School Sanctions Sample Clauses

School Sanctions. Children at Pollyplatt will always be listened to. However, if the children’s behaviour needs addressing, we use the following sanctions: • A verbal warning and request to the child to correct their behaviour • A ‘Timeout’ for the child to think about their behaviour • Loss of part / all of playtime if the behaviour does not change • Staff will notify parents about repeated concerning behaviour. Our policy is to work alongside parents to support a child demonstrating worrying behaviour. Homework Homework will be sent out on a Friday to be returned the following Wednesday. The amount and type of homework varies depending on your child’s year group. Where possible, homework will be adapted so that all pupils are able to access it. Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any concerns or issues regarding homework. We expect all children to read regularly and encourage all families to read daily with their children. Our expectation is that homework is completed and handed in on time. Teachers may ask children to complete homework during break time if it is not handed in by the required date.
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School Sanctions.  Deal with issues yourself, don’t just pass them on.  Log information with clear, appropriate and timely follow up.  Be tenacious. Chase issues up. Pupils will soon realize that they are not going to get away with it!  It is not the severity of the sanction but the certainty it will happen.  Pupils learn very quickly which members of staff are determined enough to impose sanctions themselves and those who don’t. Remember, for some pupils there may be reasons for exhibiting certain types of behaviour. Appendix A outlines some scenarios where this may be the case and the imposition of sanctions would therefore be inappropriate. Possible sanctions include:  A verbal reprimand.  Extra work or repeating unsatisfactory work until it meets the required standard.  Loss of privileges  Missing break time.  Detention including during lunch-time and after school  School based community service or imposition of a task  Regular reporting including early morning reporting; scheduled uniform and other behaviour checks; or being placed “on report” for behaviour monitoring.  Removal from class and the setting of supervised work in the Review Room  In more extreme cases the school may use temporary or permanent exclusion When poor behaviour is identified, sanctions will be applied consistently and fairly. The following examples of sanctions are intended to be hierarchal and range from Level 1 to Level 8. Behaviour Level Action Strategies / Sanctions Evidence trail Who Level 1 For example: Homework Lateness Uniform Off task Uncooperative Low level disruption Moving out of seat Interrupting the teacher Verbal Warnings. Classroom teacher will tell pupil what they are doing wrong and how to correct it. Behaviour management strategies should attempt to diffuse the situation. Discussions with pupil making expectations clear. Explicit warnings. Limited time out (no more than 5 minutes) Catch up / extra work sessions Detention e.g. break or lunch time. Engaging the learner actively in the lesson e.g. through direct questioning. Dialogue with parents/carers through planner or call home. Reward good behaviour. Logged on XXXX together with how resolved. Notes in pupil planner. At least 2 verbal warnings should be given before the issue can be referred to the next level. Inform Progress Tutor. Class teacher Level 2 2 verbal warnings have been issued at Level 1 Class teacher to explain 2 verbal warnings had now been given. This is the last stage before removal from class to...

Related to School Sanctions

  • CRIMINAL/CIVIL SANCTIONS 1. Each officer or employee of any person to whom returns or return information is or may be disclosed will be notified in writing by such person that returns or return information disclosed to such officer or employee can be used only for a purpose and to the extent authorized herein, and that further disclosure of any such returns or return information for a purpose or to an extent unauthorized herein constitutes a felony punishable upon conviction by a fine of as much as $5,000 or imprisonment for as long as 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution. Such person shall also notify each such officer and employee that any such unauthorized further disclosure of returns or return information may also result in an award of civil damages against the officer or employee in an amount not less than $1,000 with respect to each instance of unauthorized disclosure. These penalties are prescribed by IRC sections 7213 and 7431 and set forth at 26 CFR 301.6103(n)-1.

  • Sanctions A. That HHSC may apply, at its discretion, sanctions if the Contractor fails to comply with any provision of the Contract, including:

  • Disciplinary Sanctions Sanctions shall be limited to written reprimand, suspension with pay, suspension without pay, denial of salary increase, temporary reduction of salary and discharge.

  • BREACH SANCTIONS 19.1 Failure by CONTRACTOR to comply with any of the provisions, covenants, or conditions of this Contract shall be a material breach of this Contract. In such event, ADMINISTRATOR may, and in addition to immediate termination and any other remedies available at law, in equity, or otherwise specified in this Contract:

  • RECIPROCITY AND SANCTIONS PROVISIONS Bidders are hereby notified that if their principal place of business is located in a country, nation, province, state or political subdivision that penalizes New York State vendors, and if the goods or services they offer will be substantially produced or performed outside New York State, the Omnibus Procurement Xxx 0000 and 2000 amendments (Chapter 684 and Chapter 383, respectively) require that they be denied contracts which they would otherwise obtain. NOTE: As of May 15, 2002, the list of discriminatory jurisdictions subject to this provision includes the states of South Carolina, Alaska, West Virginia, Wyoming, Louisiana and Hawaii. Contact NYS Department of Economic Development for a current list of jurisdictions subject to this provision.

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