Reporting Student Progress Sample Clauses
Reporting Student Progress. The primary responsibility for evaluating the work of the student shall rest with the Teacher. In the event that any grade should be challenged, the Teacher must produce tangible, pertinent, detailed and dated records to substantiate the grade given. In the absence of such reports, the Teacher must raise or lower such grade in accordance with all factors involved. In no case shall a grade be changed by the Supervisor or the Chancellor or her/his designee, unless the Teacher fails to adhere to the provisions above.
Reporting Student Progress. The School District shall provide all reasonable information requested by the University on a student's work performance. If there are any student evaluations, they will be completed and returned according to any reasonable schedule agreed to by the University and the School District.
Reporting Student Progress. A. The primary responsibility for evaluating the work of the student shall rest with the teacher. In the event that any grade should be challenged, the teacher must produce tangible, pertinent, detailed and dated records to substantiate the grade given. In the absence of such reports, the teacher must raise or lower such grade in accordance with all factors involved. In no case shall a grade be changed by the Board, unless the teacher fails to adhere to the provisions above.
B. If a student is failing a course or grade the teacher shall notify the student, his/her parent or guardian, and the supervisor as soon as such is determined, but in no case later than mid-advisory/mid-grading period, on a form provided by the Board for this purpose. Conferences shall be held by the teacher if the student, supervisor, parent or guardian requests them. Each conference shall be followed by a written report, a copy of which shall be given to the parent or guardian and the supervisor before the end of the advisory grading period.
C. Accurate and current records of student progress shall be maintained by teachers at all times in a manner determined by the Board after consultation and discussion with the Union. Such records shall be available for examination by the students, parents, and supervisors.
D. The Board shall furnish sufficient folders and a file cabinet where none exists for the storing of student papers.
E. All final failing grades for students must be submitted to the school office by the date established by the Board.
F. Student Grades
1. In non computerized schools, teachers shall record student grades on the form provided by the Board. The report cards shall be prepared within five
Reporting Student Progress. For students to be successful, both they and their parents should be informed of their standing in class. In addition to the regular grading of assignments, the school will inform parents of their student’s academic progress in the following ways: ● Parents will have the ability to review student progress via PowerSchool at any time. ● Teachers should be checking grades and communicating with parents of students who have D’s and F’s at least every 4 weeks. A log entry in the SIS (e.g. PowerSchool) needs to be added for each parent/teacher conversation when a student’s grade in a course results in a D or F. ● If a student is determined to be significantly below grade level, a meeting will be scheduled with a parent, the teacher, and other faculty as deemed appropriate. ● Progress reports will be available at the midpoint of the semester and sent home. ● Report cards will be mailed or sent home each semester. ● Once a semester, parent-teacher conferences will be offered to discuss the student’s academic progress. Written assignments in the Upper School and labs may take longer to grade due to the kind and amount of feedback. Parent teacher conferences happen at the end of each semester. At the end of the second and fourth quarters teachers provide extensive comments on students’ report cards. During the school year, a parent/teacher conference may be scheduled at any time a parent or the teacher thinks one is necessary. To schedule a conference with a teacher, please contact him or her via email. For students to thrive in school, they must master the fundamentals. The grade level placement policy is designed to promote educational excellence and fairness by placing students at the most appropriate level for instruction. Orange County Classical Academy will respect the promotion and retention decisions from the school from which a student transfers. OCCA follows the California Education Code 48011 and 48070.5 policies regarding promotion and retention. Please see OCCA’s Promotion and Retention Policy for full details. The purpose of promotion and retention is to provide maximum consideration for the long-range welfare of the student and to provide an opportunity for each student to progress through school according to his/her own needs and abilities. It is our goal for parents, teachers, and students to work together throughout the year to ensure that students are developing responsible work habits and attaining a sufficient level of understanding in their co...
Reporting Student Progress a. K-8: Student work products and a report of student progress shall be submitted to the Education Coordinator at least every four weeks (20 days) as scheduled. Other interim contacts may be made via phone, email, visits, fax or other appropriate methods.
Reporting Student Progress. Report cards will be issued four times during the school year. Up to date student progress can be reviewed on Skyward. Parent-teacher conferences will be scheduled in November for grades K-5, and throughout the year as the need arises. These conferences will provide an opportunity to share information, which will lead to a better program for your child. Please make every effort to resolve any problems with your child’s teacher. Should you then feel that further assistance is necessary, contact the elementary principal or guidance counselor. Appropriate dress and appearance of students are expected. The criteria for dress and cleanliness will be measured by whether it is disruptive or infringes upon the health and safety of our school. The following code will serve as our standard:
Reporting Student Progress. At Canton Academy, our teachers are dedicated to providing timely feedback on coursework and consistently keeping parents informed about their child's progress. Grades for students in grades 1-5 are conveniently accessible online through FACTS.
Reporting Student Progress. Grading Practices
Reporting Student Progress. The parties recognize that reporting student progress effectively and efficiently is a critical component to increasing student achievement. We recognize that there are multiple forms to communicate student progress. The Association and Management recognize that those students who are in danger of falling below standard require additional communication. If a student falls below standard, there is an expectation that reasonable, documented communication occurs between the teacher and parent/guardian to allow for academic intervention. The following are a few of the mediums that will be used to communicate student progress to students and parent/guardians.
Reporting Student Progress. Rationale: NAS will develop a grading system consistent with its charter and provide appropriate and timely feedback to its students and parents. Expected Outcome: NAS will develop its own grading and reporting system. Policy Code and Title: 6340: Graduation Requirements Rationale: As an autonomous charter school, NAS has developed and will continue to develop and adopt its curriculum. As part of its programming, NAS has developed graduation requirements that are different from the District. For instance, NAS requires the completion of community service hours in order to graduate from its program. Expected Outcome: NAS shall set its own graduation requirements.