Relations Committee Sample Clauses
Relations Committee. The Supervisor shall discuss with the affected employee any entry in supervisory notes which may lead to discipline or an unsatisfactory performance evaluation within a reasonable period of time. The discussion should be documented and that documentation initialed by the employee.
Relations Committee. The shall provide Commission with a list of the members of the Labour Relations Committee may include a representative from the International of the and/or the Local Union Business Manager. Meetings between Management Personnel and Labour Relations be held when requested by either party but not more often than once every month. Matters to be discussed at any such conference shall be listed on an agenda to be supplied by Party requesting the conference to the other Party at least five working days to the day for which the conference is requested, unless otherwise arranged by the Parties. Letter of understanding to provide office space with desk, chair, filing cabinet and for xxxxxxx in Water Division, as soon as Provide same to Division, when and if Unit Chair position is staffed by a different incumbent. No grievance shall be considered or be subject to the grievance procedure unless the same is presented in writing signed by the griever within five working days after the occurrence of the incident upon which the grievance was founded and presented to the immediate Supervisor. Such written grievance shall indicate the nature of the grievance and the redress sought. The Superintendent shall deal with the grievance and give their answer in writing to the Union within two working days following the day upon which they received the grievance. If the decision of the Superintendent is not satisfactory to the employee or the Union, an appeal in writing within two working days may be with the respective Chief Engineer who shall within two working days following the day upon which they the grievance meet with the appropriate Unit Chairperson in an effort to satisfactorily resolve the grievance and shall give a written response within two further working days. If the decision of Chief Engineer is not satisfactory to the employee or the Union an appeal in writing within three working days may be with the General Manager who shall. within three working days after receipt of such notice, meet with Labour Relations Committee and the aggrieved (upon the request of either the Union or Management) in an effort to satisfactorily resolve the grievance and shall, within three further working days following such meeting, give their decision in writing to the Labour Relations Committee. If the decision of the General Manager is not satisfactory, arbitration as set out in the Labour Relations Act may sought within five working days receipt of such decision. Should griever fail t...
Relations Committee. The parties have agreed to the establishment of an Relations Committeewhich is currently operating under terms of reference, which may be altered by the parties, from time to time, by mutual agreement.
Relations Committee. A committee consisting of three (3) representatives of the Union and three
Relations Committee. It is the expressed intent of the parties to this Agreement that one Employer-Employee Relations Committee be established for Whitby, and one Employer-Employee Relations Committee be established for Two (2) representatives of each party shall meet at regular intervals but not more than once per month, at the initiative of either party. The two bargaining unit representatives shall be elected by the Union once every two (2) years. The Employer shall be notified of the results of such election. Matters of general and mutual interest may be discussed however under no circumstances shall matters be discussed that are properly the subject of the grievance or arbitration or negotiations for the amendment or renewal of this Agreement, or in direct conflict with this Agreement. All discussions on any matter that takes place during these meetings shall be made on a without prejudice basis. No employee shall act in the capacity of Xxxxxxx, or committee member as referred to in this Article until after he has successfully completed his probationary period. The Union acknowledges and agrees that Stewards and other employee committee members as prescribed in this Article have regular duties to perform in connection with their employment. For meetingsthat are scheduled during the employee's regularly scheduled hours of work, such employee will first obtain his supervisor's permission before leaving the work place to attend such meeting and will advise the supervisor upon his return to active duty. In accor- dance with this understanding, it is agreed that:
Relations Committee. 26:01 The parties hereto agree that a joint Committee will be set up composed of representatives chosen by the Employer and a like number chosen by the employees to deal with such matters of mutual concern as may arise from time to time in the operation of the Centre. This Committee shall meet as and when required, upon the request of either party, at a time convenient to both parties without any deduction of salary for time spent by the representative of the employees at such meetings. The Representative of the Union may attend meetings of this Committee and act as a member thereof.
Relations Committee. The employer and the Union agree to form an Industrial Relations Joint Committee with the following membership: Two (2) members appointed by the Employer Two (2) members by the Union. The of this Committee shall to:
Relations Committee. The Union and the Employer agree that consultationand communication on matters of joint interest are desirable to promote constructive and harmonious relations. The parties agree that ajoint consultationcommittee composed of up to five (5) representatives from the Union and up to five (5) representativesof the Employer, shall be used as a forum for consultation on changes in conditions of employment not governed by this Agreement and on other matters of mutual interest. The committee shall meet once every two (2) months, or more frequently, with the consent of the parties. While the committee shall consider and attempt to resolve all problems of mutual concern, it is understood that the committee shall function in an advisory capacity to the parties and shall have no power to alter, amend, add to or modify the terms of this Agreement.
Relations Committee. Within thirty (30) days of the coming into effect of this collective agreement, the parties will form an industrial Relations Joint Committee of a maximum of two (2) members appointed by the Employer and a maximum of two (2) members appointed by the Union. The task of this Committee shall be to:
Relations Committee. It is the expressed intent of the parties to this Agreement that an Relations Committee be established. Two (2) representatives of each party shall meet at regular intervals but not more than once per month, at the initiative of either party. The two bargaining unit representatives shall be elected by the Union once every two (2) years. The Employer shall be notified of the results of such election. Matters of general and mutual interest may be discussed however under no circumstances shall matters be discussed that are properly the subject of the grievance or arbitration or negotiations for the amendment or renewal of this Agreement, or in direct conflict with this Agreement. All discussions on any matter that takes place during these meetings shall be made on a without prejudice basis. No employee shall act in the capacity of Xxxxxxx, or committee member as referred to in this Article until after he has successfully completed his probationary period. The Union acknowledges and agrees that Xxxxxxxx and other employee committee members as prescribed in this Article have regular duties to perform in connection with their employment. ,For meetings that are scheduled during the employee's regularly scheduled hours of work, such employee will first obtain his supervisor's permission before leaving the work place to attend such meeting and will advise the supervisor upon his return to active duty. accordance with this understanding, it is agreed that: