UNIVERSITY CLOSINGS. The University may close any University Housing or other University facilities, and discontinue any food or other services, if the University determines in its sole and exclusive discretion that an event caused by an emergency, weather, power failure, strikes, riots, fires, disasters, epidemic, pandemic, or other emergency, or other conditions beyond the University’s control, make it impossible or imprudent to maintain those facilities or services. The University will not xxxxx fees or charges, or pay damages, resulting from or relating in any way to any such University closings.
UNIVERSITY CLOSINGS. 30.01 In the event that the Xxxxxx declares the University closed for any reason or in the event that the majority of non-teaching staff is not required to work during a given period, no Employee shall suffer loss of pay. Moreover, any Employee whose presence is required, shall receive, subject to express provisions of the present Collective Agreement, in addition to her/his regular salary for time worked, the equivalent in paid leave. Furthermore, the terms of the University policy on closings shall apply.
UNIVERSITY CLOSINGS. A. For a day or days when the University and/or work site(s) of a unit employee is(are) officially declared as closed by the appropriate University officer, unit employees shall not be required to report to work, except as directed by the principal investigator or supervisor as set forth in Section B. below.
B. In certain instances, unit employees may be required to report to work even when a work site is officially closed to perform project-related functions, at the discretion of the principal investigator or supervisor. Principal investigators and supervisors shall not unreasonably or arbitrarily require unit members to report to work when the University or a work site or sites are officially closed. If a unit member is required to work during one or more days when the University is officially closed due to project needs, that unit member will be permitted to take another day or days off, to be scheduled with the approval of the principal investigator or supervisor.
UNIVERSITY CLOSINGS. The article applies. A temporary employee shall be paid for any closings that occur during the period for which he was hired.
UNIVERSITY CLOSINGS. A. For a day or days when the University is officially declared as “Closed” by the President or appropriate Vice-President, employees shall not be required to charge vacation days, administrative leave, or personal holidays to avoid loss of pay.
B. In addition, on any day or days in which all classes are cancelled on a particular campus (Camden, Newark, or New Brunswick) by the appropriate Vice-President or Xxxxxxx due to a weather or other emergency situation, the following will apply regarding attendance:
UNIVERSITY CLOSINGS. 26.01 In the event that the President declares the University closed for any reason or in the event that the majority of non-teaching staff is not required to work during a given period, any employee whose presence is required shall receive, subject to express provisions of the collective agreement, in addition to his regular salary for time worked, the equivalent in paid leave.
UNIVERSITY CLOSINGS. A. For a day or days when the University is officially declared as “Closed” by the President or appropriate Vice-President, employees shall not be required to charge vacation days, administrative leave, or personal holidays to avoid loss of pay.
B. In addition, on any day or days in which all classes are cancelled on a particular campus (Camden, Newark, or New Brunswick) by the appropriate Vice-President or Xxxxxxx due to a weather or other emergency situation, the following will apply regarding attendance:
C. Sections A and B of this Article do not apply to those employees previously designated as “essential” personnel. Essential personnel are required to report to work and remain at work unless advised differently by an appropriate supervisor.
D. Members of the bargaining unit who are regularly assigned to work at county offices, facilities or buildings not subject to the operating policies or rules and regulations of Rutgers shall follow the operating status declarations of such county offices, buildings or facilities during severe weather conditions or other such occurrences affecting the opening/closing/operating status of such office, building or facility. For example, an employee regularly assigned to a New Jersey County Office shall not be required to report for work if said Office is closed due to severe weather conditions despite the fact that Rutgers, or one of its campuses or subdivisions, has not been declared closed. Similarly, an employee so assigned shall be required to report for work at a County Office if said Office has not been declared closed for a severe weather condition even though Rutgers, or one of its subdivisions, has been declared closed.
UNIVERSITY CLOSINGS. 17.1 The decision to close the University of Vermont for all or part of a workday is made by the President of the University. Reasons for closing include but are not limited to: the loss of water, loss of power, or a severe weather condition. In the event of a University Closure, employees shall be paid for their regularly scheduled work day and not required to use leave time. The University will give employees as much notice as possible of a closing.
17.2 If a University work location(s) closes after employees report to work, employees shall be paid for the remainder of their scheduled shifts.
17.3 If weather conditions are forecasted to become hazardous, an employee may request to go home prior to the end of their work day. If approved, and they cannot work from home, the employee may use any accrued leave balances, or take unpaid leave, to cover the absence from work.
17.4 Employees unable to report for their scheduled work day or who are delayed in reporting because they are unable to travel due to of hazardous weather conditions, and who have notified their supervisor of their situation, shall not be subject to corrective action. If the employee cannot work from home, they may use any accrued leave balances, or take unpaid leave, to cover the absence from work.
17.5 In cases where a University closure is for a partial day only, employees will be expected to report for any part of their work day during which the University is open. Employees who request and receive permission to not report to a University work site and who cannot work from home, may use any accrued leave balances, or take unpaid leave, to cover the absence from work for the remaining portion of their work day.
17.6 With their supervisor’s approval, employees who are able to work from home should do so during
UNIVERSITY CLOSINGS. For a day or days when the University is officially declared as “Closed”, by the President or appropriate Vice-President, employees shall not be required to charge vacation days, administrative leave, or personal holidays to avoid loss of pay. In addition, on any day or days in which all classes are cancelled on a particular campus (Camden, Newark, or New Brunswick) by the appropriate Vice-President or Xxxxxxx due to a weather or other emergency situation, the following will apply regarding attendance: available, the employee will have his/her salary appropriately adjusted for the lost time. There will be no disciplinary action taken for such lateness.
UNIVERSITY CLOSINGS. In the event the University President or the President's designee issues an Emergency Declaration that includes a full or partial closing of the campus, Graduate Workers who hold teaching positions will not be expected to report to campus. Such individuals may be expected to perform work responsibilities related to their teaching assignments (e.g., grading) from a remote or alternative location during the University closure. Consistent with current practice, Graduate Workers who hold research positions should consult with their supervisor to ensure continuity of their research efforts, including whether they must perform work on campus during a University closing. If such individuals are not required to perform work on campus, they may be expected to perform work responsibilities related to their research assignments from a remote or alternative location during the temporary closure. Decisions to require Graduate Workers who hold research positions to work on-campus during a University closure will be made based solely on legitimate operational needs, such as care of research animals and essential maintenance of research equipment and supplies. For the purposes of this section, the term "closing" includes full or partial closings, early dismissals, and delayed openings.