Soil Sample Clauses

SoilThe Contracting Parties shall, in view of the role of soil in the functioning of natural ecosystems, take measures, wherever possible towards soil conservation, improvement and rehabilitation; they shall, in particular, endeavour to take steps to prevent soil erosion and other forms of degradation, and promote measures which safeguard the processes of organic decomposition. and thereby its continuing fertility. To that effect, they shall, in particular, endeavour to (a) establish land use policies aimed at avoiding losses of Vegetation cover, substantial soil loss, and damages to the structure of the soil; (b) take all necessary measures to control erosion, especially as it may affect coastal or freshwater ecosystems leading to silation of downstream areas such as lakes or vulnerable ecosystems such as coral reefs, or damage critical habitats, in particular that of endangered or endemic species; (c) take appropriate measures to rehabilitate eroded or degraded soils including rehabilitation of soil affected by mineral exploitation.
Soil. 2.1.1 Bulk Sample Pick‐Up hour $ 60.00
Soil. This classification shall comprise all kinds of soil, turf, sand, silt, loam, clay, mud, peat, black cotton soil, soft shale or loose moorum, a mixture of these and similar materials. All soils covered in ordinary and hard soils shall be covered in this category. Removal of gravel or any other nodular material having dimension in any one direction not exceeding 75 mm occurring in such strata shall be deemed to be covered under this category.
Soil. Seller has caused preliminary soils reports for septic testing to be prepared for the Idarado Legacy Project area by Xxxx Krch, P.E., consulting geotechnical engineer, of which Buyer has received a summary for its review and which Buyer acknowledges is preliminary only, and cannot be relied upon by Buyer for construction on the Property. Varying soil conditions exist within the Property, which may require different construction techniques. As part of any Design Review Committee Submission for building plan approvals for the Property, Buyer, at Buyer’s expense, shall deliver a site specific soils report for the homesite on the Property.
SoilThe Contractor shall not cause any adverse impact to site soils, gravel, or other unpaved areas. It is strictly prohibited to discharge materials in any amount directly to soils or other unpaved areas. Examples include, but are not limited to oil, lubricants, paints, wastewater, degreasers, soaps, detergents, or any regulated materials. Proper disposal routes for any such materials should be addressed with the PPG Project Manager and site Environmental Engineer prior to performing the work.
Soil. The primary purpose of soil sampling is to identify potential contamination source areas, evaluate whether a soil vapor pathway is present, begin delineating the extent of soil contamination at the East Xxxx site, and attempt to determine if additional contamination source areas are contributing contamination at the East Xxxx site. The following subsections describe the sampling collection procedures and methods that will be used during the Phase I field investigation. During the Phase I field investigation, soil samples will be collected from 30 borings in the area west of the Great Miami River. Before drilling begins, public utility clearance to each work site will be conducted. SulTRAC also anticipates hiring a company to survey the sanitary sewer line in the vicinity of Franklin Street via camera or video along the entire length before any intrusive activities begin in this area. All soil borings will be advanced using direct-push technology (DPT) methods. Soil cores will be collected continuously from the 30 borings in the potential source areas. The borings will be advanced to the top of the uppermost water bearing zone (about 15 to 20 ft bgs). The 30 soil borings shown in Figures 5 and 8 will be located as follows: • Open lots in the vicinity of Walnut and Main Street – four locations • Hobart Cabinet – four locations • Various possible source locations within the plume area – Market, Mulberry, Clay, Xxxxxxxx and Water Streets – seven locations, • Vicinity of Clay, Xxxxxxxx and Xxxxxxxx Streets – five locations • Franklin Street between Union and Counts - three locations • Additional locations along sanitary sewer – up to five locations • Background/off site (west of State Route 55/Market Street and southwest of Canal Street) – three locations. These locations may be modified based on (1) initial data gathered during the baseline groundwater sampling event and sewer inspection, (2) the presence of underground or overhead utilities, (3) access agreements, and (4) information obtained from other soil borings advanced during Phase I activities. SulTRAC will attempt to locate borings in public right of ways to the extent possible; however, some borings likely will be located on private property. SulTRAC assumes that EPA will obtain access permission from private property owners when necessary. The soil borings will be advanced by DPT methods using a Geoprobe, AMS PowerProbe, or similar direct- push rig. Soil cores will be collected using a MacroCore sam...
Soil. Ingestion of soil while feeding or preening can be a significant contaminant exposure route for many terrestrial vertebrates (Xxxxx and Fries, 2003). Data were found for a few of our study sites that seem to document uptake of metals from ingested soil or sediment (e.g., lead, copper and zinc in small mammals near Fort XxXxxxx NM & HS and National Mall & Memorial Parks; Xxxxxxx, 1979; Xxxxx et al., 1990). Clearly, many pollutants deposited in soil are taken up by plant and invertebrate food items of terrestrial vertebrates, however, empirical data documenting trophic transfer were not available for the park units in this study. Park Name 0.1 0.01 0.001 1000 100 100 10 1 1 Chesapeake & Ohio Canal NHS X X X Fort XxXxxxx NM & HS X X X Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx MP X X X Xxxxxx'x Ferry NHP X Hopewell Furnace NHS X Monocacy NB X X X National Mall & Memorial Parks X X X National Capital Parks-East X X X Petersburg NB X X X Prince Xxxxxxx XX X X X Richmond NBP X X X X Rock Creek Park X X X Valley Forge NHP X X X Table 5. Relative quantity of priority pollutants released into the water by TRI sites within 10 kilometers of NP units‌ Lead (lb/yr) Mercury (lb/yr) Park Name 1000 100 10 1 10 1 <1 Chesapeake & Ohio Canal NHS X X Fort XxXxxxx NM & HS X X Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx MP X X Hopewell Furnace NHS X Monocacy NB X X National Mall & Memorial Parks X X National Capital Parks-East X X Petersburg NB X X Prince Xxxxxxx XX X X Richmond NBP X X Rock Creek Park X X Valley Forge NHP X With the exception of Appomattox Court House NHP, fish consumption advisories are in effect near or at each of the other 22 study units. The vast majority of these advisories are related to mercury and PCBs, however, these consumption advisories are statewide. These human consumption advisories are germane as many terrestrial vertebrates at the study sites are piscivorous.
Soil. This shall include all soils, soft, medium and hard murrum, soft disintegrated rock, laminated rock, stiff clay, gravel etc. which can be excavated by ordinary pick, shovel, or the xxxxxx, rake, or other ordinary digging implements. These shall also include chalkstone and rock fragments usually rounded or semi rounded having maximum diameter of 80mm to 300mm which can be loosened with application of picks or jumpers or scarifiers to loosen.
SoilThe Department shall provide soil on site and/or adjacent property for the Contractor to use for daily and intermediate cover as shown on the Site Plan and/or Borrow Plan. Department will dictate which soil location the Contractor is to use.
Soil. All footing must extend at least 24 inches into undisturbed natural soil compacted to at least 90 percent density. Soil should be dampened prior to placing concrete in footings. A soils report, completed by a licensed engineer, may be required. # 4 bar in the center of the wall at top & mid height of wall. Locate vertical steel in the center of the wall. 6” or 8” Concrete Block Reinforcing steel lapped 20 inches for # 4 bar. 20 by 26 2” x 4” Mortar key T Reverse direction of Expansion Joints Required every 25’