Union Seniority. Full-Time, Part-time and Per Diem Employees shall be credited with one year of Union Seniority for every one year of continuous employment in the bargaining unit with Peace Harbor, prorated on monthly increments. For employees working at the time of ratification, Union Seniority will be based on their most recent date of hire at Peace Harbor.
Union Seniority. 8:01 Seniority, as referred to in this Agreement shall mean length of continuous service in the employ of the Co-op.
8:02 An employee will be considered to be on probation and will not have seniority standing until she/he has completed ninety (90) calendar days with the Co-op. Upon satisfactory completion of the probationary period, an employee will then acquire seniority standing dated from the date she/he commenced her/his current period of employment with the Co-op.
8:03 The Co-op will post seniority list at a central location and shall revise such list every four (4) months, if and when changes occur. Normal classifications will be indicated. A copy of such list shall be made available to the Union. Where two (2) or more employees have the same seniority date, the employee whose application was first processed shall be deemed to have the greatest seniority.
8:04 An employee shall lose seniority standing and her/his name shall be removed from the seniority list and staff roll for any of the following reasons:
(1) If the employee quits her/his employment with the Co-op;
(2) If the employee is discharged for cause and such employee is not reinstated pursuant to the provisions of the grievance procedure herein;
(3) If any employee has been on lay-off for fifteen (15) continuous months;
(4) If the employee retires.
Union Seniority. An employee’s total accumulated time from the date an employee became a member of the bargaining unit in the certification. Union seniority shall continue to accrue unless interrupted by a continuous period in excess of six (6) months.
Union Seniority. The provisions contained in Article 3 of the main body of this Agreement affect all employees covered by this Appendix.
Union Seniority. Union seniority for purposes not related to X.X. x. 31, but related to specific terms of this Agreement, shall be defined as length of continuous employment by the City of Cambridge. Layoffs and recalls of all employees who are not permanently appointed under Chapter 31 shall be in accordance with Union seniority.
Union Seniority. The Union Chairperson and Unit Grievor shall be assigned to the day shift, should they so request, and have super seniority in any lay-off.
Union Seniority. During any layoff situation the Union Plant Committee will have super seniority, provided they can do the work without substantial training.
Union Seniority. Full-Time, Part-time and Per Diem Employees shall be credited with one year of Union Seniority for every one year of continuous employment in the bargaining unit with the Employer at its Longview Laboratory.
Union Seniority. The plant committeepersons shall head the seniority list during their terms of office and shall resume their former standing on the seniority list upon termination of such offices. However, this clause shall be used for layoff and recall only and shall not be used for transfer or overtime purposes. If five (5) or more employees are scheduled for overtime, a committeeperson (or xxxxxxx on late shifts) will be provided. Stewards shall head the seniority list for their shift only.
Union Seniority. Union stewards shall be entitled to top union seniority at the facility to the fullest extent allowed by law.