Summative Rating Sample Clauses

Summative Rating. 1. The summative rating of a teacher shall be based upon student growth measures and performance that is assessed through evidence gathered during the walkthroughs and formal observations.
Summative Rating. The summative evaluation will incorporate a 4-rating system, “excellent,” “proficient,” “developing” or “unsatisfactory” based on a numerical scoring system. The summative rating score will include the score from both the competency-based rubric and a rubric for assessing goals. Each shall be weighted 50% for the overall summative evaluation rating.
Summative Rating. A. The summative rating of a teacher shall be based upon student growth measures and performance that is assessed through evidence gathered during the walkthroughs and formal observations.
Summative Rating. 1. Comprehensive Evaluation A classroom teacher on a Comprehensive Evaluation shall receive a summative performance rating for each of the eight (8) state evaluation criteria. The overall summative score is determined by totaling the eight (8) criterion-level scores as follows: 8-14—Unsatisfactory 15-21—Basic 22-28—Proficient 29-32—Distinguished 2. Focused Evaluation The summative score is determined using the most recent comprehensive summative evaluation score. This score becomes the focus summative evaluation score for any of the subsequent years following the comprehensive summative evaluation in which the certificated classroom teacher is placed on a focused evaluation. Should a teacher provide evidence of exemplary practice on the chosen focused criterion, a level 4 Distinguished score may be awarded by the evaluator.
Summative Rating. A. The summative rating of a teacher shall be based upon student growth measures and performance that is assessed through evidence gathered during the walkthroughs and formal observations. B. Evaluation Rating For the purposes of the evaluation framework developed under this Article, teacher performance shall be rated based upon the following specific standards and criteria as set forth by the Ohio Department of Education that distinguish between the following levels of performance for teachers: 1. Accomplished 2. Skilled 3. Developing 4. Ineffective XI. PERSONNEL ACTION BASED ON SUMMATIVE RATING A. Professional Growth and Improvement Plans 1. For those teachers with an “Accomplished” summative rating, those teachers must develop professional growth plans. 2. For those teachers with “Skilled or Developing” summative ratings, those teachers must develop professional growth plans in collaboration with their evaluator. 3. For those teachers with an “Ineffective” summative rating, an evaluator will develop an improvement plan for those teachers. B. Remediation Plan for reoccurring “Ineffective Rating” 1. Effect of “Ineffective Rating” for two (2) of the three (3) most recent school years: Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, each teacher who teaches in a core subject area and who has received a rating of ineffective on the evaluations conducted pursuant to this Article for two (2) of the three (3) most recent school years, must register for and take all written examinations of content knowledge selected by the Ohio Department of Education as appropriate to determine expertise to teach that core subject area and the grade level to which the teacher is assigned. The results of such examinations shall be used in developing and revising professional development plans for the teacher. 2. If a teacher who takes such examination, passes such examination, and provides proof of passage to the District, the District shall require the teacher to complete professional development that is targeted to the deficiencies identified in the teacher’s evaluations conducted pursuant to this Article. If the teacher receives an ineffective rating on the teacher’s next evaluation after completion of the professional development, or if the teacher fails to complete the professional development, this shall be grounds for termination of the teacher under ORC Section 3319.16. 3. If a teacher who takes such examination fails to pass such examination for three (3) consecutive administ...
Summative Rating. The summative rating of a teacher shall be based upon student growth measures, which shall account for fifty percent (50%), and performance that is assessed through evidence gathered during the walkthroughs and formal observations, which shall account for fifty percent (50%).Evaluation Rating For the purposes of the evaluation framework developed under this Article, teacher performance shall be rated based upon the following specific standards and criteria as set forth by the Ohio Department of Education that distinguish between the following levels of performance for teachers: • Accomplished • Skilled • Developing • Ineffective Ratings of accomplished, skilled and developing will be considered comparable, provided that a teacher rated as developing has not been rated developing for more than 2 consecutive years. If a teacher has been rated developing for more than 2 consecutive years then they shall not be considered comparable to those with ratings of accomplished or skilled. 1. An Accomplished teacher shall submit a self-directed Professional Growth Plan to the evaluator. 2. A Skilled teacher and the evaluator shall jointly develop a Professional Growth Plan for the teacher. 3. A teacher with a Developing rating will develop a Professional Growth Plan that is guided by the evaluator. 4. A teacher with an Ineffective rating will be placed on an Improvement Plan developed by the evaluator. An evaluator has the discretion to place a teacher on an Improvement Plan any time a deficiency is identified, provided that the request for the improvement plan is approved by the evaluation committee.
Summative Rating. This overall evaluation score combines the multiple measures of teacher practice and student growth. All New Jersey teachers earn one of four ratings: Highly Effective, Effective, Partially Effective, or Ineffective.
Summative Rating. The summative rating of a teacher shall be based upon student growth measures, which shall account for fifty percent (50%), and performance that is assessed through evidence gathered during the walkthroughs and formal observations, which shall account for fifty percent (50%).Evaluation Rating For the purposes of the evaluation framework developed under this Article, teacher performance shall be rated based upon the following specific standards and criteria as set forth by the Ohio Department of Education that distinguish between the following levels of performance for teachers: • Accomplished • Skilled • Developing • Ineffective
Summative Rating. 1. Comprehensive Evaluation A classroom teacher on a comprehensive evaluation shall receive a summative performance rating for each of the eight (8) state evaluation criteria. The overall summative score is determined by totaling the eight (8) criterion-level scores as follows: 8-14—Unsatisfactory 15-21—Basic 22-28—Proficient 29-32—Distinguished 2. Focused Evaluation A classroom teacher shall receive a summative performance rating based on the score for the criterion selected for the focused evaluation and the student growth rubrics used in the evaluation.
Summative Rating. Teacher Practice Component: The scoring of the teacher practice portion of the evaluation shall be in accordance with the Xxxxxx Public Schools' District Evaluation Instrument Domain/Component Weightiness spreadsheet included in the Districts' Evaluation Plan document. Growth Component: The Growth Component shall be calculated in accordance with each District's Evaluation Plan(s) document.