Structural Plans. Preliminary Structural Drawings including plans and sections indicating anticipated systems, connections and foundations.
Structural Plans. The Consultant shall prepare plan sheets, notes and details to include all drawings referenced in the submittal checklist.
Structural Plans. Provide Foundation Plan and Structural Framing Plans that include floor, roof, and wall construction ❑ N. Structural Details (as required) ❑ O. Structural Calculations (one set) ❑ P. Mechanical Plans Show HVAC system layout Show fire damper and fire/smoke damper locations, location of fuel-fired equipment, including type and size of flues, BTUH input, gas pipe sizes Provide kitchen exhaust hood size/fire protection, smoke control systems, as applicable ❑ Q. Plumbing Plans Storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water, gas, fire hydrant, catch basin locations Water and gas connections Plumbing Fixtures: Water closets, urinals, lavatories, and drinking fountains Roof Drainage: Roof drain, overflow drain, scuppers, and leader sizes and locations Fire sprinkler system and standpipe location and main connections List kitchen equipment Sand traps, grease traps, etc. Plumbing isometrics
Structural Plans. Detailed structural design plans, elevation and sectional drawings at the appropriate scale, and specific details to meet all relevant site conditions and building codes as well as incorporating recommendations from the geotechnical engineer related to foundation design, soils and groundwater conditions. Approximately 10 sheets.
Structural Plans. Prepare structural drawings for blower facility and activated sludge basins improvements. Include provisions for pipe and equipment support and seismic restraint and anchorage; seismic design for proposed structures; and structural calculations for proposed structure building permit approval. It is assumed that the blower facility will be constructed with a concrete slab and foundation, concrete masonry unit walls, and a wood-framed roof. Provide stamped structural calculations for the blower facility and activated sludge basins improvements for use with permitting submittal.
Structural Plans. Supporting documentation includes drainage calculations, technical specifications, cost estimates, catalog cuts, and product literature.
Structural Plans. The structural plans will be developed and included in the submittals outlined in Task 4. The structural plans will be prepared by, or under the supervision of, an Illinois Licensed Structural Engineer and will consist of the following drawings: ▪ General Plan and Elevation 2 Sheets ▪ General Data 4 Sheets ▪ Top of Deck Elevations 6 Sheets ▪ Top of Approach Slab Elevations 4 Sheets ▪ Superstructure Details 8 Sheets ▪ Diaphragm Details 2 Sheets ▪ Railing Details 6 Sheets ▪ Bridge Approach Slab Details 6 Sheets ▪ Framing Plan 2 Sheets ▪ Beam Details 4 Sheets ▪ Abutment Details 8 Sheets ▪ Retaining Wall Details 24 Sheets ▪ Moment /Anchorage Slab Details 13 Sheets ▪ Pile Details. 2 Sheets ▪ Pipe Drain Details 2 Sheets ▪ Soil Borings 18 Sheets ▪ Existing Plans 12 Sheets Quantity calculations will be prepared and included in the submittals outlined in Task 10. The computed quantities will serve as the basis for the Summary of Quantities plan sheet and the ENGINEER’s Estimate of Cost. ▪ Earthwork computations, pavement computations and other quantity calculations will conform to the requirements of Section 11-5 of the BLRS Manual and the Chapter 64 of the DEPARTMENT Bureau of Design and Environment (BDE) Manual. ▪ The computations will be done in spreadsheet format utilizing Microsoft Excel. and the Recurring Special Provisions will be cross checked to ensure that the appropriate pay items, methods of measurement and basis of payment are used. For each quantity, the IDOT coded pay item number will be used. These coded pay items will determined from the IDOT Coded Pay Items on the DEPARTMENT website.
Structural Plans. Structural Calculations - (including
Structural Plans. 2. The technical specifications show representative specifications for the project. Specifications will be provided in six digit CSI format.
3. The submittal book supplements the plans and specifications showing:
a. Progress Report
b. Statement of Probable Construction Costs
c. Material cut sheets
4. Redline and review, Internal Quality Control (QC).
5. Prepare and distribute CEQA Administrative Draft for internal review.
6. Public Meetings: Community Workshop, PRC
a. Coordinate the presentation setup for each of these meetings at 60%:
b. Setup a presentation and review with City staff.
c. Assist with City staff reports if necessary.
d. Prepare current graphics for the presentations.
e. Work with City staff on the agenda and facilitation.
f. At the meetings, we will present process and current design for input. A recap recent improvements and master plan objectives.
7. Refine and resubmit plans to based on comments from City staff and input in Public meetings.
8. We have included three meetings with City staff to review the submittal design and improvements.
B. 95% Submittal – Coordinate, update and provide 95% submittal package of Plan Specifications and Estimates.
1. Specification setup to insert into City standard specifications and front- end document.
2. Public Meetings: Community PRC and City Council
a. Coordinate the presentation setup for each of these meetings at 95%:
b. Setup a presentation and review with City staff.
c. Assist with City staff reports if necessary.
d. Prepare current graphics for the presentations.
e. Work with City staff on the agenda and facilitation.
f. At the meetings, we will present process and current design for
3. Submit to Building Department and coordinate comments and approval.
4. Submit plans to independent third park CPSI to review play areas for safety compliance. Caltrans encroachment permit setup and submittal.
5. If multiple award purchasing agreements are to be used then, we will support the city with application and initiate purchase order of direct purchase site furnishings.
Structural Plans. General Plan (1 sheet) 40 General Data (1 sheet) 18 Culvert Details-I (1 sheet) 58 Culvert Details-II (1 sheet) 42 Steel Railing Details (1 sheet) 26 Soil Borings 4 Creek Cross Sections (10' intervals for 100', 10 sections @ 3hrs/section) 30 Plats and Legals 2 MCDOT Details and IDOT Standards 6 Cross Section (50' intervals for 500', 10 sections @ 3hrs/section) 30 Disposition of Comments (Preliminary, Prefinal, Final) 16 Estimate of Cost and Time 20 Special Provisions 30