Trial Period for Promotions Sample Clauses
Trial Period for Promotions. Those employees receiving a promotion under this Article shall serve a trial period of twelve (12) months before attaining seniority in said position. In the event the employee fails the trial period, he/she shall revert to his/her previous position with all attendant rights as if there had been no interruption. If within or up to completion of the trial period the employee wishes to return to the bargaining group he/she shall be allowed to do so if an opening exists, without a loss of benefits or seniority. After completion of the trial period if the employee wishes to return to the bargaining group he/she shall be allowed to do so if an opening exists, without a loss of benefits excluding seniority within the bargaining unit for shift picks, layoffs, vacation picks and other seniority related benefits. He/she shall re-enter the unit at the bottom of the seniority list.
Trial Period for Promotions. Any employee who is promoted shall be on trial for a six month period from the date of his/her promotion. During this trial period, the employee shall have the opportunity to revert to his/her former classification and commensurate pay rate or the Sheriff may require the employee to revert back to their former position and commensurate rate of pay without loss of seniority, if deemed unsatisfactory in the new position.
Trial Period for Promotions. The successful applicant for a promotion shall be notified as soon as possible and shall be placed on trial for a period of two (2) months. Conditional on satisfactory service, the employee shall be declared permanent after the period of two (2) months. An employee who has served in a higher classification on a temporary basis or who has performed the duties of the position to which she/he is promoted shall receive as a credit towards the trial period the time so served in the position. In the event the successful applicant proves unsatisfactory in the position during the trial period, or if the employee is unable to perform the duties of the new job classification, she/he shall be returned to her/his former position, wage, salary rate, without loss of seniority. Any other employee temporarily promoted or transferred because of the rearrangement of positions shall also be returned to her/his former position, wage or salary rate, without loss of seniority.
Trial Period for Promotions. Before an employee is permanently promoted to a position, the 40 employee must serve a mandatory trial period of no less than thirty (30) working days to determine if 41 the employee will be successful in the new position, provided, however, that the Director of Nutrition 42 Services or administrative designee has the discretion to return an employee back to their prior position 43 prior to the conclusion of the thirty (30) day trial period. After the employee has worked in the new 44 position for no less than ten (10) working days nor more than thirty (30) working days, the Child 45 Nutritionist Manager/Satellite Cashier may recommend to the Director if employee serving the trial 46 period shall either return to the prior position or continue in the position. If the Director or 47 Administrative Designee overrules the recommendation of the Nutritionist Cook Manager/Satellite 48 Cashier, the Director shall issue a written rationale statement to the Cook Manager/Satellite Cashier of 1 the kitchen. An individual employee may choose to work less than a ten (10) day trial period in a new 2 position and return to their previous assignment. The employee may return to their prior position after 3 the 10th day of the trial period upon approval of the Director of Nutrition Services or Administrative 4 Designee.
Trial Period for Promotions. (a) All promotions shall be made on the basis that the first three (3) months of continuous employment be a trial period. If during or at the end of that period the employee does not prove satisfactory or if the employee so desires, then such employee shall be returned to their former position. Any other employees affected because of this return, shall also be returned to their former position. In the event the former position no longer exists, such employee shall exercise their bumping rights.
(b) Employees who the Board feels may aspire to a position if given an extension of trial period may be granted an extension upon mutual agreement with the Union.
Trial Period for Promotions. Any employee who is promoted to Deputy Sergeant shall be on trial for up to one hundred eighty (180) work days. During this trial period, the employee shall have the opportunity to revert to his/her former classification and commensurate pay rate or the Sheriff may require the employee to revert back to their former position and commensurate rate of pay. The decision of the Sheriff shall be final and binding on the parties and not grievable. If an employee elects to revert back to his former position, he shall be ineligible for job advancement under this Section for a period of twelve (12) months.
Trial Period for Promotions. Any non-probationary employee who is promoted from within the Sheriff Office shall be on trial for sixty three (63) days of work. During this trial period, the non-probationary employee shall have the opportunity to revert to his/her former classification and commensurate pay rate or the Sheriff may require the employee to revert back to his/her former position at his/her former rate of pay without loss of seniority, and such decision shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. Any employee who is promoted from within this bargaining unit to a position outside of the bargaining unit with the Bay County Sheriff’s Department may return to a vacant position within this bargaining unit upon demotion.
Trial Period for Promotions. Any employee who is promoted to TRV Sergeant, Xxxx Xxxxxxxx, or Chief Deputy shall be on trial for up to one hundred eighty (180) work days. During this trial period, the employee shall have the opportunity to revert to his/her former classification and commensurate pay rate or the Sheriff may require the employee to revert back to their former position and commensurate rate of pay. The decision of the Sheriff shall be final and binding on the parties and not grievable. If an employee elects to revert back to his former position, he shall be ineligible for job advancement under this Section for a period of twelve (12) months.
Trial Period for Promotions. All promotions shall be made on the basis that the first three (3) months of continuous employment be a trial period. If during or at the end of that period the employee does not prove satisfactory or if the employee so desires, then such employee shall be returned to their former position. Any other employees affected because of this return, shall also be returned to their former position. In the event the former position no longer exists, such employee shall exercise their bumping rights.
Trial Period for Promotions. The trial period following the integration of an employee into a new classification is of sixty (60) calendar days. This period may be prolonged by the Company for an additional thirty (30) calendar days. In the event the Company prolongs the trial period of an employee, the Union must be advised in writing. Subsequently, the trial period can only be extended by mutual agreement. At any given time during the trial period, the employee can reintegrate his previous position.