Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. On other days, extended shifts (up to 40 hours) are paid at their regular rate. When an employee is requested to be on call, and or requested to take the cell phone home for a specific purpose, (possible opening for evacuation center or any other emergency that may be determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee), the employee will be paid an additional 2 hours at the current overtime rate even though they may not have had to respond. When snow/ice removal is required, the supervising custodian, as detailed in Appendix C titled Supervising Custodian, will be responsible to coordinate times and assist all personnel, not on leave, with snow/ice removal or any other task necessary, (inside or outside of the building), to ensure a safe and timely process for school opening or daily operations. In buildings not having a supervising custodian, personnel, not on leave, will report at a mutually agreed upon time to assist with snow/ice removal or any other task necessary, (inside or outside of the building), to ensure a safe and timely process for school opening or daily operations.
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. Where Saturday, Sunday or Holiday overtime is scheduled the leadhand will be asked first to work.
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. A Full Time Employee shall be paid the following shift allowances for Ordinary Hours (and, if applicable and subject to paragraph (d) below, for Overtime), worked on Saturday, Sunday or Holidays: Saturday - 50% of the Ordinary Time Rate of Pay Sunday - 100% of the Ordinary Time Rate of Pay Holidays - 150% of the Ordinary Time Rate of Pay The shift allowances for hours of work worked by a Full-Time Employee on Saturday, Sunday or Holidays shall only apply to that part of a Shift actually worked on a Saturday, Sunday or Holiday.
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. Any time worked on Saturday, Sunday or holidays outside of the shift hours provided in this Agreement shall be paid for on the basis of the actual hours worked at the overtime rate, except that any employee reporting for work at the stipulated time and for whom no work is provided shall receive pay for two (2) hours at the overtime rate, any employee who reports for work and for whom work is provided shall receive not less than four (4) hours pay at the overtime rate, and if an employee works more than four (4) hours, he shall be paid for the actual hours worked at the overtime rate.
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays all travel time shall be paid at time and one-half (1½).
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. 3. Any non-business meal periods or times when an employee is permitted to sleep will not be considered as time worked and is non-compensable.
4. Overtime may only be earned if the employee’s compensable travel time and hours worked exceed 40 hours in any workweek.
5. Employees will not be compensated for time spent traveling if the additional travel time was due to the employees choice of transportation.
6. Normal travel time commuting from home to work and work to home is not compensable and must be subtracted from any travel time claimed.
7. All time that an employee spends traveling as a part of the principal activity of the position i.e. travel from job site to job site, is considered hours worked.
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. In all cases, GRS shall respond to ValueStar's customer services inquiries within twenty-four (24 hours).
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. Prior to Executive Order 9240 5 it was not customary in this in dustry to pay penalty rates for work done on Saturday or the sixth 4 Under Fair Labor Standards Act all workers must be paid at one and a half times their regular rate, after 40 hours per week but not after 8 hours per day. Under the Xxxxx-Xxxxx Public Contracts A ct all em ployees are paid time and a half after 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week. * “ On all work relating to the prosecution of the w ar," Executive Order 9240 prohibits premium pay for Saturday and Sunday work as such, and makes the payment of double time for the seventh consecutive day of a regularly scheduled workweek mandatory and permits the payment of time and a half for the sixth consecutive workday when such payment is specified in collective agreements.
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays where used herein, refers to the twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at 12:01 a.m. and ending at 12:00 midnight of any Saturday, Sunday, or paid holiday as described in 110.117, F.S.
Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. This rate is for when emergency service is requested by the Client Agency that is not during the normal work day. Hours are from 4:31 pm to 6:59 am Monday through Friday and all day Saturday, Sunday and State holidays till 11:59 pm.