Tape Measure Sample Clauses

Tape Measure. Crescent Wrench with Safety Strap Multi-bit Screw Driver (or equivalent screwdriver) Pocket Flashlight Front of House Work Gloves Chalk Pen or Pencil Pen or Pencil Small Notebook Small Notebook Watch SCHEDULE “A” - WAGES and SALARIES‌ Effective Jan 1/10 Jan 1/11 Jan 1/12 Dec 31/12 Jan 1/13 current 2% 2% Bump 2% Box Office Supervisor 19.30 19.69 20.08 20.48 Box Office Auxiliary Supervisor 17.19 17.53 17.88 18.24 Box Office Cashier 16.00 16.32 16.65 16.98 Box Office Cashier (Probation) New n/a 15.50 15.81 Assistant FOH Manager New n/a 23.00 23.46 Supervisor 17.74 18.09 18.45 18.95 19.33 Head Bartender 14.74 15.03 15.33 15.64 Bartender 14.15 14.43 14.72 15.01 Concessionaire/Merchandise 13.60 13.87 14.15 14.43 Xxxxx 12.49 12.74 12.99 13.25 Facilities Supervisor 25.96 26.48 27.01 27.55 Janitor - Regular 18.82 19.20 19.58 20.08 20.48 Janitor - Casual 18.22 19.20 19.58 20.08 20.48 Assistant Technical Director 26.66 27.19 27.73 28.28 Crew Chief 24.39 24.88 25.38 25.89 Department Head 23.75 24.23 24.71 25.20 Assistant Sound /Assistant Wardrobe 22.28 22.73 23.18 23.64 Operator / Fork Lift 21.58 22.01 22.45 22.90 Loader 19.68 20.07 20.47 20.88 Grip 18.88 19.26 19.65 20.04 SCHEDULE “B” - STAFF CATEGORIES‌ Assistant Sound: Assistant Sound assists in the Head Sound as required. This may include mixing monitors, mixing FOH as required, assisting with the set up of microphones, cables, stands, speakers, mixing consoles, effects racks, and other sound equipment used in sound production and operation of sound playback equipment. This position also assists with the movement of sound equipment to and from the truck and unpacking and packing equipment from cases on the stage. Assistant Technical Director: Assistant Technical Director’s will assist the Technical Director as required. Duties may involve assistance in short and long term planning, issues of employee safety, maintenance of various stage equipment and physical plant related to show production, supervision of Department Heads, record keeping as it pertains to crew and personal hours worked, and liaison with clients. Bartender: Supervises sales at assigned bar station. Performs duties as assigned and daily inventory count, stock product from master inventory, prepare product for sale and paper work to record sales and reconcile sales to inventory. Bartender - Head: Performs same functions as Bartender. Head Bartender is scheduled when more than two bartenders are required. In addition to duties of bartender, the head...
Tape Measure. Crescent Wrench with Safety Strap Multi-bit Screw Driver (or equivalent screwdriver)
Tape Measure. Crescent Wrench with Safety Strap Multi-bit Screw Driver (or equivalent screwdriver) Pocket Flashlight Work Gloves Chalk Pen or Pencil Small Notebook - general purpose work gloves - footwear which meets the requirement of CSA Standard CAN/CSA-Z195-M92 - safety headgear which meets the requirements of CSA Standard CAN/CSA-Z94.1-92 - clothing needed for protection against the natural elements, of a type and in a condition which will not expose the worker to any unnecessary or avoidable hazards. SCHEDULE “A” - WAGES and SALARIES‌ Current Bump 2009 2010 2011 3% 2% 3% Crew Chief (9 or more crew) new x $27.25 $27.80 $28.63 Crew Chief (1 to 8 crew) $23.50 x $24.21 $24.69 $25.43 Working Dept. Head $22.00 x $22.66 $23.11 $23.80 Operators & Forklifts $19.75 $0.75 $21.12 $21.54 $22.19 Grip / Wardrobe $18.25 x $18.80 $19.18 $19.76 Truck Loader $19.00 x $19.57 $19.96 $20.56 Ground Rigger $21.75 x $22.40 $22.85 $23.54 High Rigger $26.00 $1.75 $28.58 $29.15 $30.02 Head Rigger $28.25 $2.25 $31.42 $32.05 $33.01 Office Operations new x $24.50 $24.99 25.74 First Aid (added to rate worked) Specialty Services $1.00 x $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 Jobs that require special skills normally not required for stage employees shall be negotiated on a per job basis. Examples of this type of work are: Scenic Painting, Finished Carpentry, Plumbing, and Electrical. • No retro will be paid prior to this agreement taking effect. • It is understood that the Crew Chief shall normally count as one (1) of the workers when determining if the crew size is over or under nine (9) people. Crew Chief: The working supervisory stage crew member on any call. Department Head: The supervisory crew member in their department. Operator: Operates particular equipment, including follow spot, control console, pyrotechnics, forklift, and projection equipment, and reports to their Department Head. Grip: Performs general stage crew functions, and reports to their Department Head. Grips must meet the qualification standards specified in Employment Requirements in order to work in any department. Truck Loader: Performs the function of loading and unloading all trucks and trailers the contain production equipment. Ground Rigger: Responsible for rigging all hardware that can be assembled on the ground. High Rigger Responsible for rigging and installing all points and hardware located above the ground. LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING #1‌ BETWEEN: AND:
Tape Measure. Crescent Wrench with Safety Strap Multi-bit Screw Driver (or equivalent screwdriver) Pocket Flashlight Front of House Work Gloves Chalk Pen or Pencil Pen or Pencil Small Notebook Small Notebook Watch Effective Jan 1/07 3% BOX OFFICE EMPLOYEES Dec 31/07 $ Jan 1/08 3% Dec 31/08 $ Jan 1/09 3% Dec 31/09 $ Jan 1/10 3% Box Office Supervisor 15.71 16.71 17.21 17.71 18.24 18.74 19.30 Box Office Auxiliary Supervisor 14.28 14.78 15.22 15.72 16.19 16.69 17.19 Box Office Cashier 13.18 13.68 14.09 14.59 15.03 15.53 16.00 FRONT OF HOUSE EMPLOYEES Supervisor 14.28 15.28 15.73 16.23 16.72 17.22 17.74 Head Bartender 11.54 12.54 12.91 13.41 13.81 14.31 14.74 Bartender 10.99 11.99 12.35 12.85 13.24 13.74 14.15 Concessionaire 10.99 11.49 11.83 12.33 12.70 13.20 13.60 Xxxxx 10.43 11.43 11.78 12.13 12.49 JANITORIAL EMPLOYEES Janitor - Regular 17.22 17.74 18.27 18.82 Janitor - Casual 17.22 17.74 18.27 18.82 STAGE EMPLOYEES Assistant Technical Director 22.44 23.44 24.15 24.65 25.39 25.89 26.66 Crew Chief 20.87 21.37 22.01 22.51 23.18 23.68 24.39 Department Head 20.28 20.78 21.40 21.90 22.56 23.06 23.75 Assistant Sound 21.00 21.63 22.28 Operator 17.51 20.34 20.95 21.58 Loader 17.51 18.01 18.55 19.11 19.68 Grip 16.78 17.28 17.80 18.33 18.88 Crew Chief: The working supervisory stage crew member on any call. Department Head: The supervisory crew member in their department. Operator: Operates particular equipment, including follow spot, control console, pyrotechnics and projection equipment, and reports to their Department Head. Grip: Performs general stage crew functions, and reports to their Department Head. Grips must meet the qualification standards specified in Employment Requirements in order to work in any department. Assistant Sound: Assistant Sound assists in the Head Sound as required. This may include mixing monitors, mixing FOH as required, assisting with the set up of microphones, cables, stands, speakers, mixing consoles, effects racks, and other sound equipment used in sound production and operation of sound playback equipment. This position also assists with the movement of sound equipment to and from the truck and unpacking and packing equipment from cases on the stage. Loader: Loader, under the direction of the Crew Chief loads and unloads equipment from trucks. In order to report to this position, the Loader is required to wear steal toed boots and be able to repeatedly lift equipment of substantial weight. When loading of trucks is completed, Loaders will work the ...
Tape Measure. Crescent Wrench with Safety Strap Multi-bit Screw Driver (or equivalent screwdriver) Pocket Flashlight Work Gloves Chalk Pen or Pencil Small Notebook Tape Measure Pen or Pencil Small Notebook Pocket Flashlight Tape Measure Shears CI ip Pen or Pencil Small Notebook Watch LOCAL Collective Agreement SCHEDULE “A” WAGES and SALARIES Effective Jan 1/07 31/07 Jan 1/08 31/08 Jan 1/09 31/09 Jan 1/10 Box Office Supervisor Box Office Auxiliary Supervisor Box Office Cashier FRONT OF HOUSE EMPLOYEES I Supervisor Head Bartender Bartender Concessionaire Xxxxx Janitor Regular Janitor Casual Assistant Technical Director Crew Chief Department Head Assistant Sound Operator Loader Grip LOCAL Collective Agreement Crew Chief: The working supervisory stage crew member on any call. Department Head: The supervisory crew member in their department. Operator: Grip: Operates particular equipment, including follow spot, control console, pyrotechnics and projection equipment, and reports to their Department Head. Performs general stage crew functions, and reports to their Department Head. Grips must meet the qualification standards specified in Employment Requirements in order to work in any department. Assistant Sound: Assistant Sound assists in the Head Sound as required. This may include mixing monitors, mixing as required, assisting with the set up of microphones, cables, stands, speakers, mixing consoles, effects racks, and other sound equipment used in sound production and operation of sound playback equipment. This position also assists with the movement of sound equipment to and from the truck and unpacking and packing equipment from cases on the stage. Loader: Loader, under the direction of the Crew Chief loads and unloads equipment from trucks. In order to report to this position, the Loader is required to wear steal toed boots and be able to repeatedly lift equipment of substantial weight. When loading of trucks is completed, Loaders will work the remainder of their shift assigned as grips. Assistant Technical Director: Assistant Technical Director‘s will assist the Technical Director as required. Duties may involve assistance in short and long term planning, issues of employee safety, maintenance of various stage equipment and physical plant related to show production, supervision of Department Heads, record keeping as it pertains to crew and personal hours worked, and liaison with clients. Bartender Head: Performs same functions as Bartender. Head Bartender is scheduled wh...
Tape Measure. Crescent Wrench with Safety Strap Multi-bit Screw Driver (or equivalent screwdriver) Pocket Flashlight Pen or Pencil Small Notebook Effective date: Jan 1/2022 Jan 1/2023 Jan 1/2024 5.00% 4.25% Box Office Supervisor $ 24.38 $ 25.60 $ 26.69 Box Office Auxiliary Supervisor $ 21.71 $ 22.80 $ 23.77 Box Office Cashier $ 20.19 $ 21.20 $ 22.10 Assistant FOH Manager $ 29.84 $ 31.33 $ 1.00 $ 32.33 $ 33.70 Supervisor $ 24.02 $ 25.22 $ 1.00 $ 26.22 $ 27.33 Head Bartender $ 19.11 $ 20.07 $ 20.92 Bartender $ 17.84 $ 18.73 $ 19.53 Concessionaire/Merchandise $ 17.17 $ 18.03 $ 1.00 $ 19.03 $ 19.84 Xxxxx $ 16.79 $ 17.63 $ 1.00 $ 18.63 $ 19.42 Custodian - Supervisor $ 29.25 $ 30.71 $ 1.00 $ 31.71 $ 33.06 Custodian Regular $ 24.90 $ 26.15 $ 27.26 Custodian Casual $ 24.38 $ 25.60 $ 26.69 Assistant Technical Director $ 33.63 $ 35.31 $ 36.81 Crew Chief $ 30.80 $ 32.34 $ 33.71 Department Head $ 29.96 $ 31.46 $ 32.80 Assistant Department Head $ 28.12 $ 29.53 $ 30.79 Operator/Fork Lift $ 27.23 $ 28.59 $ 29.81 Loader $ 24.84 $ 26.08 $ 27.19 Grip $ 24.36 $ 25.58 $ 26.67 Mileage - per kilometre per CRA mandated amount CEIRP - percentage 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% FOH uniform maintenance $ 0.50 $ 0.53 $ 0.55 bodily fluid cleanup allowance $ 2.00 $ 2.10 $ 2.19 Assistant Front of House Manager Will assist the Front of House Manager as required. Duties may involve assistance in short and long term planning, issues of Employee safety, maintenance of Front of House equipment, supervision of all ushers, concession and bar staff. Perform duties as assigned and other administrative functions including preparing staff scheduling for approval by Manager; preliminary review of prospective Employees; stock ordering, performing inventory counts, and reception planning. The Assistant Front of House Manager may be appointed to act for the Front of House Manager in the absence of the Front House Manager. Assistant Head of Department: Assistant Head of Department assists the Head of Department as required. This position is one in which the Assistant is able to assume all responsibilities of the Head of Department, including crew supervision and equipment operation, and also assists with the movement of equipment to and from the truck and unpacking and packing equipment from cases on the stage. Assistant Technical Director: Assistant Technical Director’s will assist the Technical Director as required. Duties may involve assistance in short and long term planning, issues of Employee safety, maintenance of various...
Tape Measure. Crescent Wrench with Safety Strap Multi-bit Screw Driver (or equivalent screwdriver) Pocket Flashlight Front of House Chalk Pen or Pencil Pen or Pencil Small Notebook Small Notebook Watch Crew Chief: The working supervisory stage crew member on any call. Department Head: The supervisory crew member in their department. Operator: Operates particular equipment, including follow spot, control console, pyrotechnics and projection equipment, and reports to their Department Head. Grip: Performs general stage crew functions, and reports to their Department Head. Grips must meet the qualification standards specified in Employment Requirements in order to work in any department. Bartender - Head: Performs same functions as Bartender. Head Bartender is scheduled when more than two bartenders are required. In addition to duties of bartender, the head bartender will prepare additional paper work required to accumulate and reconcile sales and inventory figures from all bar stations. Bartender: Supervises sales at assigned bar station. Performs duties as assigned and daily inventory count, stock product from master inventory, prepare product for sale and paper work to record sales and reconcile sales to inventory. Box Office Supervisor
Tape Measure. Crescent Wrench with Safety Strap Multi-bit Screw Driver (or equivalent screwdriver) Pocket Flashlight Front of House Work Gloves Chalk Pen or Pencil Pen or Pencil Small Notebook Small Notebook Watch Concessionaire: Supervises sales at the concession when alcohol is not being served. Performs duties as assigned and daily inventory count; stock product from master inventory; prepare product for sale and prepare paper work to record sales and reconcile sales to inventory. Xxxxx: Performs duties as assigned including ticket taking; zone safety functions; patron seating and management; coat check; merchandising sales for licensees when assigned and assists in concession and bar sales when necessary and trained to do so.
Tape Measure. 1 Pair Gloves All tools and equipment owned by the Employer but furnished and supplied to the Employee will be used and maintained as directed. The xxxxxxx will be re- sponsible to instruct the Employees as to the correct and safe use of such equipment. The Employer agrees to provide facilities capable of being locked for Employees to keep their tools in. who has the knowledge required to perform most of the operations required to apply roofing and with a minimum of instructions from the Xxxxxxx can perform or assist in the performance of all the operations. Is also one who has been grandfathered to the cation of journeyman through the Apprenticeship Pro- gram and/or has successfully completed the Appren- ticeship Program. is one who will work at the direction of a Material Handler and will perform work of a labourer supplying materials to be laid in a roof system by more experienced Roofing Personnel. All Roofing personnel who are presently in the clas- sification system as set out in the previous Agreement, shall complete their respective automatic progression. Roofing personnel in the classification system of the previous Agreement shall be the first employees hired when available at all times until they have completed all automatic progression. Apprentices shall be indentured to the employer and shall continue in training with such employer as long as possible. Apprentices should be tested at the conclusion of each school training period. Apprentices must attend in-school training when directed by the employer. The apprentice will advance to the next training period while waiting for the availability of an in-school train- ing program. An apprentice who fails to successfully complete the in-school training program shall be held in the current training period until the employee tries again and successfully passes the test. Within a company the apprenticeship ratio to journey- man after the first one shall be 1 apprentice to 3 jour- neymen. (This ratio will be reviewed prior to the end of this Collective Agreement.) The first calendar days of employment shall be considered probation- ary and will be credited if the apprentice continues. Crew size may consist of 3 Journeymen (which in- cludes Journeymen Roofers, Foremen and Red Cir- cled and 3 Apprentices. Where there is an opening for an apprentice, a apprentice shall be selected in order of seniority. Employers must have a full quota of apprentices in order to qualify to employ a 1 apprentice for the fi...

Related to Tape Measure

  • Mileage Measurement Where required, the mileage measurement for LIS rate elements is determined in the same manner as the mileage measurement for V&H methodology as outlined in NECA Tariff No. 4.

  • Interim Measures 6.1 The Parties acknowledge that the British Columbia Claims Task Force made the following recommendation concerning Interim Measures:

  • Corrective Measures If the Participating Generator fails to meet or maintain the requirements set forth in this Agreement and/or the CAISO Tariff, the CAISO shall be permitted to take any of the measures, contained or referenced in the CAISO Tariff, which the CAISO deems to be necessary to correct the situation.

  • Usage Measurement Usage measurement for calls shall begin when answer supervision or equivalent Signaling System 7 (SS7) message is received from the terminating office and shall end at the time of call disconnect by the calling or called subscriber, whichever occurs first.

  • Temperature Measurement Temperature will be measured by the nearest automatic Melbourne Bureau of Meteorology Monitoring Station for example (but not limited to): Melbourne, Moorabbin, Dunns Hill, Melbourne Airport, Frankston, and Point Xxxxxx. At the commencement of each project, the onsite management and employee representatives shall agree which is to be the applicable automatic weather monitoring station.

  • Protective Measures We have implemented and will maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures in relation to the Services taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation, and the nature, scope, context and purposes of Processing, as well as the likelihood and severity of risk to the rights and freedoms of data subjects. This includes measures relating to the physical security of Our facilities used to deliver them, measures to control access rights to Our assets and relevant networks, and processes for testing these measures. In accordance with Our obligations under applicable law, We may undertake digital forensic investigations in relation to the use of the Services and Subscriptions. You are responsible for using, and ensuring that your Users use, the controls and advice provided by the Services correctly and consistently.

  • Performance Measure Grantee will adhere to the performance measures requirements documented in

  • Provisional Measures 1. The judicial authorities shall have the authority to order prompt and effective provisional measures: (a) to prevent an infringement of any intellectual property right from occurring, and in particular to prevent the entry into the channels of commerce in their jurisdiction of goods, including imported goods immediately after customs clearance; (b) to preserve relevant evidence in regard to the alleged infringement. 2. The judicial authorities shall have the authority to adopt provisional measures inaudita altera parte where appropriate, in particular where any delay is likely to cause irreparable harm to the right holder, or where there is a demonstrable risk of evidence being destroyed. 3. The judicial authorities shall have the authority to require the applicant to provide any reasonably available evidence in order to satisfy themselves with a sufficient degree of certainty that the applicant is the right holder and that the applicant’s right is being infringed or that such infringement is imminent, and to order the applicant to provide a security or equivalent assurance sufficient to protect the defendant and to prevent abuse. 4. Where provisional measures have been adopted inaudita altera parte, the parties affected shall be given notice, without delay after the execution of the measures at the latest. A review, including a right to be heard, shall take place upon request of the defendant with a view to deciding, within a reasonable period after the notification of the measures, whether these measures shall be modified, revoked or confirmed. 5. The applicant may be required to supply other information necessary for the identification of the goods concerned by the authority that will execute the provisional measures. 6. Without prejudice to paragraph 4, provisional measures taken on the basis of paragraphs 1 and 2 shall, upon request by the defendant, be revoked or otherwise cease to have effect, if proceedings leading to a decision on the merits of the case are not initiated within a reasonable period, to be determined by the judicial authority ordering the measures where a Member's law so permits or, in the absence of such a determination, not to exceed 20 working days or 31 calendar days, whichever is the longer. 7. Where the provisional measures are revoked or where they lapse due to any act or omission by the applicant, or where it is subsequently found that there has been no infringement or threat of infringement of an intellectual property right, the judicial authorities shall have the authority to order the applicant, upon request of the defendant, to provide the defendant appropriate compensation for any injury caused by these measures. 8. To the extent that any provisional measure can be ordered as a result of administrative procedures, such procedures shall conform to principles equivalent in substance to those set forth in this Section. SECTION 4: SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO BORDER MEASURES12

  • General Measures Employees experiencing family violence have a right to request flexible working arrangements including changes to working times. Such requests will not be unreasonably refused.

  • Safety Measures Awarded vendor shall take all reasonable precautions for the safety of employees on the worksite, and shall erect and properly maintain all necessary safeguards for protection of workers and the public. Awarded vendor shall post warning signs against all hazards created by the operation and work in progress. Proper precautions shall be taken pursuant to state law and standard practices to protect workers, general public and existing structures from injury or damage.