Access to and use of information Sample Clauses

Access to and use of information. (i) If the Contractor, in the performance of this contract, obtains access to information, such as PSFA plans, policies, reports, studies, financial plans, confidential internal data, or data which has not been released or otherwise made available to the public, the Contractor agrees that without prior written approval of the PSFA it shall not: (a) use such information for any private purpose unless the information has been released or otherwise made available to the public; (b) compete for work for the PSFA based on such information for a period of one (1) year after either the completion of this contract or until such information is released or otherwise made available to the public, whichever is first; (c) submit an unsolicited proposal to PSFA which is based on such information until one year after such information is released or otherwise made available to the public; and (d) release such information unless such information has previously been released or otherwise made available to the public by the PSFA. (ii) In addition, the Contractor agrees that to the extent it receives or is given access to proprietary data, data protected by state of federal law, or other confidential or privileged technical, business, or financial information under this contract, it shall treat such information in accordance with any restrictions imposed on such information. (iii) The Contractor shall have, subject to patent, data, and security provisions of this contract, the right to use technical data it first produced after the requirements of the instant subcontract have been met.
Access to and use of information. 1. If the Contractor, in the performance of this Agreement, obtains access to information, such as BSA plans, policies, reports, studies, financial plans, internal data protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), or data which has not been released or otherwise made available to the public, the Contractor agrees that without prior written approval of BSA’s PPM Division it shall not: A. use such information for any private purpose unless the information has been released or otherwise made available to the public; B. compete for work for BSA based on such information for a period of six (6) months after either the completion of this Agreement or until such information is released or otherwise made available to the public, whichever is first; C. submit an unsolicited proposal to BSA which is based on such information until one year after such information is released or otherwise made available to the public; and D. release such information unless such information has previously been released or otherwise made available to the public by BSA. 2. In addition, the Contractor agrees that to the extent it receives or is given access to proprietary data, data protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), or other confidential or privileged technical, business, or financial information under this Agreement, it shall treat such information in accordance with any restrictions imposed on such information. 3. The Contractor may use technical data it first produces under this Agreement for its private purposes consistent with paragraphs (b)(ii)(1)A and D of this clause and the patent, rights in data, and security provisions of this Agreement.
Access to and use of information. Each Contributing Party will contribute Confidential Information, Personally Identifiable Information, and Criminal Justice Information automatically through PROSECUTORbyKarpel. Each Contributing party agrees and permits other Contributing Parties to access and use through the Statewide Search function such Confidential Information, Personally Identifiable Information, and Criminal Justice Information.
Access to and use of information. 1. Each party will contribute all legally sharable information to the LinX Carolinas and agrees to permit the access, dissemination, and/or use of such information by every other party under the provisions of this MOU (and any other applicable agreements that may be established for the LinX Carolinas). The contributing party has the sole responsibility and accountability for ensuring that it is not constrained from permitting this by any laws, regulations, policies and procedures applicable to the submitting party. 2. Agencies that do not provide data for inclusion in the LinX Carolinas are not eligible to be parties without express, written approval of the LinX Carolinas Governance Board. Only duly constituted law enforcement agencies of a Federal, State, County, Municipal or special jurisdiction may become a party of the LinX Carolinas. 3. All parties will have access via a secure internet connection to all the information in the LinX Carolinas, as provided in this MOU and any other applicable agreements that may be established for the LinX Carolinas; and each agency is responsible for providing its own internet connectivity. 4. An accessing party has the sole responsibility and accountability for ensuring that all access comports with any laws, regulations, policies and procedures applicable to the accessing party. 5. A party may only access the LinX Carolinas when it has a legitimate, official need to know the information for an authorized law enforcement, counter terrorism, public safety, and/or national security purpose, after receiving training appropriate to this MOU. 6. An accessing party may use information for official matters only. The system cannot be used for general licensing and employment purposes, background investigations of Federal, State, County or Municipal employees or any other non-law enforcement purposes. 7. Information in the system, including any analytical products, may not be used for any unauthorized or non-official purpose and shall not be disseminated outside of an accessing party without first obtaining express permission of each party that contributed the information in question. Specifically included within this prohibition is the direct use of any LinX Carolinas information in the preparation of any judicial process such as affidavits, warrants, subpoenas, etc. 8. Notwithstanding the requirement in the previous provision that information may not be disseminated without first obtaining express permission of each party th...
Access to and use of informationSubject to Buyer’s obligations under the Confidentiality Agreement, Seller shall afford to the officers, employees and authorized representatives of Buyer (including independent public accountants and attorneys) reasonable access during normal business hours, upon reasonable advance notice, to the offices, properties and business and financial records (including computer files, retrieval programs and similar documentation) of the Companies and the Subsidiaries to the extent Buyer shall reasonably deem necessary for Buyer to operate the Business after the Effective Time and shall furnish to Buyer or its authorized representatives such additional information concerning the Business (as conducted by the Companies and the Subsidiaries) as shall be reasonably requested; provided, however, that Seller shall not be required to violate any obligation of confidentiality to which Seller, the Companies or any Subsidiary is subject (although Seller shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cause such obligation of confidentiality to be waived, provided it is understood that Seller shall not be required to make any payments or offer to grant any accommodation, financial or otherwise, to any third party to obtain any such waiver) or to waive any privilege which any of them may possess in discharging its obligations pursuant to this Section 6.1; provided, further, Seller shall not be required to furnish or otherwise make available to Buyer competitively sensitive information relating to areas of the Business in which Buyer or its Affiliates compete against the Companies and Subsidiaries; and, provided, further, that neither Buyer nor any of its officers, employees, agents or representatives shall have access to any personnel of the Business or any other businesses of Seller or any of its Affiliates other than the persons identified on Schedule 6.1 of the Seller Disclosure Schedule without Seller’s prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Buyer agrees that such investigation shall be conducted in such a manner as not to interfere unreasonably with the operations of the Companies, the Subsidiaries or Seller. Seller acknowledges and agrees that Buyer shall have the right to disclose confidential information of the Business in any confidential information or offering memorandum related to the Financing (which memorandum may be used by Buyer’s Financing sources in their marketing of the Financing) to the extent that counsel to Buyer advis...
Access to and use of information. (1) If in the performance of this contract, the contractor obtains access to information, such as NRC plans, policies, reports, studies, financial plans, internal data protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. Section 552a (1988)), or the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. Section 552 (1986)), the contractor agrees not to: (i) Use this information for any private purpose until the information has been released to the public; (ii) Compete for work for the Commission based on the information for a period of six months after either the completion of this contract or the release ofthe information to the public, whichever is first; (iii) Submit an unsolicited proposal to the Government based on the information until one year after the release of the information to the public; or (iv) Release the information without prior written approval by the contracting officer unless the information has previously been released to the public by the NRC. (2) In addition, the contractor agrees that, to the extent it receives or is given access to proprietary data, data protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. Section 552a (1988)), or the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. Section 552 (1986)), or other confidential or privileged technical, business, or financial information under this contract, the contractor shall treat the information in accordance with restrictions placed on use ofthe information. (3) Subject to patent and security provisions ofthis contract, the contractor shall have the right to use technical data it produces under this contract for private purposes provided that all requirements of this contract have been met.
Access to and use of information. From the date hereof to the Closing Date, Buyer and its officers, directors, employees, auditors, counsel and advisors shall have the right at reasonable times during normal business hours (in a manner that does not unreasonably interfere with J&L’s business operations), with reasonable advance notice of at least 48 hours, to visit and inspect the Facilities and to examine and make excerpts from its books, contracts, accounts and records, and to request and receive from Kennametal, Seller and J&L information concerning J&L’s business, assets, operations and financial condition. All information received from Kennametal, Seller and J&L shall be held in confidence by Buyer in accordance with the terms of the Confidentiality Agreement. No investigation pursuant to this Section 8.01 shall affect any of the representations or warranties of the parties herein or the conditions to the obligations of the parties hereto.
Access to and use of information. Employees often have access to, or are provided with, information that may need to be considered or treated confidentially. Such information should be handled in a careful and prudent manner, and the interests of the community must be balanced with the potential for damage if confidentiality is not maintained. Particular care is required when discussing or dealing with those matters that the Council has resolved to consider as confidential, and which carry a penalty for breach of the confidential order, under Part 3 Public Access to Council and Committee Meetings Section 90 (Meetings to be held in public except in special circumstances), of the Local Government Xxx 0000 (SA). Information should not be used or disclosed in a way that may: - cause significant damage or distress to a person - cause significant damage to the interests of Council - confer a commercial or financial advantage or disadvantage on a person. Such a use is illegal. It is recognised that many employees live, own property, or have commercial or personal interests within the Berri Barmera Council area and as an employee, may come into contact with information which may impact upon those interests. Such information should not be used for commercial or private benefit, nor should such information be passed to another party who may use it for personal or commercial benefit or in action against the interests of the Berri Barmera Council. If any employee is confused or uncertain about what information can be used or passed to another party it should be discussed with their manager or the Chief Executive Officer. Information received or observations made by an employee which relate to an alleged breach of this Code must be referred to: - Chief Executive Officer and Department Manager in the case of an employee - the Chief Executive Officer in the case of a Department Manager - the Mayor, in the case of the Chief Executive Officer. In the event of an employee allegedly breaching this Code, the Chief Executive Officer/Department Manager (or in the case of the Chief Executive Officer breaching the Code, the Mayor) will investigate the information and, if deemed appropriate, conduct an inquiry. The principles of natural justice will be observed, and the person to whom the information relates will be given full details and a reasonable opportunity to respond to the allegations. In the event of an inquiry, the findings will be dealt with in the following manner:  In the case of an employee, appropr...
Access to and use of information. (1) If the Contractor in the performance of this contract obtains access to information, such as NRC plans, policies, reports, studies, financial plans, internal data protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (Pub. L. 93-579), or data which has not been released to the public, the Contractor agrees not to: (1) Use this information for any private purpose until the information has been released to the public;
Access to and use of information. (1) If in the performance of this contract, the contractor obtains access to information, such as NRC plans, policies, reports, studies, financial plans, internal data protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. Section 552a (1988)), or the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. Section 552 (1986)), the contractor agrees not to: (i) Use this information for any private purpose until the information has been released to the public; (ii) Compete for work for the Commission based on the information for a period of six months after either the completion of this contract or the release of the information to the public, whichever is first; (iii) Submit an unsolicited proposal to the Government based on the information until one year after the release of the information to the public; or (iv) Release the information without prior written approval by the contracting officer unless the information has previously been released to the public by the NRC. by (2) In addition, the contractor agrees that, to the extent it receives or is given access to proprietary data, data protected the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. Section 552a (1988)), or the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. Section 552 (1986)), or other confidential or privileged technical, business, or financial information under this contract, the contractor shall treat the information in accordance with restrictions placed on use of the information. (3) Subject to patent and security provisions of this contract, the contractor shall have the right to use technical data it produces under this contract for private purposes provided that all requirements of this contract have been met.