Miscellaneous Provisions Clauses Exemplaires

Miscellaneous Provisions. (a) Any notice of redemption made pursuant to Clause 5.3 (Mandatory Early Redemption) shall be irrevocable and, unless a contrary indication appears in these Terms and Conditions, shall specify the date or dates upon which the relevant redemption is to be made and the amount of that redemption.
Miscellaneous Provisions. These General Terms and Conditions and the Special Terms to which they apply shall be exclusively governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Belgium, to the exclusion of the Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods and without prejudice to the right of the Consumer who resides outside Belgian territory to have recourse to the mandatory provisions of his national legislation. In the event of a dispute relating to the Contract or the General Terms and Conditions, the Seller invites the Buyer to seek an amicable solution with him. If, despite the Seller's efforts, an amicable solution cannot be found, the Parties hereby submit any dispute to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French-speaking courts of Brussels.
Miscellaneous Provisions. 1. Le Destinataire s’engage, à la première demande de l’Emetteur, et au plus tard dans les dix (10) jours à compter de l’envoi d’une lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception, à lui retourner, sans en garder aucune copie, tout support d’INFORMATIONS CONFIDENTIELLES reçu de l’Emetteur, à détruire tout enregistrement de l’INFORMATION CONFIDENTIELLE en mémoire machine ou sous toute autre forme, et à confirmer par écrit à l’Emetteur la destruction de toute copie, matérielle ou non, de l’INFORMATION CONFIDENTIELLE reçue. Strona Otrzymująca zobowiązuje się do zwrotu Stronie Przekazującej wszelkich nośników zawierających INFORMACJE POUFNE, otrzymanych od Strony Przekazującej - na pierwsze żądanie, ale nie później niż w ciągu dziesięciu (10) dni od daty nadania listu poleconego za potwierdzeniem odbioru z wezwaniem do zwrotu. Strona Otrzymująca nie zachowa żadnej kopii i zniszczy wszelkie INFORMACJE POUFNE zapisane w pamięci dowolnych urządzeń lub w jakiejkolwiek innej formie, a także pisemnie potwierdzi Stronie Przekazującej fakt zniszczenia wszelkich materialnych lub niematerialnych kopii otrzymanych INFORMACJI POUFNYCH. The Recipient undertakes to return any medium with CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION received from the Transmitter to the Transmitter on its first request and no later than ten (10) days from a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt being sent requesting its return, without keeping any copy, and it shall destroy any recording of CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION in any machine’s memory or in any other form, and shall confirm the destruction of any physical or intangible copy of the CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION received, in writing, to the Transmitter.
Miscellaneous Provisions. When Tallage's internet services are used, Tallage stores personal data relating to current and prospective subscribers. Users are informed that this automated data-processing has been declared to the CNIL (the French data protection commission) under the number 702213. In accordance with Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on IT, files and civil liberties, the right to access and correct personal data can be exercised at the following address: Tallage, 00 Xxxxx Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxxx 77250 Moret- Loing-et-Orvanne, or by email to xxxxx-xxxxx@xxxxxxx.xx. Neither party nor its subsidiaries shall use the name or marks of the other party or any of its affiliates or owners in any trade publication, marketing materials or otherwise to the general public, in each case without the prior written consent of such party, which consent may be withheld in its sole discretion.
Miscellaneous Provisions. 16.1 Free The GCU are concluded free of charge, the provision of the TGCC-CLOUD SERVICES has no costly consideration. No financial flow between the PARTIES is allowed under the GCU. Each PARTY retains its responsibility for the costs inherent in the GCU and the implementation of the TGCC-CLOUD. The management and maintenance of the TGCC- CLOUD is carried out by the CEA. 16.2
Miscellaneous Provisions. 1. In case of any problems of interpretation or any contradictions between any of the titles appearing at the beginning of the clauses of a contract and any of the clauses, the titles will be declared non-existent.
Miscellaneous Provisions. In the event of non-performance by the Tenant of any of its contractual obligations, MBV may automatically terminate the rental in advance, without prejudice to any other rights. This contract is subject to French law.
Miscellaneous Provisions 

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  • Définitions Le terme «

  • DEFINITIONS Au sens des présentes Conditions Générales, les termes ci-après sont définis comme suit: