Division Seniority definition

Division Seniority means the cumulative length of service by the employee in all bargaining unit classifications occupied within the employee’s Division.
Division Seniority means the length of service, within a particular division of the Niagara Falls Fire Department, the said divisions being defined as the following: Suppression, Fire Prevention, Training, Communications.
Division Seniority is computed from the date of assignment to the Jail Division of the Police Department for Detention Officers and from the date of promotion for Detention Officer Supervisors.

Examples of Division Seniority in a sentence

  • The overtime wheel is established using SFMTA Division Seniority within classification: Classification within the Body Shop and the Control Rooms shall stand alone in regards to distribution of overtime.

  • Division Seniority: Length of employment within the employee's current division.

  • The Departmental and Division Seniority Lists shall determine the order in which such employees make their choice of work assignments, including biddable trippers.

  • The Committee received the Clerk’s report for October 2018 on Governor and Committee member vacancies.

  • The overtime wheel is established using MTA Division Seniority within classification: Classification within the Body Shop and the Control Rooms shall stand alone in regards to distribution of overtime.

  • Division Seniority shall be defined as the length of time an employee has worked within a Division.

  • All bus drivers, in the Transportation Division, will bid for available school routes utilizing Division Seniority.

  • When two (2) or more employees have the same seniority date, ties will be broken by Department Seniority, Division Seniority, and Plant Seniority in that order.

  • In the event sufficient Operators do not elect to transfer with the line as referred to above, Operators will be taken from the bottom of the Division Seniority List and transferred with the line to the new Division.

  • Money Room Division Seniority shall be determined by the date on which employees become full-time money room employees.

More Definitions of Division Seniority

Division Seniority is the length of continuous employment in a division of the Transit Department, and begins on the employee’s first working day within the bargaining unit and the Division. City seniority will be used for determining vacation accrual. Division seniority will be used for run bidding in Operations. Division seniority will also be used for vacation bidding in Operations and may be used for vacation bidding in Fleet. Bidding in Operations will be done according to the bidding process in SMART’s Bidding Policy. When there is a non-temporary vacant shift in Fleet, current Fleet employees in the classification of the vacancy will have the opportunity to select the vacant shift based on Division seniority by classification. This paragraph does not apply to temporary shift assignments. Seniority for Operations employees within the bargaining unit on the date of ratification of the agreement, who have the same hire date, shall be determined by their hours worked within the Division. Seniority for employees who begin working in a Division after ratification of the agreement, who have the same hire date, shall be determined by the flip of a coin. If an employee has a break in service for a voluntary reason and returns to employment within twelve (12) months of the break in service, all previous seniority and rates of vacation accrual shall be restored. Seniority shall be terminated if an employee:
Division Seniority shall be defined as the length of the employee's service with the CITY in any of the following listed Divisions: "Water", "Sewer", "Distribution," and "Lab". Those employees employed in the Lab, prior to May 1, 2011, shall retain and continue to accrue their division seniority, if any, in other divisions.
Division Seniority shall prevail in choice of vacations and other more favorable conditions of employment. Division seniority shall not apply when an employee takes 3 days (24 hours) or more of consecutive vacation time that has been approved in the following manner: a vacation time request has been posted at least thirty five (35) calendar days ahead of time and senior employees have had at least 7 calendar days to submit a competing leave request covering at least 3 days (24 hours) of the same time period. Competing leave requests approved via seniority decisions shall not be allowed to be cancelled unless an extraordinary circumstance or other force majeure event occurs which would preclude the employee from completing their pre-approved vacation request. Once a vacation leave request is approved for less senior employee using the manner herein, more senior employees cannot “bump” or take vacation during the same time period. Vacation time approvals of less senior employees shall not occur more than 9 months (270 days) ahead of time.
Division Seniority reflects the actual time a Member has spent working in a Division on a full-time basis. This definition is to be used for promotional purposes only.
Division Seniority means the length of service, within a particular division of the Niagara Falls Fire Department, the said divisions being defined as the following: Fire Prevention, Training and Communications. “New Employee” shall be classified as a Probationer until the probationary period is completed. On completion of their probationary period they shall be placed on the seniority list with seniority as of the date of commencement of employment. Where a number of new employees commence their employment on the same date, their order of seniority on that date shall be determined by the Fire Chief and the Association in a seniority determination policy. Divisional and Departmental Seniority lists shall be prepared for each of the divisions of the department (at least on a yearly basis). All job openings and vacancies shall be posted within the Department for at least thirty (30) days. All increment exams will be held annually until the rank of First Class is obtained. Promotions or advancements in rank to higher-rated positions and transfers to new position or vacancies shall be made on the following basis: Fire Fighting Division Probationary Firefighter Fourth Class Firefighter Third Class Firefighter Second Class Firefighter First Class Firefighter Captain Platoon Chief year year year year Communications Division Probationary Dispatcher year Third Class Dispatcher year Second Class Dispatcher year First Class Dispatcher year Prob. Communication Officer year Communication Officer years Captain Communication Fire Prevention Division Prob. Fire Prevention Officer year Fire Prevention Officer years Captain Fire Prevention Director Fire Prevention Training Division Prob. Training Officer Assistant Training Officer Captain Training Director Training year years In order to participate in the examination process a person must have a satisfactory performance evaluation and employment history. Every person to be considered for promotion, advancement, transfer to a vacancy, a new job or position must obtain a total average mark of In obtaining the said minimum overall average, the candidate shall also obtain a minimum of on the written exam, on the oral exam and on the practical exam. A failed examination may be rewritten, provided the average of all sections is at least Promotional classes will be conducted preceding the examinations above First Class, or transfers to other divisions or jobs. The dates and times of the classes shall be agreed upon by the Fire the Association. Exam...
Division Seniority shall prevail in choice of vacations and other more favorable conditions of employment.

Related to Division Seniority

  • Classification Seniority is defined as the length of service in a specific job classification within the bargaining unit, beginning with the date an employee starts to serve a probationary appointment. Classification Seniority shall be interrupted only by separation because of resignation, discharge for just cause, failure to return upon expiration of a leave of absence, failure to respond to a recall from layoff, or retirement.

  • Seniority means length of service with the Employer.

  • Professional athlete means an athlete who performs services in a professional athletic event for wages or other remuneration.

  • Medical physicist means a person trained in evaluating the performance of mammography equipment and facility quality assurance programs and who meets the qualifications for a medical physicist set forth in 41.6(3)“c.”

  • Trainer means a dentist whose name is included in sub-part A of the first part of the dental list who employs a trainee as an assistant in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Determination;

  • Joint Controllers means where two or more Controllers jointly determine the purposes and means of processing.

  • Vice-Chair means the Vice-Chair of the Board.

  • Vice-Chancellor means the Vice-Chancellor of the University.

  • School nurse means a registered professional nurse with Maine Department of Education certification for school nursing.

  • Medical service means any medical treatment or any medical, surgical, diagnostic, chiropractic, dental, hospital, nursing, ambulance, and other related services, and drugs, medicine, crutches and prosthetic appliances, braces and supports, and, where necessary, physical restorative services.

  • Medical facility means any physician, laboratory, clinic, hospital, or other similar entity.

  • Pro-Vice-Chancellor means the Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University;

  • Medical Review Officer (MRO) means a licensed physician responsible for receiving and reviewing laboratory results generated by the school district’s drug testing program and for evaluating medical explanations for certain drug tests.

  • Stinger-steered automobile or watercraft transporter means an automobile or watercraft transporter

  • Vice-Chairman means the Vice Chairman of the Board.

  • Medical cannabis means the same as that term is defined in Section 26-61a-102.

  • Medical Staff means all physicians, dentists, oral surgeons, and podiatrists who have been appointed to the Medical Staff by the Board.