Exclusions of warranty and liability Clauses Exemplaires

Exclusions of warranty and liability. All products modified, used or damaged by the Customer or by any other person not expressly authorised by EIB GRENELLE are excluded from the legal warranty’s incumbent on EIB GRENELLE, as mentioned above. EIB GRENELLE cannot be held responsible for damages of any kind, bodily, material, and immaterial damage which could result from the misuse of the sold products. EIB GRENELLE declines all responsibility if products conforming to the order prove to be unsuitable due to the use made of them by the Customer. The responsibility of EIB GRENELLE cannot be engaged in case of non-performance of the contract due to a stock shortage or unavailability of article(s), in case of total or partial strike of the shipping services, and/or more generally in case of force majeure as defined in Article 9 of the present GTC.
Exclusions of warranty and liability. All products modified, used or damaged by the Customer or by any other person not expressly authorised by ECOLE BILINGUE INTERNATIONALE CÔTE D’AZUR E.B.I.C.A are excluded from the legal warranty’s incumbent on ECOLE BILINGUE INTERNATIONALE CÔTE D’AZUR E.B.I.C.A, as mentioned above. ECOLE BILINGUE INTERNATIONALE CÔTE D’AZUR E.B.I.C.A cannot be held responsible for damages of any kind, bodily, material, and immaterial damage which could result from the misuse of the sold products. ECOLE BILINGUE INTERNATIONALE CÔTE D’AZUR E.B.I.C.A declines all responsibility if products conforming to the order prove to be unsuitable due to the use made of them by the Customer. The responsibility of ECOLE BILINGUE INTERNATIONALE CÔTE D’AZUR E.B.I.C.A cannot be engaged in case of non-performance of the contract due to a stock shortage or unavailability of article(s), in case of total or partial strike of the shipping services, and/or more generally in case of force majeure as defined in Article 9 of the present GTC.
Exclusions of warranty and liability. La garantie ne s'applique pas, et toute responsabilité du Fournisseur est exclue, dans les cas suivants : The warranty does not apply, with all liability of the Supplier being excluded, in the following cases: - usure normale des pièces ; - défaillance des consommables (batteries…); - installation ou utilisation non conforme aux règles de l'art, D.T.U. ou aux spécifications techniques définies ; - non-respect des notices d'installation, d'utilisation et de maintenance ; - défaut de surveillance, de stockage ou d'entretien ; - erreur du client sur le choix de l'installation, la mise en service, l'adaptation sans l'accord du Fournisseur ; - modification ou intervention du Client ou d'un tiers sur le produit non autorisée par le Fournisseur, ou réalisée avec des pièces et/ou des consommables non d'origine ; - usure par manque d'entretien ; - détérioration résultant de choc (physique, thermique ou chimique), maladresse, mauvaise condition d'utilisation (gel, produit corrosif ou abrasif (par exemple : javel, peroxyde, chlore, etc.), corps étranger circulant dans l’eau etc.) ou inexpérience du Client ou de son personnel ; - non-respect de la norme NF EN 12729 relative aux conditions de pose et de vérification annuelle des disconnecteurs de type BA ; - modèles confiés au Fournisseur par le Client, étant précisé que dans ce cas, la responsabilité est entièrement supportée par le donneur d’ordre ou le Client. - parts subjected to normal wear and tear; - failure of consumables (batteries...); - installation or use that is not in conformity with the proper professional standards, building regulations or with the defined technical specifications; - failure to comply with the installation, use or maintenance instructions; - defective oversight, storage or maintenance; - mistake from the Purchaser in the installation choice, set-up procedure or modification without Supplier’s agreement; - change or intervention by the Purchaser or a third party in the product that is not authorized by the Supplier, or which is made with parts and/or consumables that are not original; - wear due to lack of maintenance; - damage resulting from shock (physical, thermal or chemical), clumsiness, unsuitable conditions of use (freeze, corrosive or abrasive product (e.g. bleach, peroxide, chlorine, etc.), foreign body circulating in water etc.) or inexperience of the Purchaser or its employees. - No respect of NF EN 12729 rules related to conditions of the installation and annual check of disc...
Exclusions of warranty and liability. All products modified, used or damaged by the Customer or by any other person not expressly authorised by EIB DE LA JONCHERE are excluded from the legal warranty’s incumbent on EIB DE LA JONCHERE, as mentioned above. EIB DE LA JONCHERE cannot be held responsible for damages of any kind, bodily, material, and immaterial damage which could result from the misuse of the sold products.
Exclusions of warranty and liability. All products modified, used or damaged by the Customer or by any other person not expressly authorised by XXXXXXX SCHOOL are excluded from the legal warranty’s incumbent on MOUGINS SCHOOL, as mentioned above. MOUGINS SCHOOL cannot be held responsible for damages of any kind, bodily, material, and immaterial damage which could result from the misuse of the sold products. MOUGINS SCHOOL declines all responsibility if products conforming to the order prove to be unsuitable due to the use made of them by the Customer. The responsibility of MOUGINS SCHOOL cannot be engaged in case of non-performance of the contract due to a stock shortage or unavailability of article(s), in case of total or partial strike of the shipping services, and/or more generally in case of force majeure as defined in Article 9 of the present GTC.
Exclusions of warranty and liability. All products modified, used or damaged by the Customer or by any other person not expressly authorised by ICS PARIS are excluded from the legal warranty’s incumbent on ICS PARIS, as mentioned above. ICS PARIS cannot be held responsible for damages of any kind, bodily, material, and immaterial damage which could result from the misuse of the sold products. ICS PARIS declines all responsibility if products conforming to the order prove to be unsuitable due to the use made of them by the Customer. The responsibility of ICS PARIS cannot be engaged in case of non-performance of the contract due to a stock shortage or unavailability of article(s), in case of total or partial strike of the shipping services, and/or more generally in case of force majeure as defined in Article 9 of the present GTC.
Exclusions of warranty and liability. All products modified, used or damaged by the Customer or by any other person not expressly authorised by INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF NICE are excluded from the legal warranty’s incumbent on INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF NICE, as mentioned above. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF NICE cannot be held responsible for damages of any kind, bodily, material, and immaterial damage which could result from the misuse of the sold products.
Exclusions of warranty and liability. All products modified, used or damaged by the Customer or by any other person not expressly authorised by EIB MONCEAU are excluded from the legal warranty’s incumbent on EIB MONCEAU, as mentioned above. EIB MONCEAU cannot be held responsible for damages of any kind, bodily, material, and immaterial damage which could result from the misuse of the sold products.
Exclusions of warranty and liability. The warranty does not apply, with all liability of the Supplier being excluded, in the following cases: - parts subjected to normal wear and tear; - failure of consumables (batteries...); - installation or use that is not in conformity with the proper professional standards, or with the defined technical specifications; - failure to comply with the installation, use or maintenance instructions; - defective oversight, storage or maintenance; - mistake from the Purchaser in the installation choice, set-up procedure or modification without Supplier’s agreement; - change or intervention by the Purchaser or a third party in the product that is not authorized by the Supplier, or which is m ade with parts and/or consumables that are not original; - wear due to lack of maintenance; - damage resulting from impact, clumsiness, unsuitable conditions or inexperience of the Purchaser or its employees. - NF EN 60730 standard relating to automatic electrical control devices intended for use in, on, or with equipment for househol d and similar use, including control devices for heating, air conditioning and similar purposes.

Related to Exclusions of warranty and liability

  • Définitions Le terme «

  • Garanties Le remboursement du capital et le paiement des intérêts ainsi que toutes les sommes contractuellement dues ou devenues exigibles au titre du présent contrat sont garantis comme suit :

  • DEFINITIONS Au sens des présentes Conditions Générales, les termes ci-après sont définis comme suit:

  • CONDITIONS GENERALES Les termes du présent Article I (« Conditions Générales ») s’appliquent de manière générale à tous les Produits et Services fournis au titre du présent Contrat.

  • CONDITIONS D’ADMISSION L’établissement EHPAD Saint Barthélemy reçoit des personnes âgées dépendantes, atteintes de maladies neuro-dégénératives, de pathologies psychiatriques, ayant un parcours dans l’errance et / ou atteintes de pathologies liées à l’âge. L’admission est prononcée à la suite d’un entretien avec la personne accueillie et le cas échéant son représentant légal par la commission d’admission de l’Etablissement présidée par la Direction après présentation du dossier unique d’admission prévu à l’article D 000-000-0 du code de l’action sociale et des familles. L’établissement a défini avec la personne accueillie, les objectifs d’accompagnement :  Hébergement :  Aide à gestion de la vie courante :  Loisirs :  Droit à l’image et participation à la vie de l’établissement : La personne accueillie : autorise l’établissement à utiliser l’image de son choix ou tout support audiovisuel n’autorise pas  Vie sociale : dans le cadre d’une diffusion liée à la vie de l’établissement.  Objectifs médicaux et paramédicaux : Lors de son admission, la personne accueillie a choisi le Docteur comme médecin traitant, la personne accueillie demande à l’établissement de l’aider à préserver et améliorer son état de santé en mettant à sa disposition le service infirmier continu (24 h. / 24 et 7 j. / 7) et un kinésithérapeute pour sa rééducation.  Soins palliatifs et accompagnement fin de vie :  Autre : Un avenant précisera impérativement dans un délai de 6 mois maximum après admission de la personne dans l’établissement, les objectifs et les prestations adaptées et spécifiques à la personne accueillie (voir Annexe 1).