Urban Design. (a) The Owner agrees that the townhouse units will be subject to review and approval by the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake Urban Design Committee.
(b) The Owner agrees not to construct two-storey dwelling units on Blocks 3 and 14, as per schedule “B” of this agreement. One and a half storey dwellings shall be permitted on Blocks 3 and 14, subject to the loft portion of the dwelling unit favouring the street frontage (i.e., a minimum of 75% of the window frontage will face the street frontage). Second-storey balconies shall not be permitted in the rear yards of Blocks 3 and 14.
(c) Rear yard porches, decks, balconies or patios will not be elevated more than 0.76 metres above the finished grade.
Urban Design. 10.1.1 对“城市设计要点”的解读与调整建议
10.1.1 Interpretation and Suggestions on the Adjustment of "Urban Design Essentials" 10.2 规划设计图纸
Urban Design. 3 8.1 The STATE and CITY agree to work together to develop standards that will 4 promote appropriate urban and architectural design of the PROJECT. 5
6 8.2 The STATE and CITY have prepared the Bored Tunnel Design Goals and 7 Objectives which were submitted to the Seattle Design Commission on January 21, 2010, 8 Building Design Principles, which were submitted to the Seattle Design Commission on 9 February 18, 2010, and Project Guiding Principles for the Portal Areas, which were 10 submitted to the Seattle Design Commission on March 18, 2010. 11
12 8.3 The STATE and CITY have developed Portal Area Design Guidelines based on 13 these Bored Tunnel Design Goals and Objectives and Guiding Principles. The Portal 14 Area Design Guidelines include:
15 8.3.1 Functional highway, surface street and development configurations, 16 8.3.2 Landscaping concepts, 17 8.3.3 Architectural and urban design concepts for walls, bridges and tunnel 18 portals,
Urban Design. In accordance with Section 27-515(b) of the Zoning Ordinance, the mixed-use development consisting of commercial/retail and residential uses is permitted in the M-X-T Zone and is subject to a detailed site plan approval in accordance with Section 27-546(a) of the Zoning Ordinance. This project will include rental units and is not intended for sale; therefore, no condition is recommended to require the establishment of a homeowner’s associations or a condominium regime. However, if this ownership were to change, any declaration of covenants would require the rights of M-NCPPC to ensure that the association does not annex or de-annex any lands from the limit of this application. One of the key purposes of the M-X-T Zone is to create a compact, mixed-use and walkable environment. Among eleven additional findings required for the Planning Board to approve a DSP is a requirement to ensure that the pedestrian system is convenient and comprehensively designed to encourage pedestrian activity within the development. Since the subject site is small, the applicant should strengthen the connectivity between different uses and internally for the residential component and further explore opportunities to create a comprehensive pedestrian network that would allow for physical integration of the development. In accordance with Section 27-544(a), this development in the M-X-T Zone is subject to the requirements of the 2010 Prince George’s County Landscape Manual (Landscape Manual) at the time of DSP. Specifically, the site is subject to Section 4.1, Residential Requirements;
Urban Design. The City of Nedlands has formed a partnership with UWA’s School of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts to undertake a program to design and construct a prototype bus shelter on Stirling Highway. It is intended that the City acts as a ‘client’, giving architecture students the opportunity to design and construct a functional piece of municipal infrastructure. If successful, there is potential to continue or expand the program into the future with additional shelters and other street furniture. Basically the current project involves 4th & 5th year architecture students designing a timber bus shelter to comply with a design brief and all required standards in a competitive process that will result in a ‘winning’ design. The students will then build the structure and install it on site. The whole process is overseen by a staff architect and a structural engineer to ensure a quality product. The City also has a number of opportunities to have input to ensure a favourable outcome.
Urban Design. The City will provide an urban design consultant to develop urban design concepts for the replacement bridge. A minimum of two (2) urban design alternatives for the replacement bridge will be developed. These alternatives will utilize sound Context Sensitive Solution (CSS) principles of evoking the history, environment and culture of the community into the design. The design elements will address the visible bridge structure, railings, columns, abutment walls and adjacent sidewalk areas. Alternatives will illustrate families of materials and design features that would express a character unique to the bridge and its adjacent context within the neighborhood and the city
Urban Design. The City will select the final urban design concept. The urban design concept will be further developed for final design.
Urban Design. The Owner agrees that prior to the issuance of a building permit, the plans will be reviewed, and approval shall be obtained from the Director of Community and Development Services with respect to the Village of St. Davids Urban Design Guidelines.
Urban Design. The Urban Design theme must bridge the gap between building design and the City’s investments in the public realm. The form, location, and type of downtown development will be addressed. A Downtown urban design framework will be developed to xxxxxx pedestrian-friendly street-oriented and waterfront-oriented development that supports downtown retail, commercial, and waterfront uses. Existing, planned and future streetscape, plaza EXHIBIT A- (Work Scope) and waterfront improvements will be defined that form a cohesive and interconnected set of public space destinations including the waterfront, Rock Cove and downtown. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx will:
5.1 Xxxxxx & Evaluate
5.2 Develop Building and Public Realm Concepts
Urban Design. The development of 354 multifamily residential dwellings will be subject to DSP approval. There is no previously approved DSP governing this site. Conformance with the Zoning Ordinance and the D-D-O Zone of the 2013 Greenbelt Metro Area and MD 193 Corridor Sector Plan and SMA Conformance with the 2010 Prince George’s County Landscape Manual
a. Section 4.1, Residential Requirements
b. Section 4.2, Requirements for Landscape Strips Along Streets c. Section 4.3, Parking Lot Requirements d. Section 4.4, Screening Requirements e. Section 4.9, Sustainable Landscaping Requirements