Vacation Entitlement i) A transferring employee will accrue vacation in accordance with the collective agreement of the designated employer. ii) A transferring employee will have pre-approved vacation requests honoured. iii) Vacation entitlement not used by the employee at the time of transfer shall transfer with the employee to the designated employer, if applicable. iv) Vacation scheduling will be in accordance with the applicable collective agreement and the practice of the designated employer.
Annual Vacation Entitlement (a) An Employee shall be entitled to receive annual vacation leave with pay: (i) each year during their first forty-eight (48) months of service at the rate of one and one-quarter (1 1/4) days for each month of service; and (ii) each year after forty-eight (48) months of service at the rate of one and two-thirds (1 2/3) days for each month of service; and (iii) each year after one hundred and sixty-eight (168) months of service at the rate of two and one-twelfth (2-1/12) days for each month of service; and (iv) each year after two hundred and eighty-eight (288) months of service at the rate of two and one half (2 ½) days for each month of service. (b) An Employee who, as of February 19, 2001, has earned entitlement to more vacation than provided for in Article 17.01(a) of the collective agreement by virtue of their terms and conditions of employment with a predecessor employer shall retain that entitlement. Any future increase in vacation entitlement for such Employees shall be pursuant to Article 17.01(a).
Vacation Entitlement Upon Dismissal Employees dismissed for cause shall be paid their unused earned vacation allowance pursuant to Articles 28.01 and 28.02.
Benefit Entitlement When an employee is on a WCB claim all benefits of the Agreement will continue to accrue. However, an employee off work on WCB claim shall receive net wages as defined by (A) above, and benefits equalling but not to exceed their normal entitlement had they not suffered a compensable injury. For the first twenty (20) work days on claim, an employee will accrue paid holidays and vacation credits. Once the claim exceeds twenty (20) work days, paid holidays and vacation credits will not accrue. However, unused vacation credits accrued prior to the claim shall not be lost as a result of this clause.
Overtime Entitlement (a) An employee will be entitled to compensation for authorized overtime in excess of: (1) the scheduled daily hours; or (2) the maximum daily hours for those employees on flextime; or (3) the agreed averaging period. (b) For the purposes of calculating the hourly rate for overtime, an employee's biweekly rate shall be divided by 70. (c) Overtime shall be compensated in 30-minute increments; however, employees shall not be entitled to any compensation for periods of overtime of less than five minutes per day.
Leave Entitlement An eligible employee is entitled to take up to a total of twelve (12) 41 work weeks of FMLA leave in a 12-month period, to be measured backwards from the 42 commencement date the employee uses FMLA leave. An eligible employee taking leave 43 under Article 12.02(10)(b) shall be permitted to take up to 26 work weeks of leave in a 44 12-month period.
Entitlement to Vacation Leave With Pay An employee is entitled to vacation leave with pay to the extent of his earned credits but an employee who has completed six (6) months of continuous employment may receive an advance of credits equivalent to the anticipated credits for the vacation year.
Vacation Schedule 1. Vacation periods shall be fixed by the Employer to suit the requirements of his business, but as far as possible and practicable, vacations will be given during the summer months, and for employees with school-age children, during the school vacations. Vacation periods shall be unbroken unless by mutual consent between Employer and employee, or where it is impractical. Grievances relating to this Section shall be subject to the Adjustment and Arbitration Procedure in this Agreement. 2. Time off, based upon service in the Industry Vacation Plan, may be granted to an employee by mutual agreement between the Employer and the employee. The Employer shall not be required to give time off based upon service under the Industry Vacation Plan. However, if such additional industry vacation time off is granted to an employee, such time off shall be counted as time worked for the purpose of computing the employee's earned vacation benefits on his next anniversary date of employment.
Leave Entitlements (a) A sessional practitioner shall be entitled to pro rata leave entitlements (excluding paid overseas study leave) in the same ratio as the number of sessions allocated bears to 10. If during any qualifying period the number of sessions allocated to a sessional practitioner varies, the number shall be averaged over the qualifying period. (b) A sessional practitioner shall be entitled to paid public holidays in accordance with Clause 31 – Public Holidays if the public holidays occur on a day on which a session is normally worked. If a sessional practitioner is required to work on a public holiday the provisions of Clause 28(6) shall apply.