Workload Allocation. Process
a) Workloads will be discussed as part of the annual performance development and management process.
b) Allocation will be based on planned outcomes rather than inputs – on numbers of students and courses taught, research programs led, grant applications approved by the Head of School (or equivalent) and formally submitted, grants received, papers published, exhibitions etc.
c) The time specified for casual staff members in Schedule 4 of this Agreement will be used as a basis to determine allocation of time for various teaching and related activities. To ensure the individual environment is appropriately reflected, the Head of School (or equivalent) will consider whether any variations to these times are required, to take into account any academic discipline matters and/or the experience of the staff member concerned.
d) The quantity and quality of outcomes will be assessed by the Head of School (or equivalent), with due consideration to discipline context and timing, which may influence future work allocation.
e) The Head of School (or equivalent) will assess the staff member’s research outcomes based on their contribution to their discipline or professional field, external research funding, refereed publications or scholarly exhibitions. Staff members demonstrating a high level of performance in research may have additional time allocated commensurate with their performance and to the extent that the University is able to support such additional allocations.
f) Academic staff members required to maintain their scholarship will be provided with an allocation of workload for keeping abreast of one’s discipline.
g) Each staff member’s allocated workload will be detailed in an agreed annual work plan that will also detail the training and support the staff member needs to undertake the activities allocated.
h) A Teaching and Research Academic may transition to a Teaching Academic role (with no more than 80% of their annual workload allocated to teaching and/or administrative activities). This can be done via:
i) A staff member and their Head of School (or equivalent), through discussion and agreement, increasing the staff member’s allocated teaching load above 40%; or
ii) Following evaluation of a staff member’s research activities and outcomes as per 64.5 e), the Head of School (or equivalent) realigns the workload with an increased focus on teaching activities and a corresponding decrease in research activities.
i) In relation to clause 64.5 h ii),...
Workload Allocation. 5.1.1 The employer shall ensure that the lecturer’s workload is maintained at equitable, reasonable and safe levels. Equitable means that staff with comparable responsibilities should have similar workloads.
Workload Allocation. 25.2.1. This Clause provides for an annual workload to be allocated to each academic staff member taking into consideration annual leave plans. Such allocation will be in writing. Workload allocation will be the responsibility of the supervisor. Supervisors are required to ensure that allocations are consistent with faculty workload models and that individual academic staff members are consulted prior to finalising workload allocations.
25.2.2. Each workload allocation will specify the mix of the main areas of academic work that the staff member will undertake in the coming year. The allocation of academic duties will: Be consistent with the University's strategic plans and academic mission including off-shore work; Seek to achieve a balance between the academic staff member’s career goals and aspirations and the goals, needs and commitments of the faculty and its sub-units; Allow for individual allocations to be varied during the year, after consultation between the academic staff member and the supervisor, where circumstances change; Ensure equity between staff members in the faculty both with regard to core teaching, administrative and University governance duties and with regard to total workload. Any teaching by an academic staff member in Summer session is to be included in the annual workload allocation. Any workload allocation during Summer session will be subject to consultation with the staff member in advance and not be unreasonably required. Consideration will be given to any commitments including annual leave arrangements.
Workload Allocation. In the application of paragraph 1.1, the workload between terminals will be divided based on the ratio of subdivision mileages. For this purpose, the subdivision mileages shall be the mileage between the point where road miles commence at the initial terminal and the point where road miles cease at the final terminal prior to the implementation of this Agreement. Terminal "A" to Terminal "B" 112.8 miles 48% Terminal "B" to Terminal "C" 124.6 miles 52% 237.4 miles 100%
Workload Allocation. An annual written workload allocation will be developed by the Head of Department for each Staff Member following Consultation between the Head of Department and the Staff Member. The written allocation will specify the workload that the Staff Member will undertake in the coming academic year. The allocation of workload shall take into account Staff preferences, individual ability and the teaching and administrative needs of the Department and Faculty, equity considerations, the Staff Member’s promotion and research plans, provide reasonable accommodation of a Staff Member’s carer responsibilities and any relevant disability. Early career academics will be given special consideration in workload allocations, taking into account the additional time they need to prepare and teach material new to them, to familiarise themselves with teaching technologies, policies and procedures and to establish a research profile. For Staff who have been on extended leave (for example, sick leave, leave relating to work-related illness or injury or parental leave), workload allocations must be consistent with any return to work plans.
Workload Allocation. Parity in the application of these guidelines is most important to the College and the following information is provided to ensure consistency of treatment. In scheduling formal teaching activities, Programme Managers will undertake a fair assessment of the requirements of the task and acceptable levels of work performance in conjunction with the member of staff. Where Programme Managers have any concerns about what constitutes a fair and equitable allocation the Staff Utilisation Group may be approached for guidance.
Workload Allocation. The workload for Positions will be allocated in accordance with Clause 35 - Managing Workloads – Academic Employees.
Workload Allocation. The objective of this clause is to provide a framework for ensuring that academic workloads are equitable, transparent, and manageable. This clause does not apply to the allocation of workloads for casual staff. The appointment of a staff member to an Education-Focused Academic Role will be in accordance with the Vice-Chancellor’s Directive for Education Focused Academic Roles, as approved by the Vice-Chancellor, and their workload allocation will be in accordance with the Faculty Workload guidelines.
Workload Allocation. The purpose of this clause is to provide guiding principles and workload allocation guidelines for the allocation of teaching. The professionalism and experience of VET Educators will be fed into University decision making processes through workplace collaborations such as work unit, Discipline and School Meetings. Outcomes for the various duties will be discussed and documented as part of the Performance Review. The principles and guidelines of this clause will be applied in a transparent and equitable manner. Employees either individually or as a group, can raise concerns regarding unreasonable or inequitable workload issues using the process detailed in the Handling Workload Issues Clause.
i) Workloads are determined by the head of the unit in consultation with staff within the teaching team(s). Work allocation is best developed by each area with employees and teams actively involved in the consultation process.
ii) The ordinary hours of work shall not exceed 36.25 per week. The ordinary hours per week is comprised of the following components:
a. Contact time
b. Non-contact time
c. Recognition of Prior Learning
iii) Course Design and Programming of VET delivery must:
a. be developed in consultation with industry to identify and provide for the needs of industry, individual employers and students and wherever feasible to adapt to the changing environment
b. be developed in accordance with relevant University policy/procedure and systems
c. be completed in consultation with relevant VET teaching teams,
d. be undertaken in advance and available for approval by management prior to delivery and with sufficient lead time to allow for other required associated processes (e.g. marketing) to be implemented
iv) Programming must occur on an annual basis or more frequently if required.
v) Timetabling must take into account these requirements:
a. For our students:
i. be based on flexibility taking into account course and program requirements including industry, individual employer and student needs,
ii. be developed in accordance with relevant University policy/procedure and systems
iii. provide the most efficient and effective combination of contact, non-contact time and RPL
b. For our staff:
i. provide a record of the allocation of contact, non-contact time and RPL and whether it is conducted on or off-campus,
ii. ensure equitable distribution of workload across the team.
iii. be completed in accordance with RPP and Preparation requirements and iv. be provided to ...
Workload Allocation. 35.9.1 The Executive Xxxx (or equivalent) of each Institute shall be responsible for implementing and maintaining the academic workload model adhering to the above workload principles and may appoint a nominee for allocation of work to individual employees.
35.9.2 When allocating workload all reasonable steps will be taken to ensure an equitable distribution of workload across discipline groups.
35.9.3 The Executive Xxxx (or nominee), in consultation with the employee will develop a proposed workload allocation for the forthcoming academic year for the anticipated teaching, research and service requirements. The allocation will be consistent with the relevant Institute AWM and the agreed goals identified in the annual PRDP process. A record of the consultation discussion between the Executive Xxxx (or nominee) and the employee will be provided to the employee.
35.9.4 The Executive Xxxx (or nominee) will advise each employee of their workload allocation no later than four (4) weeks prior to the start of the Academic year (Subject to adjustment following student enrolments). Workload allocations will take into account;
(a) The Employee's professional development objectives for the coming year as agreed during annual PRDP;
(b) any reasonable accommodation for disability;
(c) any pro rata reduction of hours across all components of academic work to accommodate periods taken as leave, leave for special studies program and unplanned leave (e.g. sick leave)
(d) the Employee's family and caring needs and responsibilities.