Promotion and Retention Sample Clauses

Promotion and Retention. If a parent chooses not to accept a decision of a teacher to promote or retain their student to or in a specific grade level, the parent may request in writing that the Governing Board review the teacher's decision. This written request should be sent to the Superintendent's office for processing. Academic recognition programs such as Principal's List and Honor Roll have criteria established by each school. Contact the school office for specific information. Students shall not engage in improper behavior, including but not limited to the following:  Any conduct intended to obstruct, disrupt, or interfere with teaching, research, service, administrative or disciplinary functions, or any activity sponsored or approved by the Governing Board.  Threatening an educational institution by interference with or disruption of the school per A.R.S. 13-2911 and 15-841.  Physical abuse of or threat of harm to any person on District-owned or controlled property or at District- sponsored or supervised functions.  Damage or threat of damage to property of the District, regardless of the location, or to property of a member of the community or a visitor to the school, when such property is located on District-controlled premises.  Forceful or unauthorized entry to or occupation of District facilities, including both buildings and grounds.  Unlawful use, possession, distribution, or sale of tobacco, (including tobacco substitutes, electronic cigarettes, other chemical inhalation devices or vapor products), alcohol, or drugs or other illegal contraband on District property or at school-sponsored functions.  Conduct or speech that violates commonly accepted standards of the District and that, under the circumstances, has no redeeming social value.  Failure to comply with the lawful directions of District officials or any other law enforcement officers acting in performance of their duties, and/or failure to identify themselves to such officials or officers when lawfully requested to do so.  Knowingly committing a violation of District rules and regulations. Proof that an alleged violator has a reasonable opportunity to become aware of such rules and regulations shall be sufficient proof that the violation was done knowingly.  Engaging in any conduct constituting a breach of any federal, state, or city law or duly adopted policy of the Board.  Carrying or possessing a weapon on school grounds. In addition to the general rules set forth above, students shall be expec...
Promotion and Retention. Promotion to the next grade level is based upon successful completion of minimum grade level standards. Failure to meet grade level standards is cause for retention. Close communication between home/school and school/home is an essential component in a quality education. To support close communication, Xxxxxxx Elementary utilizes the following means of communication:
Promotion and Retention. Conclusion
Promotion and Retention. Students must exhibit satisfactory growth and performance in the subjects of Religion, Reading, Math, English, Science, and Social Studies in the grade in which he/she is presently enrolled in order to be promoted to the next higher grade. Lack of such growth and poor performance in the core subjects may result in the student being retained to repeat a grade. If a student is failing in two or more subjects, the teacher, parents, and principal will meet to study the student’s deficiencies and seek to reach a conclusion that will best benefit the student. The teacher and principal will then make a recommendation to promote or retain the student. If the parents decide not to follow the recommendation of the teacher and the principal, they must sign a statement to that effect and the student will be transferred rather than promoted, to the next higher grade. Students absent more than 18 days will be considered for retention. Students with special needs will be dealt with on an individual basis. All final judgment concerning with retention rests with the principal. Complaints about the operation of St. Xxxx School, including but not limited to concerns about possible discrimination, will be treated courteously. Anonymous complaints or mere rumors, however, should be viewed in proper perspective. An established grievance procedure agreed upon beforehand by both the Pastor and the Principal will eliminate prior judgments and misconceptions arrived at without complete or accurate factual information. Mutual consultation in such matters is vitally important. 1. Anonymous complaints will not be dealt with.
Promotion and Retention. Promotion and retention shall be based upon the mastery of objectives.
Promotion and Retention. A student will be promoted or retained on the recommendation of the teachers and the Principal pursuant to their evaluation of the student's cognitive ability, performance and maturity. Teachers will inform parents of the possibility of retention as soon as it is indicated. In our concern for the development of the whole child, we will make every effort to educate the child at the level most appropriate. In that case the policy and practice of promotion and retention will be seriously evaluated and consistently maintained. Social promotions are not consistent with our philosophy or educational practices. Eighth grade students who do not meet qualifications for graduation will be presented with a Certificate of Attendance at the graduation ceremony. Students will not be permitted to repeat eighth grade at ANS. It will be at the discretion of the Administration as to whether or not a student will be allowed to repeat a grade at ANS the following year.
Promotion and Retention. Based upon teacher recommendation, test scores, and/or observation by the school personnel or other professionals, a student in grades K - 5 may be conditionally promoted or retained if the student experiences difficulty in mastering the academic phases of the school program and would profit more if he or she attended summer school/tutoring or was retained one grade. Any student in grades 6 - 8 who has an "F" average in any or the six core subjects at the end of the school year will not be promoted to the next grade until one of the following conditions have been met.
Promotion and Retention. A student will be promoted only on the basis of academic achievement or demonstrated proficiency of the subject matter of the course or grade level, the recommendation of the student’s teacher, the score received on any criterion- referenced or state-mandated assessment, and any other necessary academic information as determined by the district. In grades 1–8, promotion to the next grade level shall be based on an overall average of 70 on a scale of 100 based on course-level, grade-level standards (essential knowledge and skills) for all subject areas and a grade of 70 or above in three of the following areas: language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Grade-level advancement for students in grades 9–12 shall be earned by course credits. [See EI] In addition, at certain grade levels a student--with limited exception--will be required to pass the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) test, if the student is enrolled in a public Texas school on any day between January 1 and the date of the first administration of the STAAR.* • In order to be promoted to grade 9, students enrolled in grade 8 must perform satisfactorily on the mathematics and reading sections of the grade 8 assessments in English. If a student in grade 8 is enrolled in a course that earns high school credit and for which an end-of-course (EOC) assessment will be administered or in a course intended for students above the student’s current grade level in which the student will be administered a state mandated assessment, the student will not be subject to the promotion requirements described above for the relevant grade 8 assessment. If a student at any grade level is enrolled in a class or course intended for students above his or her current grade level in which the student will be administered a state mandated assessment, the student will be required to take an applicable state mandated assessment only for the course in which he or she is enrolled, unless otherwise required to do so by federal law. A student in grade 8 will have two additional opportunities to take a failed assessment. If a student fails a second time, a grade placement committee, consisting of the principal or designee, the teacher, and the student’s parent, will determine the additional special instruction the student will receive. After a third failed attempt, the student will be retained; however, the parent can appeal this decision to the committee. In order for the student to be promote...
Promotion and Retention. Decisions concerning the promotion or retention of a pupil are made by the teacher or teachers and the principal after all persons, including the parents, are fully informed. (Deficiency notices for a single subject shall be construed as sufficient information to students and parents for the purpose of this section.) The decision made must consider what will best meet the developmental needs of the child. In addition, the passing or failing of any student in a single subject shall follow the guidelines in this paragraph.
Promotion and Retention. A child’s teacher makes a professional recommendation concerning promotion or retention based on data. Ongoing communication will occur with the parent to inform them of concerns. If a parent wishes to appeal retention, a written request must be made to the school principal. The state of Ohio also requires us to follow the Third Grade Guarantee Law. Students not meeting the minimum Reading score at 3rd grade will be retained according to the law. Report Cards are issued on a quarterly basis. This year, report cards and midterms will be sent home with students on: Report cards Midterms October 20h September 18h January 8h November 13th March 15th February 13th Will be mailed home April 22th The District uses the following grading scale: S = Satisfactory P = Progressing U = Unsatisfactory 60 - 69 = D 59 and below = F Teachers will formally conference with parents several times a year during various times throughout the year to give parents options of times that are convenient to them. Reminders will be sent home by teachers a week before the scheduled conference day in our school planner system. We have given a variety of options as requested from our Panorama survey to increase parent engagement. : September 14 teachers planning bell October 19 teachers planning bell November 9 2:30 - 5:30 December 7 teachers planning bell February 8 Deep Data Dive teachers planning bell February 15 Deep Data Dive teachers planning bell March 14 Deep Data Dive teachers planning bell March 21 Deep Data Dive teachers planning xxxx Xxxxx 17 2:30 - 4:30 Homework is an important component of the learning process as it reinforces skills taught in the classroom. Homework can be classified into four categories: written, non-written, reading and that requires another person, or parent, for completion. Homework will be sent with your child on a regular basis. If your child continually tells you that they have no homework, please contact his/her homeroom teacher. Please refer to the following school-wide homework policy. Specific details will be communicated to you by your child’s teacher. K-6 students will have homework nightly, Monday-Thursday. Weekend homework will be at the teacher’s discretion. Nightly independent reading is required for all students grades K-6. Homework is due by the assigned due date, unless otherwise noted. Quarterly Long Range Projects – at least one project will be assigned per quarter for all grade levels (K 6) and will require additional work outside of th...