaborative practice.
Distinguished. Professional practice at Level 4 is that of a master professional whose practices operate at a qualitatively different level from those of other professional peers. To achieve this rating, a teacher would need to have received a majority of distinguished ratings on the criterion scores. A teacher at this level must show evidence of average to high impact on student growth. Ongoing, reflective teaching and leading is demonstrated through the highest level of expertise and commitment to all students' learning, challenging professional growth, and collaborative practice. The intention of this section is to mirror the requirements of RCW 28A-405.100. All classroom teachers shall receive a comprehensive summative evaluation at least once every four (4) years. A comprehensive summative evaluation assesses all eight evaluation criteria and all criteria contribute to the comprehensive summative evaluation performance rating. The following categories of classroom teachers shall receive an annual comprehensive summative evaluation: Classroom teachers who are provisional employees under RCW 28A.405.220; Any classroom teacher who received a comprehensive summative evaluation performance rating of level 1 or level 2 in the previous school year. In the years when a comprehensive summative evaluation is not required, classroom teachers who received a comprehensive summative evaluation performance rating of level 3 or above in the previous school year may move to the focused evaluation track. See definition for classroom teacher RCW 28A.405.100. For classroom teachers, the parties have agreed to the instructional framework developed by Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx as approved by OSPI. Student Growth maximum of one (1) student growth component selected for focused evaluations. The monitoring of data from the assessments will be discussed and monitored as part of the school improvement plan process and professional learning communities. Within two months of receiving the low student growth score or at the beginning of the following school year, one or more of the following must be initiated by the evaluator: • Examine student growth data in conjunction with other evidence including observation, artifacts and other student and teacher information based on appropriate classroom, school, school district and state-based tools and practices; • Examine extenuating circumstances which may include one or more of the following: Goal setting process; content and expectations; student atte...
Distinguished. Teachers at this level are master teachers who make contributions to the field, both in and outside their school. Their classrooms operate at a qualitatively different level, consisting of a community of learning, with students highly motivated, engaged, and assuming considerable responsibility for their own learning.
Distinguished. Distinguished means that the performance is clearly outstanding; the performance is superior, far exceeding expectations; or that performance is exceptional on a regular or continuing basis – that the Superintendent shall outperform relative to minimum expectations.
Distinguished. Reduction will occur first to probationary teachers then non-probationary teachers within a LEAP end-of-year rating category in reverse order of being hired as a teacher. If hiring dates are identical, the tie shall be eliminated using the following criteria in descending order: ● Teachers on limited term assignments who have not secured mutual consent. ● Lowest second most current LEAP end-of-year rating. ● Years of District experience in the endorsement area. ● Highest degree held.
Distinguished. Unsatisfactory: Professional practice at Level 1 shows evidence of not understanding the concepts underlying individual components of the criteria. This level of practice is ineffective and inefficient and may represent practice that is harmful to student learning progress, professional learning environment, or individual teaching practice. This level requires immediate intervention.
Distinguished. Professional practice at Level 4 is that of a master professional whose practices operate at a qualitatively different level from those of other professional peers. To achieve this rating, a teacher would need to have received a majority of distinguished ratings on the criterion scores. A teacher at this level must show evidence of average to high impact on student growth. Ongoing, reflective teaching and leading is demonstrated through the highest level of expertise and commitment to all students' learning, challenging professional growth, and collaborative practice. The intention of this section is to mirror the requirements of RCW 28A-405.100. All classroom teachers shall receive a comprehensive summative evaluation at least once every four (4) years. A comprehensive summative evaluation assesses all eight evaluation criteria and all criteria contribute to the comprehensive summative evaluation performance rating. The following categories of classroom teachers shall receive an annual comprehensive summative evaluation: Classroom teachers who are provisional employees under RCW 28A.405.220; Any classroom teacher who received a comprehensive summative evaluation performance rating of level 1 or level 2 in the previous school year. In the years when a comprehensive summative evaluation is not required, classroom teachers who received a comprehensive summative evaluation performance rating of level 3 or above in the previous school year may move to the focused evaluation track. See definition for classroom teacher RCW 28A.405.100. For classroom teachers, the parties have agreed to the instructional framework developed by Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx as approved by OSPI.
Distinguished. Teachers at this level are master teachers who make contributions to the field, both in and outside their school. Their classrooms operate at a qualitatively different level, consisting of a community of learning, with students highly motivated, engaged, and assuming considerable responsibility for their own learning. In each of the elements there are four (4) descriptors: Unsatisfactory, Basic, Proficient and Distinguished. Selected Goal(s): Self-Assessment of Goal Attainment To Be Completed By Administrator
Distinguished. Professional practice at Level 4 is that of a master professional whose practices operate at a qualitatively different level from those of other professional peers. To achieve this rating, a teacher or principal would need to have received a majority of distinguished ratings on the criterion scores. A teacher or principal at this level must show evidence of average to high impact on student growth. Ongoing, reflective teaching and leading is demonstrated through the highest level of expertise and commitment to all students' learning, challenging professional growth, and collaborative practice
1. Centering instruction on high expectations for student achievement. Descriptor: The teacher communicates high expectations for student learning.
2. Demonstrating effective teaching practices.
Distinguished. Exceeds expectations. The employee consistently works beyond a majority of the performance of the job description and has made significant contributions to the District through such performance.