- UNIFORMS AND FOUL WEATHER GEAR. Should the Employer require any members in the bargaining unit to wear uniforms (except dispatchers who are addressed below), the City will provide eleven (11) sets of uniforms to all members of the bargaining unit with each such employee selecting an appropriate combination of uniform items from those approved by the department head. In addition to the aforementioned, each of those members of the bargaining unit will be provided six (6) t-shirts per year. Uniformed bargaining unit employees shall have the option to utilize the professional laundering service for items provided by the City’s contracted uniform service at no cost to the employees. The City will provide an initial set of uniforms for dispatchers which shall consist of five (5) long- sleeve shirts, five short-sleeve shirts, and five (5) pair of docker-type slacks. The City will provide a uniform allowance of four hundred dollars ($400.00) per year for dispatchers payable by January 31st. Each dispatcher shall be responsible for the maintenance of his/her own uniform. All employees furnished uniforms will be required to wear the uniform during all working hours. Failure to wear the uniform may result in disciplinary action being taken. Items allowed in the uniform for each class of employees shall be determined by the employee’s department head, who may allow uniform shorts to be included for appropriate classes of employees. Each employee may select an appropriate combination of uniform items from those approved by the department head. Department heads will meet with employees in a labor management discussion to review the specifications for uniforms prior to bidding uniform provider contracts. All employees will be provided an identification badge which must be carried with the employee at all times while on duty. Foul weather gear will consist of the following usable items: Raincoats, rubber boots, insulated coat and bib or insulated coveralls, and hats for all employees who work outside in inclement weather. Parkas will be furnished to meter readers and inspectors. Foul weather gear will be provided no more than once per contract cycle, unless damaged which shall be reported as soon as practical after damage occurs. Employees not needing new gear or uniforms shall notify his/her supervisor prior to gear/uniforms being ordered. The City will furnish lockers for employees at all City facilities where shower facilities are provided for the employees' use. Inclement Weather - During inclement ...
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  • UNIFORMS AND CLOTHING (a) Each employee shall receive a standard uniform issue as defined in the Vermont State Police Operations Manual, which shall include a dress blouse.

  • UNIFORMS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT 214. For employees required by the Appointing Officer to wear a uniform, beginning in fiscal year 2006-2007 and continuing for the duration of this Agreement, the City agrees to provide a uniform allowance each year in the amount of eight hundred fifty dollars ($850). The City will pay the uniform allowance in the payroll that includes September 1 of each year. Represented employees must be on duty status or approved leave on each September 1 to be eligible for the uniform allowance. Any eligible employee hired on or after March 1 will receive fifty percent (50%) of the uniform allowance that year.

  • UNIFORMS AND TOOLS The Employer agrees to furnish and supply all its employees, without cost, laundered aprons and uniforms and such tools as are necessary in the discharge of their work and also service such tools at no cost to the employees.

  • WORK UNIFORMS Employees who are required to wear uniforms as a condition of employment shall be furnished such uniforms by the Appointing Authority. Proper maintenance of uniforms is an employee responsibility unless they are currently maintained by the Employer or unless required by statute or other regulatory agencies because of contamination (see Article 22). Uniforms shall not be used for off-duty activity by the employee.

  • UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT Uniforms and equipment required by the Department to be worn/used by employees will be furnished by the Department.

  • Uniforms and Protective Clothing 28.1 Where the employer requires an employee to wear a uniform, it shall be provided free of charge, but shall remain the property of the employer.

  • UNIFORMS AND EQUIPMENT Section 1. The City shall provide and replace sufficient uniforms for uniformed employees where uniforms are required.

  • Uniforms If an employee is required, by the Employer, to wear a uniform, such uniform shall be issued to the employee.

  • Alignment with Modernization Foundational Programs and Foundational Capabilities The activities and services that the LPHA has agreed to deliver under this Program Element align with Foundational Programs and Foundational Capabilities and the public health accountability metrics (if applicable), as follows (see Oregon’s Public Health Modernization Manual, (xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/oha/PH/ABOUT/TASKFORCE/Documents/public_health_modernization_man ual.pdf):

  • Bargaining Unit Layoff List/Same Classification If a Bargaining Unit Layoff List/Same Classification is to be used, selection shall be made from among qualified employees whose names appear on the list; or

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