Systematic overtime. In enterprises with varying production needs, and where the local parties have unsuccessfully tried to obtain a local agreement on varying weekly working hours, cf. Clause 9 (2), the employer may announce systematic overtime. Systematic overtime cannot exceed 5 hours per calendar week and 1 hour per day and must be placed in extension of the normal working hours of the individual employee. Systematic overtime must be notified within normal working hours at the latest 4 calendar days before the week in which the systematic overtime is to be performed. Systematic overtime must - unless otherwise agreed between the enterprise's management and the shop xxxxxxx - be compensated as full days off within a 12-month period after it was carried out. Surplus hours that do not warrant a full working day are carried over. The days off are determined by the employer following local negotiations between the parties, but the employee must be notified at least 6 x 24 hours in advance. Days off resulting from systematic overtime cannot be placed in a notice period unless the employer and employee agree.
Systematic overtime. In enterprises with variable production needs, and where the local parties have unsuccessfully tried to reach local agreement on variable weekly working time, cf. clause 2 (1), the employer may announce systematic overtime. Systematic overtime may not exceed 5 hours per calendar week and 1 hour per day and must be scheduled in extension of the normal working hours of the individual employee. Systematic overtime must be notified within normal working hours and at the latest 4 calendar days before the week in which the systematic overtime is to be performed. Systematic overtime must - unless otherwise agreed between management and union representative - be compensated as full days off within a 12-month period after it was carried out. Surplus hours that do not warrant a full work-free day are carried over. The days off in lieu shall be determined by the employer following local negotiations between the parties, but the employee must be notified at least 6 x 24 hours in advance. Days off in lieu resulting from systematic overtime cannot be scheduled in a notice period unless the employer and employee agree.
Systematic overtime. 1. If the local parties have tried in vain to make an agreement on variable weekly working hours, see Article 10, the enterprise may give notice of systematic overtime. Systematic overtime may not exceed five hours per calendar week and one hour per day and must be scheduled in connection with the individual employee’s normal working hours. Systematic overtime must be notified no later than before the end of normal working hours four calendar days before the week, in which the systematic overtime is to be performed.
2. Systematic overtime must – unless otherwise agreed between the management of the enterprise and the shop xxxxxxx – be taken as whole days off in lieu within a twelve-month period after it was performed.
3. Surplus hours that do not entitle the employee to a full day off work are carried forward.
4. The time for taking time off in lieu is determined by the employer following local negotiations between the parties. However, the employee must be given a notice of minimum 6x24 hours.
5. Time off in lieu stemming from systematic overtime may not be scheduled during a period of notice of termination, unless the en- terprise and the employee agree on this.
6. The existing possibilities for notifying overtime according to the other rules of the collective agreement will not be affected by the possibility of notifying systematic overtime.
Systematic overtime. The rules on systematic overtime work (see clause 13.4) also apply to drivers.
Systematic overtime. 1. If the local parties have tried in vain to enter into an agreement on variable weekly working hours, cf. Article 10, the enterprise may give advance notice of systematic overtime. Systematic overtime may not exceed five hours per calendar week and one hour per day and shall be placed in connection with the individual employee’s normal working hours. Systematic overtime shall be notified no later than before the end of normal working hours four calendar days be- fore the week, in which the systematic overtime is to be performed.
2. Unless otherwise agreed between the management of the enter- prise and the shop xxxxxxx, systematic overtime shall be taken as whole days off in lieu within a twelve-month period after it was per- formed.
3. Surplus hours that do not entitle the employee to a full day off work are carried forward.
4. The time of taking time off in lieu is determined by the employer fol- lowing local negotiations between the parties. However, the em- ployee shall be given a notice of minimum 6x24 hours.
5. Time off in lieu stemming from systematic overtime may not be placed during a period of notice of termination, unless the enterprise and the employee agree on this.
6. The existing possibilities for notifying overtime work according to the other rules of the collective agreement will not be affected by the possibility of notifying systematic overtime.
Systematic overtime. If the local parties have failed to enter into an agreement on variable weekly working hours, cf. Article 13, the enterprise may issue notifi- cation of systematic overtime. Systematic overtime may not exceed five hours per calendar week and one hour per day and must be scheduled in connection with the individual employee’s normal work- ing hours. Systematic overtime must be notified no later than before the end of normal working hours four calendar days before the week, in which the systematic overtime is to be performed.
Systematic overtime. The associations agree that to the extent possible, overtime should be avoided but that there may be situations that will necessitate overtime in order to facilitate the operation of the enterprise or punctual completion of orders, obligations etc. The shop xxxxxxx must be kept informed about the extent of the overtime. At enterprises with varying production requirements and where local parties have un- successfully tried to achieve a local agreement about varying weekly working hours, the enterprise can give notice of systematic overtime. Systematic overtime can at most constitute five hours per calendar week and one hour per day and must be timed in connection with the individual employee's normal working hours. Notice must be given of systematic overtime at the latest before the end of normal working hours four calendar days before the week in which the systematic overtime is performed. Systematic overtime must – unless otherwise agreed between the management and the shop xxxxxxx of the enterprise – be taken off in lieu as whole days off within a 12- month period after performing such overtime. Excess working hours, which do not en- title to a full working day, are carried on. The time for lieu days is determined by the employer according to local negotiations between the parties; however, the employee must be given a notice of at least 6 x 24 hours. Lieu days stemming from systematic overtime cannot be timed in a period of notice unless the enterprise and the employee agree about this. The parties to the collective agreement agree to clarify that the model cannot be used for a permanent increase of the enterprise's production capacity in the form of e.g. a fixed 42-hour working week with continuous lieu days, unless the local parties agree to this. The parties to the collective agreement also agree to clarify that this is not a rolling 12- month phase-out period after the same principle as for lieu days for other overtime with a rolling period of four months. Instead, it is a period of a maximum of 12 months from the start of the systematic overtime in which the systematic overtime must be taken as time off in lieu. If time off in lieu is not taken for systematic overtime within the expiry of the 12-month period, the overtime is considered as compensation and in case of a new notice of systematic overtime, a new 12-month period will commence. The parties to the collective agreement agree that the existing possibilities of giving notice of overtime acco...
Systematic overtime. If the local parties have tried without success to make an agree- ment on variable weekly working hours, see Article 6, the enter- prise may give notice of systematic overtime. Systematic over- time may not exceed five hours per calendar week and one hour per day and must be scheduled in connection with the individual employee’s normal working hours. Systematic overtime must be notified no later than before the end of normal working hours four calendar days before the week, in which the systematic overtime is to be performed.
Systematic overtime. Systematic overtime will not be worked. It will be considered such when the maximum overtime as stated in Clause 49.6 has been worked for 3 consecutive weeks. This clause will not apply when extra labour is not available.
Systematic overtime. 1. If the local parties have failed to enter into an agreement on variable weekly working hours, cf. Article 10, the enterprise may give notice of systematic overtime. Systematic overtime may not exceed five hours per calendar week and one hour per day and must be sched- uled in connection with the individual employee’s normal working hours. Systematic overtime must be notified no later than before the end of normal working hours four calendar days before the week, in which the systematic overtime is to be performed.
2. Unless otherwise agreed between the management of the enterprise and the shop xxxxxxx, systematic overtime shall be taken as whole days off in lieu within a 12-month period after it was performed.
3. Surplus hours that do not entitle the employee to a full day off work are carried forward.
4. The time for taking time off in lieu is determined by the employer fol- lowing local negotiations between the parties. However, the em- ployee must be given a notice of minimum 6x24 hours.
5. Time off in lieu resulting from systematic overtime may not be in- cluded in a notice period unless the enterprise and the employee have agreed to this.
6. The existing possibilities for notifying overtime according to the other provisions of the collective agreement will not be affected by the pos- sibility of notifying systematic overtime.