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Dress and Appearance Sample Clauses

Dress and AppearanceSection 1.
Dress and Appearance. 3.1 Circles Alternative Education Ltd recognise that dress and appearance are matters of personal choice and self-expression. However, all staff must dress in a manner that is appropriate to a professional role and that promotes a professional image. 3.2 Staff should dress in a manner that is not offensive, revealing or sexually provocative and in a manner that is absent from political or contentious slogans. 3.3 Staff should dress safely and appropriately for the tasks they undertake. 3.4 Tattoos and body art should be covered while staff are in Circles Alternative Education Ltd. Discreet earrings are acceptable but all other body piercings should be removed while on Circles Alternative Education Ltd premises.
Dress and Appearance. As representatives of the City of Sherwood, volunteers, like staff, are responsible for presenting a professional image to the community. Volunteers shall dress appropriately for the conditions and performance of their duties. Individual departments may have specific requirements for appropriate dress. Personal cleanliness and neatness are required of all volunteers. Clothing with pictures or messages that may be offensive to others cannot be worn. Volunteers that are directly working with library materials are encouraged to wear closed-toe shoes. The City of Sherwood provides a drug-free, healthy and safe environment. A volunteer may not use, possess, distribute, sell, or be under the influence of, or impaired by, alcohol or illegal drugs while on City premises or while conducting volunteer related activities off City premises. The legal use of prescribed drugs or over-the-counter medications is permitted while on city business only if it does not impair a volunteer’s ability to safely perform the duties of the position.
Dress and AppearanceEmployees shall groom and attire themselves in a neat, clean manner. Section 2.
Dress and Appearance. Each employee is a representative of the District. Therefore, each employee must be dressed neatly in clothing appropriate to the duties assigned and be clean and well groomed. If an employee’s attire or overall appearance do not measure up to such standards, he or she may be suspended without pay until the particular problem has been remedied. Safety clothing must be worn when appropriate. The General Manager will determine which job classification(s), if any, and under what circumstances, will be issued uniforms. Work shirts and District identification cards will be issued to the field personnel for the purpose of community identification and employee safety.
Dress and AppearanceThe Franchisee shall ensure that all inspectors engaged in the operation of the franchised business dress in acco rdance with the regulations as prescribed by the Franchisor from time to time and as indicated in the official Equipment List & Catalogue and at all times present a neat and clean appearance and rend er competent, sober and courteous service to clients in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Franchisor.
Dress and Appearance. The image that the School presents to its pupils, their parents and members of the public is important. Accordingly, the Employee is required to dress smartly and professionally during working hours. Should the Employee arrive at work dressed inappropriately, the School reserves the right to send the Employee home without pay.
Dress and Appearance. Students shall be well groomed and dress in a clean, neat and modest manner so as not to present health and safety problems or cause disruption of school or school functions. Students are required to adhere to the dress code of their respective school while on school grounds, or while attending school-sponsored events or activities. Prompt daily attendance of all who are enrolled in the Johnson City Schools is required in accordance with state law and Board of Education policy. Students must attend regularly scheduled classes unless officially excused. Students participating in school sponsored trips are counted present. Chronic absenteeism is defined as a student missing ten percent (10%) or more of the days the student is enrolled, for any reason, including excused absences and out-of-school suspensions. Students having excessive absences may fail to receive academic credit based upon the following: 1. Students in Grades K- 8. A student’s excessive absence may limit progress to the point that promotion is not feasible. Upon recommendation of the principal, students in grades K-8 who have excessive absences will not receive credit towards promotion. 2. Students in Grades 9-12. Students are expected to be in school every day. NOTE: ALL ABSENCES, EXCUSED OR UNEXCUSED, ARE COUNTED IN THE MAXIMUM NUMBER THAT MAY BE MISSED DURING A SESSION OR SCHOOL YEAR. STUDENTS WITH EXCESSIVE ABSENCES WILL BE CONSIDERED TRUANT AND WILL BE SUBJECT TO A TRUANCY INTERVENTION PLAN. Acceptable Reasons for an Excused Absence 1. Student’s personal illness or injury, including pregnancy – a parent’s statement is required unless the student has frequent absences, in which case a physician’s statement will be required. 2. Death in the family. 3. Illness in the family requiring the student to give temporary help. A physician’s statement is required. 4. Special and recognized religious holidays regularly observed by persons of the student’s particular faith. 5. Summons, subpoena or court order. 6. Extreme weather conditions. 7. Principal/designee approved absences-up to three (3) days per school year as requested by the parent/legal guardian. No student will be allowed to use these absences during standardized testing dates or during final exams. Work missed during the absence must be made up before the absence or upon the return to school. 8. One day absence when a student’s parent or custodian is deployed into active military service or returned from active military service. 9. Five ...
Dress and AppearanceUnit employees are expected to comply with reasonable apparel and grooming standards that are derived from consideration of health, safety, and type of position occupied, and the need of the Agency to project a professional public image. Any prohibitions by supervisors on bargaining unit member dress and appearance will be based on a clear showing that the prohibited appearance item contributes to an unsafe, non-productive, or disruptive work environment. Slogans, drawings, or language on clothing items (including headwear and footwear) which could be construed as lewd, obscene, profane, discriminatory, or sexually suggestive, or which advocates or glorifies the use of illegal drugs or other unlawful conduct shall not be worn. The Agency reserves the right to implement an employee dress code; however, if it so elects, the Agency agrees to bargain with the Association the substance of such decision prior to implementation.
Dress and Appearance. School • Communicate the uniform requirements clearly • Be consistent in the implementation of the school uniform regulations • Apply sanctions for those students who choose fail to wear the correct uniform Student • Wear the school uniform correctly and be smart at all times. Follow uniform policy. Parent Carer • Support the school’s uniform policy by ensuring that my child attends school wearing 100% the school uniform and understands the importance of being sensibly dressed • Ensure that my child follows the school’s uniform policy. • Support the school in sanctions including isolation should my child fail to wear the correct school uniform School • Provide a rich and varied programme of extra-curricular activities • Ensure that all children are encouraged and enabled to participate in a range of activities. • Ensure that children are kept safe on activities and that parents are provided with information well in advance Student • Participate with determination and pride in sporting and other organised school events. • Enjoy and participate in extra-curricular activities designed and planned by staff to enrich my educational experience. Parent Carer • To encourage my child to participate in new and challenging experiences to enrich his/her education School • Arrange annual consultation time for parentsto discuss their child’s progress • Keep parents informed about school activities through regular newsletters and social media • Communicate with students and parents about progress and behaviour • Consult with parents on important school issues and enable them to participate in school events • To provide a code of conduct for parents Student • Accept responsibility for helping the school communicate with my parents, carers by ensuring that all letters and circulars are taken home and given to my parents/carers. • If I need to contact home, I will go to student reception and will not contact anyone using my mobile phone without permission. Parent Carer • Attend Parents’ Evenings and other meetings where appropriate. • Respond to communications from the school and remind my child to check their bags for school/home communications. • Whilst my child is in school, all communication will be through the school office and not directly to and from my child’s mobile phone. • Register and use Classcharts as a way of communicating with the school. • Communicate with school staff in a calm and controlled manner.