Special assumptions. 4. The valuation regards the specific valuation purpose of the Acquisition as its premises of basic assumptions.
Special assumptions. The Target Property comprises the title to the car parking spaces and the right-of- use of the car parking spaces. The title to the car parking spaces can be transferred by way of sale. Therefore, it is assumed that the title to the car parking spaces in the Target Property can be freely transferred without any additional costs.
Special assumptions. 1. The external economic environment remains unchanged and the current national macroeconomic conditions will not change significantly since the Reference Date;
2. The social and economic environment, as well as the implemented policies in relation to tax and tax rates, etc. of the company will not change significantly;
3. The future management of the company is diligent and will maintain the existing management model;
4. The assets composition, structure of principal businesses, the composition of income and cost, sales strategy and cost control of the company in the forecast period will be implemented as planned without significant changes (not taking into account any incomes and losses brought by changes in assets composition, principal businesses and business structure arising from the changes in management, business policy and business environment);
5. The acquisition and utilization methods of the sites for business operation remain in line with those at the Reference Date without changes;
6. In future operating periods, various expenses of the company comply with its original plans, without major changes. Considering that the monetary capitals or bank deposits of the company will change frequently or considerably during the operating periods, the report does not take into account any interest incomes of deposits or any contingent incomes or losses (such as losses or gains on exchanges) when appraising the finance expenses;
7. In future operating periods, under the precondition that the recognition standards and policies for new & high-tech enterprises will not change greatly, and the company will continue to be qualified for new & high-tech enterprise and be entitled to relevant preferential tax policy;
8. The valuation is based on the existing assets as at the Reference Date and the current market price of relevant assets is based on the effective domestic price as at the Reference Date;
9. The basic information and financial information provided by the principal and the valued company is true, accurate and complete;
10. The scope of the valuation is subject to the application form for valuation provided by the principal and the valued company, without taking into account the contingent assets or contingent liabilities, if any, not included in the list provided by the principal and the valued company;
11. The impact of inflation is not taken into account in the selection of the value of the parameters in the valuation. If there is any change in the...
Special assumptions. 1. Assuming that the outer economic environment concerning the country’s current macro-economy, financial and industrial policy will not undergo unforeseeable material unfavourable changes after the valuation base date;
Special assumptions. 1. The external economic environment remains unchanged and the current national macroeconomic conditions will not change significantly since the Reference Date;
Special assumptions. 1. The macroeconomic policy, industrial policy and development policy of the countries and regions where Shandong Energy Finance Company or Yankuang Finance Company (as the case may be) are located, except for those known to the public, does not change significantly after the Benchmark Date.
Special assumptions. 1. This assumption assumes that the external economic environment remains unchanged on the Valuation Benchmark Date, and that the country’s current macroeconomic environment does not change significantly; there are no major changes in the socio-economic environment in which the enterprise is located, and the taxes and tax rates implemented.
Special assumptions. 1. This valuation is subject to the specific valuation purposes set out in this Valuation Report;
Special assumptions. None agreed.
Special assumptions. The following are special assumptions that are to be taken into account in preparation of the appraisal reports to estimate the fair market value of the Project Site.