Voluntary Separation Packages. An employee entitled to a Voluntary Separation Package arising from Clause 10.4.4 may elect one of two options:
10.6.1 Immediate Pay Out
a. Under this arrangement an employee will receive:
Voluntary Separation Packages. The parties further acknowledge that changes to staffing levels, including the offering of VSPs, has a significant effect on employees because it has the potential to lead to, amongst other things: • The alteration in required skills of ongoing employees and potential retraining; • The alteration of workloads and/or hours of work for ongoing employees; • The potential diminution of job opportunities or promotional opportunities; and • The possible redeployment of employees. Nothing in this Appendix is intended to remove or limit the operation of Clause 10, Consultative Processes or Clause 11, Grievance and Dispute Avoidance Procedures contained in the Agreement. PROCEDURE
1. Seriously considering changes to workforce composition of weekly paid workforce
Voluntary Separation Packages. At any time during the life of Schedule D, the University may make a general call for Voluntary Separations across the entire University or a substantial part based on occupation or organisational structure, or an early retirement scheme.
Voluntary Separation Packages. (VSPs) An Employee whose position has become redundant in Council may elect to access a VSP, the provision of AXG\CITY OF PORT ADELAIDE ENFIELD MUNICIPAL OFFICERS WORKPLACE AGREEMENT NO.3 2014.DOCX which will be by the approval of the CEO. Where an employee accesses such VSP, it shall be paid in accordance with this clause. Subject to this Agreement, VSPs will consist of the following four separate components:
(a) Equivalent of three months remuneration;
(b) A redundancy payment at a rate of three weeks remuneration per year of continuous service within Local Government and 25% of one week’s remuneration per completed month of the remainder, to a maximum payment of this component of two years remuneration;
(c) A payment of the equivalent of 10% of annual remuneration for outplacement counselling to assist the Employee to find alternative employment. This amount may be incorporated into the Employee’s overall redundancy pay following negotiation between the Employee and the Council; and
(d) Pro-rata long service leave will be paid regardless of whether or not seven years of service has been attained. All of the above VSP components, together with any other entitlements under this Agreement, will be made by the one overall payment upon the employee leaving the employ of the Council and will be conditional upon the following:-
(a) The employee formally resigning from all positions in which the employee is employed by the Council;
(b) The employee having notified the Human Resource Manager of each and every injury or disability which the employee could reasonably be aware of and believes were, or could possibly have been sustained by them during the period of their employment with the Council;
(c) The employee not suffering any work related injury between the date of agreeing to the VSP and close of business on the employee’s final day of employment with the Council (it being noted that the Council’s journey insurance will not apply to an employee’s journey home on their final day); AXG\CITY OF PORT ADELAIDE ENFIELD MUNICIPAL OFFICERS WORKPLACE AGREEMENT NO.3 2014.DOCX
(d) The employee not having any outstanding claim for income maintenance pursuant to the Workers’ Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1986 (SA); and
(e) The CEO has the right to amend the amount payable to the employee due to a financial or clerical error in calculating the VSP. However, if the amount payable to the employee is less than that previously advised, the em...
Voluntary Separation Packages. The Parties further acknowledge that changes to staffing levels, including the offering of VSPs, has a significant effect on Employees because it has the potential to lead to, amongst other things: • The alteration in required skills of ongoing Employees and potential retraining; • The alteration of workloads and/or hours of work for ongoing Employees; • The potential diminution of job opportunities or promotional opportunities; and • The possible redeployment of Employees. Nothing in this Schedule is intended to remove or limit the operation of Clause 23, Resolving Workplace Concerns or Disputes contained in the Agreement.
Voluntary Separation Packages. Where possible, salary and conditions for employees of the City of Port Adelaide Enfield will be no less favourable than those applying immediately prior to the amalgamation date.
Voluntary Separation Packages. (VSP) An employee may seek a VSP at any stage of the process. At all times any VSP will be mutually agreed by the parties to this Agreement. 6.3 Co-operative Work Review The purpose of the Co-operative Work Review is to promote and continuously develop a culture within Council which is aimed at employees and management working together cooperatively to improve organisational effectiveness and service delivery. Management and employee representatives involved in such review processes and the review arrangements will be by agreement between the Chief Executive Officer and the employees within the particular work group. Before any review commences, Council will advise the AWU of details of the review, including the work groups involved, the process to be used and any other relevant details. The process should consider the following issues within the first 12 months of the Agreement and wherever possible implementation of agreed changes arising from the review should occur at the earliest practicable date: 6.
3.1 To consider means whereby services provided by Council can be improved.
6.3.2 Having regard to Clause 22 of this agreement to consider the potential to improve overall efficiency and effectiveness providing more varied and meaningful work for employees through redesigning of positions and/ reviewing the way in which work is performed.
6.3.3 The review process should identify the productivity benefits to be derived through any proposed changes and give consideration to other significant implications such as training, multi-skilling and re-classifications.
6.3.4 To consider the means whereby communication and consultative processes between management and employees may be enhanced.
6.3.5 The potential for the application of participative measures within the various departments of Council and to identify the benefits which would be expected to eventuate.
6.3.6 The review and development of job descriptions for all positions, incorporating agreed relevant standards of performance:
(1) To identify and consider those tasks carried out by Council which may reasonably be the subject of performance indicators.
(2) The Co-operative Work Review process may include proposals regarding the adoption of appropriate performance indicators which, where practicable, have regard to 'best practice' benchmarking in other Councils and/or other relevant areas for comparison.
7.1 All parties are committed to enhancing the skills of the workforce through the provis...
Voluntary Separation Packages. 21.4.1 The City of Xxxxxxx Xxxxx reserves the right to offer Voluntary Separation Packages during the life of the Agreement. City of Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Enterprise Bargaining (Operations) Agreement No. 7 (2014) Page
21.4.2 These packages may be offered prior to any position(s) being identified as lost. 21.
Voluntary Separation Packages. Whilst the preferred method of responding to a need to reduce employee numbers is through natural attrition and redeployment without the need for recourse to redundancies the parties recognise that, on occasions, management and employees may agree to a Voluntary Redundancy. Should management and an employee agree to a Voluntary Redundancy, then the Voluntary Separation Package (VSP) will be:-
Voluntary Separation Packages. The City of Xxxxxxx Xxxxx reserves the right to offer Voluntary Separation Packages during the life of the Agreement.