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ACADEMIC WORKLOADS. Except as otherwise stated below, this clause applies to all academic employees, excluding casual employees, and research only employees engaged under clause 17(c)(iii) or clause 18 of this Agreement.
ACADEMIC WORKLOADS. That the Agreement provide for a peer review appeal process for all academic workloads.
ACADEMIC WORKLOADS. We seek to change the current workload clause to make it less prescriptive, whilst maintaining fair and equitable allocations together with a review process.
ACADEMIC WORKLOADS. 59.1 The University is committed wherever reasonably possible to: • managing the workload of academic staff members to ensure teaching and administrative responsibilities are contained and adequate time is allowed for research and scholarship; • a fair level and equitable distribution of workload for academic staff; • a transparent process of workload allocation which has the broad support of academic staff members; • providing an opportunity beyond the performance management process for academic members to be consulted about workload allocation; and • ensuring the workload of an academic staff member is reasonably manageable and consistent with the continued health and safety of the staff member taking into account the operational and teaching requirements and research performance standards of the University and the relevant academic unit. 59.2 The management and regulation of academic workloads (other than for sessional Teaching Associate staff) will be based on the processes set out below. 59.3 Academic work at the University embraces research, teaching, leadership, and professional and community service. All academic staff members at the University should have adequate and appropriate opportunities to perform in all these areas having regard to whether they are employed on a teaching and research or research-only basis. 59.4 Academic workload is a combination of self-directed and assigned tasks. The assigned proportion of an academic staff member’s work will include, for example, teaching and preparation for teaching, assessment, supervision and the necessary administrative work associated with teaching and research in a collegial environment. 59.5 The remainder of an academic staff member’s working time is self-directed, consistent with the University’s strategic plans and announced priorities. It is time in which staff members conduct research or other scholarly activity as appropriate to their appointment to the University. 59.6 To provide clarity to academic staff performing their research role, the University has and will determine faculty or discipline-specific quantitative research performance standards (research metrics). It is recognised that these may be adjusted from time to time. 59.7 The University will consult with affected staff and the NTEU prior to making any significant or substantial changes to the faculty or discipline-specific quantitative research performance standards that affect staff. 59.8 Where significant or substantial chang...
ACADEMIC WORKLOADSThe University is committed to: a fair level and distribution of workload for staff recognising the diversity of the University; a transparent process of work allocation that is generally supported by the academics of the Unit; and providing an opportunity for academics to be consulted about workload allocation.
ACADEMIC WORKLOADS. 20.1 The scope of academic work may include teaching, research, administration and service to the University, broader community and industry. 20.2 Academic workload consists of both assigned and self-directed tasks. Workload will be allocated to Employees: (a) with regard to the following: (i) the academic role undertaken by a particular Employee, including consideration to assist early career academics by limiting administrative workload; (ii) an equitable and transparent distribution of workload across a discipline, a School, and the University; (iii) the operational requirements of the University; (iv) planned leave; and (v) individual circumstances as contemplated by Section 65 (1A) of the Act; and (b) in accordance with: (i) the principles contained in the University Workload Framework; and (ii) the School Workload Model. 20.3 The basis for full-time workload allocations will be 1725 hours per year. This figure represents a full-time workload for 52 weeks (1950 hours), less 4 weeks (150 hours) annual leave and 10 days (75 hours) of public holidays or days in lieu of public holidays. Workload allocation for Part-time Employees will be calculated on a pro rata basis. 20.4 An Employee who, on grounds that their workload allocation has not been made in accordance with the matters set out in clause 20.2, is dissatisfied with their workload allocation may seek a review by the Head within 10 working days of receiving their allocation. 20.5 If the Employee is not satisfied with the outcome of action taken under clause 20.4 above then the Employee may seek a review by the Xxxx. A review request will be set out in writing, be particularised and state the outcome being sought. 20.6 The Xxxx will consider the matter within 5 working days, having regard to the matters set out in clause 20.
ACADEMIC WORKLOADS. The following subclause applies to Full time and Part time Academic Employees. a) The scope of academic work may include teaching, research, leadership, administration and service to the University, broader community and industry. b) Workloads consist of assigned tasks and self-determined tasks. c) Workloads will be allocated to Academic Employees, following consultation with Academic Employee/s, which takes account of the following: (i) The academic role undertaken by the particular Academic Employee; (ii) An equitable and transparent distribution of workload across a discipline, a School, and the University; (iii) The strategic direction of the University. (iv) The operational, including financial, requirements of the University; and
ACADEMIC WORKLOADS. 10.1 For the purposes of workload allocation: Teaching Delivery will mean – the delivery of education through activities such as lectures, tutorials, seminars, workshops, demonstrations, laboratory sessions, field trips and practicums, class supervision and other teaching methods that are technology based. Teaching-Related Duties include activities such as curriculum development; unit coordination; preparation of materials; consultation; assessment and feedback; pedagogical innovation including training in new modes of teaching delivery. Teaching is the combination of teaching delivery and teaching related duties. 10.2 The scope of academic work may include any combination of teaching, research and scholarship, and leadership and service. 10.3 Academic workloads will be managed in accordance with this Agreement, policies and procedures established by the University. 10.4 Academic workload may consist of both assigned and/or self-directed tasks. Workload will be allocated to academic employees taking into account the strategic direction of the University and University’s business needs, and with regard to the following: (a) The academic role undertaken by the particular academic employee; (b) An equitable and transparent distribution of workload across a discipline and/or School; (c) Academic and business needs; and
ACADEMIC WORKLOADS. 6059.1 The University is committed wherever reasonably possible to:  managing the workload of academic staff members to ensure teaching and administrative responsibilities are contained and adequate time is allowed for research and scholarship;  a fair level and equitable distribution of workload for academic staff;  a transparent process of workload allocation which has the broad support of academic staff members;  providing an opportunity beyond the performance management process for academic members to be consulted about workload allocation; and  ensuring the workload of an academic staff member is reasonably manageable and consistent with the continued health and safety of the staff member.  taking into account the operational and teaching requirements and research performance standards of the University and the relevant academic unit. 6059.2 The management and regulation of academic workloads (other than for sessional Teaching Associate staff) will be based on the processes set out below. 6059.3 Academic work at the University embraces research, teaching, leadership, and professional and community service. All academic staff members at the University should have adequate and appropriate opportunities to perform in all these areas having regard to whether they are employed on a teaching and research or research-only basis. 6059.4 Academic workload is a combination of self-directed and assigned tasks. The assigned proportion of an academic staff member’s work will include, for example, teaching and preparation for teaching, assessment, supervision and the necessary administrative work associated with teaching and research in a collegial environment. 6059.5 The remainder of an academic staff member’s working time is self-directed, consistent with the University’s strategic plans and announced priorities. It is time in which staff members conduct research or other scholarly activity as appropriate to their appointment to the University. 60.6 The University recognises 1645 hours per annum as the maximum annual allocated hours. The starting point for discussions about the allocation of work for teaching and research academic staff is:  Teaching 40%  Research and Scholarship 40%  Other activities 20% These percentages may be varied in an individual staff member’s engagement profile.
ACADEMIC WORKLOADS. 23.1 Clause 23 describes how workloads are determined for academic staff other than casual employees, research only employees, and employees who are expressly exempted from the clause due to their particular circumstances. 23.2 The clause outlines the principles for teaching allocations, including: (a) an upper limit of 50 EFTSL over the course of a calendar year, in regards to small group teaching; or (b) a limit on weekly teaching allocations of 13 hours, although higher allocations may be required in certain specified circumstances; and (c) an upper limit on marking of 135 students per teaching session, with an employee being eligible for marking relief if this limit is exceeded. 23.3 The major areas of academic work continue to be as follows: (a) teaching; (b) research and development; (c) administration and governance; and (d) approved service to the community. 23.4 Disputes about workload allocation will be dealt with as follows: (a) in the first instance, the dispute will be referred to the relevant Academic Unit Work Plan Committee for determination, unless the dispute is too significant to be handled by that Committee; (b) if the dispute is too significant to be handled by the Academic Unit Work Plan Committee, or the dispute cannot be resolved by that Committee, the matter will be referred to the head of the employee’s academic unit for determination; and (c) if the matter remains unresolved, either the employee or the head of the employee’s academic unit may refer the matter to the University Work Plan Committee, which will make a binding determination that cannot be appealed or disputed further.