Term Explanation Sample Clauses

Term Explanation. XXX (Authorised Guarantee Agreement) A guarantee by an outgoing tenant to a landlord that the incoming tenant will adhere to obligations in the lease, such as paying rent. This keeps the original tenant liable should the new lessee default. Alienation The right of a tenant to dispose of a lease if they no longer want it. Usually a lease will permit assignment (completely handing over a lease to a third party) or subletting, but with conditions. Assignment The process of handing over a lease to a tenant after a landlord has checked the tenant's financial references. At the transfer of the lease three documents are required: the License to Assign; an Authorised Guarantee Agreement; and a Deed of Assignment. Break Clause A tenant's right to end a lease early. This option can be complicated. Xxxxxxxxxx Land Land that has been previously developed. Business Rates This is what businesses must pay to cover the costs of local authority services and is based on the rateable value of a property on a set date (the value is reassessed every five years). Capital Value The value of a property, separate from its annual or rental value. Change Of Use & Permitted Use You may wish to change the type of use (e.g. retail to restaurant), in which case you would need to seek a Change Of Use from the local authority. The landlord would have to agree too. Covenants Covenants form part of the tenancy agreement and include any duties/promises made by either landlord or tenant; these can range from how the rent is paid to keeping the premises in good condition. Demised Premises Properties subject to a lease. Deposits Money a tenant pays to the landlord up front and is returned at the end of a contract provided the tenant has no liabilities to cover. Can also be known as a bond. Dilapidations A document made by a landlord and a tenant outlining the damages/wear and tear to a property. Equivalent Yield The expected income return of a property, based on the value at the time the return is received. Exceptions & Reservations This relates to parts of a property that the landlord may keep back for themselves. Forfeiture This is when the landlord has the right to terminate the lease should the tenant not comply with the lease. Freehold Full ownership of land or property with no time limitations. FRI Lease (Full Repairing & Insuring) This is when all costs of repairs/insurance for the property are owned by the tenant. GIA (Gross Internal Area) The total size of the internal space of the pro...
Term Explanation. Registered email address The email address you register with Us at account opening and subsequently used by You to log into Your online account.
Term Explanation. Job Family A functional discipline involving similar types of work requiring similar training, skills, knowledge, and expertise. IT Families include: Application Development, Customer Support, Data Management, IT Architecture, IT Business Analyst, IT Policy and Planning, IT Project Management, IT Security, IT Vendor Management, Network and Telecommunications, Quality Assurance, and System Administration. Level The measure of complexity of work performed. IT Levels include: Entry, Journey, Senior/Specialist, Expert, IT Manager, and Senior IT Manager Class, Classes, and Classification (where used in reference to job classification) Where these terms are used in the WWU/PSE CBA, for the purposes of the implementation of the new IT Professional Structure, they shall be followed by “or job family/ies and level/s.” 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Supervisory Differential 34 Positions at the Entry, Journey, Senior/Specialist level in the IT Professional Structure that are designated as and 35 performing all the duties of a supervisor will receive a 5% supervisory pay differential in addition to the base 36 salary. 38 The parties agree that we will follow the definition of supervisor in the Classification Glossary. This definition 39 applies when an employee regularly supervises the equivalent of one (1) full-time equivalent (FTE) employee. 41 Status 42 Employees currently in non-permanent, on-call, in-training, project, seasonal/cyclic, trial service, transition 43 review period or probationary status will be transitioned into the IT Professional Structure and their appointment 44 status will remain unchanged. Non-permanent, in-training, project, seasonal/cyclic, trial service, transition 45 review period or probationary periods shall not be extended as a result of transitioning into the IT Professional 46 Structure. 48 49 50 51 1 Step M 2 Question #16 on the Step M Q&A applies to positions transitioned into the IT Professional structure:
Term Explanation. Job Family A functional discipline involving similar types of work requiring similar training, skills, knowledge, and expertise. IT Families include: Application Development, Customer Support, Data Management, IT Architecture, IT Business Analyst, IT Policy and Planning, IT Project Management, IT Security, IT Vendor Management, Network and Telecommunications, Quality Assurance, and System Administration. Level The measure of complexity of work performed. IT Levels include: Entry, Journey, Senior/Specialist, Expert, IT Manager, and Senior IT Manager Allocation The assignment of a position to a job family and level. Reallocation The assignment of a position to a different level and/or job family. Class, Classes, and Classification (where used in reference to job classification) Where these terms are used in the CBA, for the purposes of the implementation of the new IT Professional Structure, they shall be followed by “or job family/ies and level/s.”
Term Explanation. HIV Human Immune Deficiency Syndrome MSM Men who have Sex with Men LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender HAART Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy VCT Voluntary Counselling and Testing Stigma A strong lack of respect for a person or a group of people or a bad opinion of them because they are or have done something society does not approve of.49 Racism Racism is the practice of discriminating against people based on their race, national or ethnic background.50 Homophobia An irrational hatred or fear of homosexuals or homosexuality.51
Term Explanation. MOBISERV An Integrated Intelligent Home Environment for the Provision of Health, Nutrition and Mobility Services to the Elderly 2D 2 dimensional 3D 3 dimensional AAL Ambient Assisted Living ADL Activities of Daily Living AES Advanced Encryption Standard BNs Bayesian networks DES Data Encryption Standard DESL DES Lightweight ECG Electrocardiogram FVQ Fuzzy Vector Quantization GPRS General Packet Radio Service GPS Global Positioning System IPsec Internet Protocol Security LDA Linear Discriminant Analysis MMSE Mini Mental State Examination MPEG-7 Moving Picture Experts Group ORU Optical Recognition Unit PRU Physical Robotic Unit PSTN Public switched telephone network PTD Personal Trusted Device RFID Radio Frequency Identification SHACU Smart Home Automation and Communication Unit SIFT Scale-invariant feature transform SLAM Simultaneous localization and mapping SVM Support Vector Machines TLS Transport Layer Security UCD User-centered design UTAUT Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology WHSU Wearable Health Supporting Unit WIPR Weizmann-IAIK Public-Key for RFID PART B‌
Term Explanation. Rent The amount a tenant regularly pays to a landlord to occupy a property. 'Inclusive' rent covers service charges, tax and other costs.
Term Explanation. Job Family A functional discipline involving similar types of work requiring similar training, skills, knowledge, and expertise. IT Families include: Application Development, Customer Support, Data Management, IT Architecture, IT Business Analyst, IT Policy and Planning, IT Project Management, IT Security, IT Vendor Management, Network and Telecommunications, Quality Assurance, and System Administration. Level The measure of complexity of work performed. IT Levels include: Entry, Journey, Senior/Specialist, Expert, IT Manager, and Senior IT Manager Allocation The assignment of a position to a job family and level. Reallocation The assignment of a position to a different level and/or job family. Class, Classes, and Classification (where used in reference to job classification) Where these terms are used in the Evergreen/WFSE CBA, for the purposes of the implementation of the new IT Professional Structure, they shall be followed by “or job family/ies and level/s.” Impacts of the IT Structure implementation allocation appeals in process as a result of the July 1, 2019 implementation: For the purposes of breaking ties in seniority for those employees impacted by the implementation of the new IT Professional Structure, Article 39.2 A, Seniority, of the CBA will not apply. The following conditions of employment will not change because a position is being transitioned into the new IT Professional Structure as the result of a final decision issued for an implementation allocation appeal:: Required licensure and/or certifications; The grievance procedure, as outlined in Article 30, Grievance Procedure; Status, including time in classified services as an in-training, project, cyclic, trial service, transition review or probationary employee; Consistent with Article 37, Mandatory Subjects, of the CBA, Evergreen will provide notice of any proposed change resulting in bargaining unit work leaving the bargaining unit. Evergreen will utilize the assessment form developed by the workgroup convened by OFM and WFSE. The workgroup will develop an IT Assessment Form and the procedures that will be used for completion of the form. The purpose of the form is to allow an employee in an IT Professional Structure hired on or before June 30, 2019, the ability to objectively capture their work history, skills and abilities for the IT positions worked prior to June 30, 2019. In the event of a layoff, reversion, or other relevant employment action, the IT Assessment Form may be submit...
Term Explanation. Headline Rent The rent that is paid after rent-free periods/concessions have expired. For example, if a landlord wants to achieve a rent the market doesn't reflect, they may allow a tenant a year's rent-free period to entice them into the property, followed by four consecutive years at the market rent. Head-lease Main lease that applies to multiple leaseholds contained in one building. One covenant, for example, may be that no pets are allowed. Heads Of Terms A document detailing a summary of the key points which are to be included in a lease in order to help a solicitor draft the final contract. Hereditament Any property subject to rates, or one that may become subject to rates. Indexation The adjusting of rent against a specific index, such as the Retail Price Index. Initial Yield - Gross Yield (profit) is calculated by dividing the property's annual rent by the property value shown as a percentage. 'Initial' refers to the result immediately after the purchase of a building and 'gross' doesn't allow for other costs such as legal, agents and valuation fees, bank fees and Stamp Duty. Initial Yield - Net The yield/profit available to the purchaser after fees and operational costs have been factored in. A net yield will show whether a purchaser is making a profit or not. Investment Yield The annual return on an investment which is shown as a percentage of the capital value. Landlord The person who owns a building or land and rents it to a tenant. They have the right to enforce the terms of the lease. Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 A law that gives a tenant the right to renew a lease on the same terms as the existing one. It is often referred to as the '54 Act' and a lease may be referred to as being 'inside' or 'outside' the act. Land Registry A lease where a tenant is responsible for internal repair of the property, such as ceilings and carpets, and the landlord maintains the building structurally and externally, passing on part of the cost to the tenant through a service charge. Lease A contract between a landlord and a tenant which outlines the rules by which a tenant is permitted to occupy a property. Licence This give you the right to occupy a premises, however, a license usually grants less rights than a lease. Licence To Alter This is when a landlord gives approval for a tenant to carry out works to a property so it's better adapted for their use. This adjustment can be called 'fit-out' or 'Category B' and the license is usually compiled by the landlord...

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