Step One - Formal Grievance Sample Clauses
Step One - Formal Grievance. The Union may file a formal complaint on behalf of an aggrieved employee(s). The grievance shall specify the nature of the grievance, including the section of the collective bargaining agreement that was allegedly violated and a statement of facts, times and dates.
Step One - Formal Grievance. If an issue is not satisfactorily resolved through the complaint process as per Article 11, the Union may within ten (10) working days of such a meeting or, in the event that no meeting is held fifteen (15) days from when the meeting was first requested – submit a grievance, in writing, to a designated Grievance Officer. If the grievance is against the actions of the designated Grievance Officer, a Step 1 grievance will be submitted to the Executive Director. Such written grievance shall state the details and nature of the grievance and the provisions of the Collective Agreement violated, as well as the remedy sought. Except in mutually agreed circumstances a grievance must be filed within 20 working days following the time the Employee could reasonably have become aware of the circumstances that are the subject of the grievance. The grievance shall be answered in writing within ten (10) working days of its receipt. Where a grievance is denied the reply shall include the reasons for denying the grievance. No representative of the Employer shall discuss the grievance with the Employee at this, or any subsequent stage without the consent and presence of the Union.
Step One - Formal Grievance. UPSEU may file a formal complaint on behalf of an aggrieved employee(s) with the Superintendent of Highways. The grievance shall specify the nature of the grievance, including the section of the collective bargaining agreement that was allegedly violated, a statement of facts, times and dates, and the remedy sought. The grievance must be submitted, in writing, to the Superintendent of Highways within thirty calendar days from knowledge of the occurrence, or when the Union should have had knowledge.
Step One - Formal Grievance. The Union may file a formal complaint on behalf of an aggrieved employee(s). The grievance shall specify the nature of the grievance, including the section of the Collective Bargaining Agreement that was allegedly violated and a statement of facts times and dates. The grievance must be submitted, in writing, to the Town Supervisor within thirty calendar days from knowledge of the alleged grievance, or when the Union should have had knowledge. Within seven calendar days after receiving the grievance, the Town Supervisor shall meet with the designated Union Xxxxxxx and the aggrieved employee(s). Within seven calendar days after the meeting, the Town Supervisor shall issue a written response to the grievance, which shall be given to the designated Union Xxxxxxx and the employee(s). 2018-2019 4
Step One - Formal Grievance. If the grievance is not resolved informally within seven calendar days of its presentation to the department head, the Union may file a formal complaint on behalf of an aggrieved employee(s). Step Two • Appeal: If the Union is not satisfied with the response at Step One, or if no response is received within twenty-one calendar days, or if such decision by the department head is not implemented, the Union may submit the grievance to the Town Board. The appeal must be submitted, in writing, within fourteen calendar days from receiving the Step One response, or the end of the twenty-one calendar day period if no response is given, whichever is sooner.
Step One - Formal Grievance. The CSEA labor relations specialist, CSEA Unit President, or an individual member of the bargaining unit may submit a grievance to the appropriate Department Head. The specific mature of the grievance and the facts relating thereto shall be reduced to writing and provided to the Department Head within thirty calendar days of the incident giving rise to the grievance.
Step One - Formal Grievance. The Shop Xxxxxxx will have the right to take up the subject matter of the grievance on behalf of any employee or group thereof with the Superintendent of Highways at any reasonable time during working hours within ten working days from the occurrence of the alleged incident. The grievance shall specify the nature of the grievance, including the section of the collective bargaining agreement that was allegedly violated, a statement of facts, times and dates, and the remedy sought.
Step One - Formal Grievance. (a) The Employer will advise the Union as to its Step One designate(s).
(b) If no resolution has been reached through the informal process, notice of the grievance must be filed by the Union in writing with the appropriate Step One designate within ten (10) working days after the occurrence of the alleged grievance or of the date on which the employee first had knowledge of the event(s) giving rise to a grievance.
(c) The Step One designate must answer the grievance within ten (10) working days of receipt.
(d) At the discretion of the Union, a CAW Union Representative may be involved in the grievance.
(e) A grievance at Step One must clearly describe the nature of the incident or occurrence which gave rise to the grievance and clearly state the provision of the collective agreement which is alleged to have been violated.
(f) Any resolution of a grievance or a potential grievance reached at Step One is without prejudice or precedent to either party to the collective agreement.
Step One - Formal Grievance. The Union shall file notice in writing of a grievance with the Branch Manager or his designate as designated by the Employer, within five (5) days after the occurrence of the alleged grievance or of the date on which the employee first has knowledge of it or if applicable after the response from an employee's immediate Supervisor in the Informal Step. Following receipt of the grievance the Employer shall have five (5) days to respond in writing, and such response shall include the reasons for his decision. Any meeting between the parties at this step must involve the employee, his Union Xxxxxxx, and/or Business Agent, and a person from Management other than the Employee's Supervisor.
Step One - Formal Grievance. A representative of Laborers’ International Union Local 17 may file a grievance on behalf of an aggrieved employee(s). The grievance shall specify the section of the Collective Bargaining Agreement that was allegedly violated and include description of the grievance and the remedy sought.