Shift Work Allowance. (a) All employees shall receive an additional five percent (5%) above their normal rate of pay for those hours worked between 5:00 p.m. and midnight. An employee required to work a schedule which extends beyond 5:00 p.m. for more than two (2) days per week shall be entitled to receive the shift allowance on all hours after 3:00 p.m.
(b) All employees shall receive an additional ten percent (10%) above their normal rate of pay for those hours worked between midnight and 7:00 a.m. An employee required to work a schedule which begins on or after 11:00 p.m. shall be entitled to receive the shift allowance on all hours worked between 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
Shift Work Allowance. 30.7.1 In addition to any other rates prescribed elsewhere in Section 2, an Employee whose rostered hours of ordinary duty finish between 6.00 p.m. and 8.00 a.m. or commence between 6.00 p.m. and 6.30 a.m. shall be paid an amount equal to 2.5% of the rate applicable to first year of experience after qualifications for that Employee per rostered period of duty.
30.7.2 Provided that in the case of an Employee working on any rostered hours of ordinary duty finishing on the day after commencing duty or commencing after midnight and before 5.00 a.m. he or she shall be paid for any such period of duty an amount equal to 4% of the rate applicable to the first year of experience for that Employee, and provided further that in the case of an Employee permanently working on any such rostered hours of ordinary duty he or she shall be paid for any such period of duty an amount equal to 5% of the rate applicable to the first year of experience for that Employee. Permanently working shall mean working for any period in excess of four consecutive weeks.
30.7.3 Provided further that in the case of an Employee who changes from working on one shift to working on another shift the time of commencement of which differs by four hours or more from the first he or she shall be paid an amount equal to 4% of the rate applicable to the first year of experience for that Employee on the occasion of each such change in addition to any amount payable under the preceding provisions of this clause.
a. Change of shift allowance is not payable where a single Employee holds two contemporaneous contracted different positions with the same employer and moving between those positions results in a change of shift pattern which would ordinarily invoke a change of shift allowance payment.
30.7.4 The allowances payable pursuant to this clause shall be calculated to the nearest five cents, portions of a cent being disregarded.
Shift Work Allowance. In addition to any other rates prescribed elsewhere in the Agreement, an Employee whose rostered hours of ordinary duty finish between 6.00 p.m. and
Shift Work Allowance. 22.1 In this Clause the following expressions shall have the following meaning:
(a) Day shift" means a shift commencing at or after 6.00 am and before 12.00 noon.
Shift Work Allowance. All time worked during an Afternoon shift shall be paid an allowance of 12.5% per shift of ordinary hours or the flat rate of $9.70 whatever is the greater. An Afternoon Shift is a shift where the greater part of the hours worked are between 4pm and 10pm. All time worked during a Night Shift shall be paid an allowance of 15% shift of ordinary hours or the flat rate of $9.70 whatever is the greater. A Night Shift is a shift where the greater part of the hours worked are between 10pm and 8am. In the event that a shift does not have a majority of hours falling in either category as described above then the shift shall be paid on the basis of when the shift commenced or the flat rate of $9.70 whatever is the greater. These extra shift rates shall not apply to shift work performed on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays where extra payments apply.
Shift Work Allowance.
23.1 In this Clause the following expressions will have the following meaning:
(a) Day shift means a shift commencing at or after 6.00am and before 12.00 noon.
(b) Afternoon shift means a shift commencing at or after 12.00 noon and before 6.00pm.
(c) Night shift means a shift commencing at or after 6.00pm and at or before 5.59am.
(d) Public Holiday will mean a holiday provided in Clause 37- Public Holidays of this Agreement.
(a) In addition to the ordinary rate of salary the following allowances will be payable:
(i) 15% will be paid to an employee required to work a weekday afternoon shift; and
(ii) 20% will be paid to an employee required to work a night shift.
(iii) For the purposes of this subclause, the ordinary rate of salary payable is prescribed in Schedule 2 – Salaries.
(b) Work performed during ordinary rostered hours on the following days will be paid for at the following rates, in lieu of the allowance prescribed in subclause 23.2(a):
(i) Saturdays – time and one half;
(ii) Sundays – time and three quarters; and
(iii) Public Holidays – double time and one half. Provided that in lieu of the provisions of clause 23.2(b)(iii) and subject to agreement between the Employer and the employee, work performed during ordinary rostered hours on a Public Holiday will be paid for at the rate of time and one-half and the employee may, in addition be allowed a day’s leave with pay to be added to Annual Leave to be taken at some other time within a period of one (1) year.
Shift Work Allowance. 1. Shift work is the structural performance of work in a rotating system according to a duty roster. This must involve at least two shifts per day for 5 days a week or 10 days every two weeks. There must be at least 8 hours between the starting times of two shifts. If the employer decides to introduce a shift system, the shift system will be implemented by and in consultation with a previously selected shift of employees.
2. If the employee works shifts, he will receive: - In a two-shift system with an early shift starting at or after 05:00 and a late shift, not being a night shift, starting at or after 14:00, an allowance of 8.75% of the job rate applicable to them - In a two-shift system with a day shift and a night shift that starts on or after 22:00 or ends after 02:00, an allowance of 11.25% of the job rate applicable to them; - In a system of 3 or more shifts, an allowance of 13.75% of the job rate applicable to them.
3. If a higher allowance was paid on 1 April 1979 than mentioned in paragraph 2, this allowance remains applicable.
Shift Work Allowance. 1. Shift work is the structural performance of work in a rotating system according to a duty roster. This must involve at least two shifts per day for 5 days a week or 10 days every two weeks. There must be at least 8 hours between the starting times of two shifts. If the employer decides to introduce a shift system, the shift system shall be implemented by and in consultation with a previously selected shift of employees.
2. If the employee works shifts, they shall receive - In a two-shift system with an early shift starting at or after
Shift Work Allowance. (a) All employees shall receive an additional five percent (5%) above their normal rate of pay for those hours worked between 5:00 p.m. and midnight. An employee required to work a schedule which extends beyond 5:00
Shift Work Allowance. 1. Employees who work in two shifts according to the schedule will receive an allowance of 15% on the hourly wage, to be calculated on all hours to be paid.
2. Employees who work in three shifts according to the schedule will receive an allowance of 18% on the hourly wage, to be calculated on all hours to be paid.
3. When employees are placed from shift work to a normal day shift, a phase out scheme will apply consisting of a lump sum payment. This payment will amount to: 4 to 6 years six times the shift work allowance per month longer than 6 years nine times the shift work allowance per month
4. No cumulation takes place of the shift work allowance and the allowance for special hours.