Reinstatement and Recall Sample Clauses
Reinstatement and Recall. A bargaining unit member who is bumped to a position with a lower pay line in lieu of layoff shall be offered any vacancy in his/her former position before officers on the existing promotion list are offered promotion. An offer of reinstatement shall be made based upon seniority. Such an offer shall be for a period of twenty-four (24) months or for the life of the existing promotion list, whichever is greater.
Reinstatement and Recall a. The Board shall determine the subject areas and programs to which teachers will be recalled and the number of teachers to be recalled.
b. Teachers shall be reinstated by seniority with consideration given to teacher certification, qualifications, teacher performance, and the operational needs of the adult education program. The Board will reinstate full-time teachers up to seven (7) classes, prior to reinstating part-time teachers, based on the aforementioned criteria. The Board will reinstate half-time teachers, up to their previous level of classes, prior to reinstating part-time teachers, based on the aforementioned criteria.
1) Primary shall be defined as the majority subject area to which the teacher was assigned immediately prior to the layoff. For example, if a teacher was assigned to three math classes and two science classes, the primary teaching area for recall purposes would be math.
2) Qualification is a special skill which fits a person to a specific assignment. Consideration for determining qualification include certification as defined herein, demonstrated successful teaching experience in a subject area or at a particular level, and/or desire/willingness to work in special programs. When necessary, coordinators will interview instructors to determine/assess qualifications.
c. Non-probationary teachers shall be recalled before probationary teachers. Non-probationary teachers recalled must be annually authorized and/or highly qualified to meet all the requirements of the subject area or program.
d. No new teacher shall be hired in a laid-off teacher's subject area or program until all certified and qualified teachers from that subject area or program have been recalled or have declined or failed to accept recall.
e. The Board shall give written notice of recall by sending a registered or certified letter or telegram to the laid-off teacher at his/her last known address as it appears on Board records. It shall be the responsibility of each teacher to notify the Board of any change in address. Teachers failing to return to work upon recall within fifteen
Reinstatement and Recall. A permanent Employee who is bumped from their job classification to a lower job classification or has their number of hours reduced, as a result of a layoff process, shall be eligible for reinstatement to their original number of hours and job classification. As vacancies occur, they will be offered to the most senior Employee in the recall pool eligible for reinstatement. Employees who are no longer working as a result of a lay off will be provided the opportunity to be placed in the Recall Pool. The Employee in the recall pool with the most seniority in the job classification they previously held status in will be given the first opportunity to be recalled; provided the Employee has the required skills and abilities for the position to which they are to be re-employed. Any notice of re-employment to an Employee in the recall pool shall be made by return receipt email, or certified USPS mail. The Employee is required to keep the Employer advised of their current mailing and email addresses. Failure to respond to a notice of re- employment or to report for work as directed within ten (10) working days shall result in removal from the recall pool. A reporting date in excess of ten (10) working days may be mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the Employee.
Reinstatement and Recall.
(a) Recall will be by seniority; by classification; on a bargaining-unit-wide basis, provided it is a location to which the employee has given a written indication of a desire to transfer under Clause 12.5.
(b) Each employee on layoff shall be responsible for keeping the Employer notified of a current contact point through which they can be reached. The Employer's responsibility shall be limited to the last contact point supplied by the employee prior to the point of recall.
(c) No new employees shall be hired following a layoff until those who were laid off have been given a reasonable opportunity of recall by delivery of notice verbally or by registered letter by an Employer's representative.
(d) An employee who does not respond within 48 hours of the Employer's initial contact attempt, as per (c) above, or who refuses to report to work shall lose their opportunity for recall. An employee shall report to work within seven calendar days of the Employer's initial attempt to contact.
Reinstatement and Recall. A permanent employee who is bumped from their job classification to a lower job classification or has their number of hours reduced, as a result of a layoff process, shall be eligible for reinstatement to their original number of hours and job classification. As vacancies occur they will be offered to the most senior employee in the recall pool eligible for reinstatement. Employees who are no longer working as a result of a lay off will be provided the opportunity to be placed in the Recall Pool. The employee in the recall pool with the most seniority in the
Reinstatement and Recall. (a) Regular employees - Recall will be by seniority and qualification, on a bargaining-unit-wide basis. Decline of recall involving a relocation is not a resignation and brings no penalty.
(b) Casual employees - Recall will be based upon offered work assignments pursuant to Clause 11.4(b).
(c) No new employees shall be hired following a layoff until those who were laid off have been given a reasonable opportunity of recall as follows:
(1) delivery of notice either orally or by letter by an Employer's representative;
(2) local or long distance telephone communication;
(3) registered letter.
(d) Subject to Clauses 13.3(a) and (b) above, an employee who does not respond within 48 hours of the Employer's initial contact attempt, as per Clause 13.3(c), or who refuses to report to work shall be dropped to the bottom of the recall list. An employee shall report to work at the time specified by the Employer within seven days of the Employer's initial attempt to contact him. Employees required to give two weeks' notice to another Employer shall be deemed to be in compliance with the seven-day provision.
(e) Each employee on layoff shall be responsible for keeping the Employer notified of a current contact point through which she can be reached.
Reinstatement and Recall. (a) Recall will be by seniority; by classification; on a bargaining-unit-wide basis, provided it is a location to which the employee has given a written indication of a desire to transfer under Clause 12.5
(b) Each employee on layoff shall be responsible for keeping the Employer notified of a current contact point through which he can be reached. The Employer's responsibility shall be limited to the last contact point supplied by the employee prior to the point of recall.
(c) No new employees shall be hired following a layoff until those who were laid off have been given a reasonable opportunity of recall as follows:
(1) delivery of notice either orally or by letter by an Employer's representative;
(2) local or long distance telephone communication;
(3) registered letter or telegram.
(d) An employee who does not respond within forty-eight (48) hours of the Employer's initial contact attempt, as per (c) above, or who refuses to report to work shall lose his opportunity for recall. An employee shall report to work within seven (7) calendar days of the Employer's initial attempt to contact.