Union Notice Sample Clauses
Union Notice. Except in emergency situations (i.e., unexpected loss of funding), the College shall notify the Union in writing of any positions to be eliminated and furnish the Union with an updated seniority list at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the first effective date of a permanent layoff. The College will notify the Union at least fifteen
Union Notice. Employers must notify the Union of a Variable Work Week either electronically or by telephone by 5:00 p.m. on the last regular work day before the start of a Variable Work Week. The Employer must notify the Union of the job location, the names of the workers on the job and the Saturday job that caused the Saturday work, if any. The Employer will be given a Variable Work Week number by the Union. In the alternative, the Employer must give workers written notice by the last work day before the start of a Variable Work Week and mail, email or fax a copy of the notice(s) to the Union. When a Variable Work Week is discontinued, the Employer must notify the Union either electronically, by telephone or fax by 5:00 p.m. on the first regular work day after the Variable Work Week stops.
Union Notice. Employers must notify the Union of Shift Work either electronically or by telephone by 5:00 p.m. on the last regular work day before the start of a shift operation. The Employer must notify the Union of the job location and the names of the workers on the job. The Employer will be given a Shift Work number by the Union. In the alternative, the Employer must give workers written notice by the last work day before the start of Shift Work and mail, email or fax a copy of the notice(s) to the Union. When Shift Work is discontinued, the Employer must notify the Union either electronically, by telephone or fax by 5:00 p.m. on the first regular work day after the Shift Work stops.
Union Notice. When the Employer takes disciplinary action against an employee, except verbal reprimand, the employee, the employee's xxxxxxx, and the Union President shall be given notice setting forth the reasons for the action. Except in cases involving severe infractions, disciplinary measures are to be taken in a progressive manner beginning with a verbal warning. In those cases involving severe infractions, discipline will range from a disciplinary layoff to discharge.
1. Verbal warning with record of the discussion placed in personnel file, with copy to employee
2. Written warning placed in personnel file
3. Time off without pay (may be repeated once; varies from 3-15 days) or a final written warning, noted in personnel file
Union Notice. The Union will be notified of any changes in rental costs, housing conditions, cleaning and inspection standards and schedules, or renovations and remodeling and provided the opportunity to bargain in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations.
Union Notice. When the Agency knows in advance that it is going to conduct an interview of an employee(s), the applicable NTEU Chapter will receive reasonable advance notice when and where the interviews are being conducted by the Agency, whether the interview will be audio/video tape-recorded and whether the employee will be the focus of the investigation or a third party witness. The Union will also be informed of the general subject matter of the investigation when it is criminal in nature. When the interview is administrative in nature, the Union will normally be informed of the specific nature of the allegations, such as misuse of a government vehicle, misuse of position, inappropriate outside employment, etc. This information will be provided before the interview will take place.
Union Notice. Copies of all posted vacancies shall be furnished to the Union and a notice of the name of the person to whom the position was awarded shall be furnished to the Union within 14 calendar days after the close of the bid via email.
Union Notice. When the Agency knows in advance that it is going to conduct an interview of an employee(s), the applicable NTEU Chapter will receive reasonable advance notice when interviews are being conducted by the Agency and whether the interview will be audio/video tape-recorded. The Union will also be informed where and when the interview will take place and the general subject matter of the interview.
Union Notice. The parties agree that LIUNA will be informed (in writing) about the guidance and timelines for the completion of the annual employee evaluations and the submission of performance award nominations. Any guidance/timelines that are issued regarding the completion of the annual employee evaluations and the submission of performance award nominations will be in accordance with the HHS and !HS Performance Management Program Instruction. The parties agree that any bargaining obligations that may arise during this process will be fulfilled.