Working at Home a) No employee shall be required/scheduled to perform work of the bargaining unit at her home. The employee and the supervisor may mutually agree that the employee may work at home for periods equivalent to 7 hours per week to a maximum of 140 hours per year subject to operation requirements. In no case shall an employee be permitted to enter into an agreement, which could conflict with the above, without prior written consent of the Union.
b) In the case of an illness which is expected to affect, or potentially affect, the entire staff of the College, the union and the College may enter into discussion that allow an employee to perform duties from home.
c) In the case of both (a) and (b) above it is agreed that performing the duties from home will meet the operational requirements of the College and is in compliance with Work Safe BC legislation.
d) The determination of the position’s ability to work at home will be determined by the Xxxx/Director/Manager of the Department.
Working at Home. No employee shall be required/scheduled to perform work of the bargaining unit at her home. In no case shall an employee be permitted to enter into an agreement which could conflict with the above, without prior written consent of the Union.
Working at Home. This article shall not apply to this position. Article 8:
Working at Home. 88.1 It is recognised that, in various situations, working at home arrangements may be suitable to both the employee and the ATO. Working at home may be suitable for employees engaged in field work where there are benefits for productivity and the employee’s lifestyle. Sub-clauses 88.5 to 88.15 do not apply to the ad-hoc working at home arrangements set out at sub-clause 88.16.
Working at Home. The parties to this Agreement agree that all work performed for the Employer shall be on the Employer’s premises or to and from the Employer’s premises. In no case shall an employee be permitted to enter into an agreement which could conflict with the above, without prior consent of the Union.
Working at Home. Insurance
11.1 You shall notify your insurers that your home is your main place of work and that in the course of your employment members of the public may attend at your home.
11.2 You shall provide the Council with evidence that you have the correct insurance cover for the circumstances set out in clause 11.1. the Council shall pay any additional insurance premiums arising from the arrangments for working at home set out in clause 11.2
Working at Home commuting costs
a. The employer shall draw up a reasonable scheme for working at home.
b. The employer shall draw up a reasonable scheme for commuting costs.
Working at Home. An employee, subject to operational requirements and with the approval of the employee's Department Head, may work from his/her borne of residence in circumstances where the work is project based and may be performed with a high level of autonomy.
Working at Home. ● I will adhere to the principles of the GDPR when taking work home.
● I will ensure I obtain permission from the headteacher and data protection officer (DPO) before any personal data is transferred from a school-owned device to a personal device. ● I will ensure any data transferred from a school-owned device to a personal device is encrypted or pseudonymised. ● I will ensure any sensitive personal data is not transferred to a personal device unless completely necessary – and, when doing so, that it is encrypted. ● I will ensure my personal device has been assessed for security by the DPO and e-safety officer before it is used for lone-working. ● I will ensure no unauthorised persons, such as family members or friends, access any personal devices used for lone-working.
● I will act in accordance with the school’s Acceptable Use Policy when transporting school equipment and data.
Working at Home. The ADM Board provides an opportunity for employees to work at home, in accordance with the policy, under extenuating circumstances. Attendance is considered to be an essential job function and employees are expected to report to work on a daily basis. Therefore, this policy is not intended to supplant that expectation. Employees with a need to work at home shall submit a Request to Work at Home form to their supervisor.