Access to Higher Education. Without prejudice to existing or future arrangements between two or more Parties as regards qualifications giving access to higher education, the Parties are invited to exchange information on the general requirements for access to higher education that they apply in accordance with their legislation and on the qualifications giving access to higher education.
Access to Higher Education. Outreach A considerable element of the outreach investment in 2015-16 will be in maintaining the resources, staffing and other costs to support the direct targeting and delivery of activity. Evaluation of previous outreach activity has shown that the majority of participants in an increased number of events gained better understanding of life at university; more reported that they would like to go, or definitely would go, than did so before the event. Therefore, the University will continue to fund the posts which enable the University to provide: HE awareness- and aspiration-raising events with targeted schools and colleges; Information and advice on HE (including student finance) for targeted schools, colleges and individuals; Data analysis, monitoring and evaluation of impact of outreach activity; Administrative support for the outreach office. Furthermore, additional investment will continue to be made in an expanded programme of direct delivery of activities with a higher number of participants, using resource from additional fee income. The University’s WP outreach programme will continue to be based on the formation and maintenance of direct links and the development of long-term structured and co-ordinated interventions with a number of targeted schools and colleges with low higher education participation rates or large proportions of disadvantaged students. Work will focus mainly on partnerships with schools, academies and colleges in the Cheshire and Warrington area, and further afield into Merseyside and Greater Manchester, but activity will also extend into those areas within the adjoining regions, for example Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, as well as Staffordshire and Lancashire, where there are opportunities which support targeted engagement and collaborative activity. This will again involve working more intensively with partner and link schools and colleges, so as to build closer networks of relationships and to provide the basis for extending progression pathways. In addition to these general taster days and subject specific events, examples of other types of planned activity in 2015-16 include: Supporting students from low participation backgrounds to make applications to higher education, by offering information and advice on courses, writing personal statements and student finance. We will also provide appropriate information and awareness raising activities for people who act as key influencers on target populations (e.g. pa...
Access to Higher Education. The General Higher Education Entrance Qualification (Allgemeine Hochschulreife, Abitur) after 12 to 13 years of schooling allows for admission to all higher educational studies. Specialized variants (Fachgebundende Hochschulreife) allow for admission at Fachhochschulen (UAS), universities and equivalent higher education institutions, but only in particular disciplines. Access to study programmes at Fachhochschulen (UAS) is also possible with a Fachhochschulreife, which can usually be acquired after 12 years of schooling. Admission to study programmes at Universities of Art/Music and comparable study programmes at other higher education institutions as well as admission to a study programme in sports may be based on other or additional evidence demonstrating individual aptitude. Applicants with a vocational qualification but without a school-based higher education entrance qualification are entitled to a general higher education entrance qualification and thus to access to all study programmes, provided they have obtained advanced further training certificates in particular state-regulated vocational fields (e.g. Xxxxxxx/Meisterin im Xxxxxxxx, Industriemeister/in, Fachwirt/in (IHK und HWK), staatlich geprüfte/r Betriebswirt/in, staatliche geprüfte/r Gestalter/in, staatlich geprüfte/r Erzieher/in). Vocationally qualified applicants can obtain a Fachgebundende Hochschulreife after completing a state-regulated vocational education of at least two years’ duration plus professional practice of normally at least three years’ duration, after having successfully passed an aptitude test at a higher education institution or other state institution; the aptitude test may be replaced by successfully completed trial studies of at least one year’s duration.10 Higher education institutions may in certain cases apply additional admission procedures.
Access to Higher Education. The following indicators of the University’s absolute and relative performance in widening access are taken from the UK Performance Indicators of Higher Education produced annually by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Young full-time undergraduate entrants – all (Table 1b) From state schools or colleges Xxxxxxx % 97.6 97.8 97.2 97.5 97.7 Benchmark % 94.4 94.3 94.3 94.1 94.3 Locally-adjusted benchmark % 95.3 95.2 95.5 95.2 95.6 From NS-SEC classes 4,5,6 & 7 Xxxxxxx % 40.2 36.8 36.6 36.4 39.7 Benchmark % 39 35.5 36.6 35.7 38.3 Locally-adjusted benchmark % 39.6 36.6 37.4 36.6 39.4 From low participation neighbourhoods (POLAR3) Xxxxxxx % - 15.6 17.9 17.1 15.9 Benchmark - 12.3 12.7 12.4 13.4 Locally-adjusted benchmark - 15.1 15.7 15.1 16.5 Mature full-time undergraduate entrants – all (Table 2a) Number of FT mature entrants % of FT entrants who are mature 875 31.0 910 31.6 790 27.3 805 26.5 720 24.7 With no previous HE from low participation neighbourhoods (POLAR3) Xxxxxxx % - 20.6 18.7 17.6 22.0 Benchmark % - 15.0 12.9 13.3 15.0 Locally-adjusted benchmark % - 20.1 17.0 17.4 19.5 Part-time undergraduate entrants – all (Table 2b) Number of part-time entrants 1995 2430 2795 2430 1265
Access to Higher Education. We believe that we can play a significant role in the sector in addressing the participation deficit amongst under-represented groups in higher education and it is our intention to sustain our performance, in challenging circumstances, in relation to State School entrants, young entrants from Low Participation Neighbourhoods and mature entrants from Low Participation Neighbourhoods: Lifecycle Stage Target Description 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Access Young, full-time first degree entrants from State Schools 98.6% 99.1% 98.9% Xxxxx, full time entrants from LPNs 20.8% 21.5% 20.4% Mature full-time first degree entrants from LPNs 18.7% 21.7% 19.5%
Access to Higher Education. 2.7.1 As part of our commitment to delivering a high-quality student experience, we remain committed to the recruitment of students solely on merit and on their potential to achieve.
2.7.2 Through our Widening Participation Working Group, chaired by the Vice-Principal for Teaching and Learning and including representation from across the University, we monitor the effectiveness of a number of widening participation activities, including: ▪ University of Aberdeen Summer School for Access ▪ Access to Degree Studies programme ▪ Articulation routes with local colleges ▪ Participation in the REACH project ▪ Aim4Uni project ▪ Support of Care Leavers ▪ S6 Enhancement activity
2.7.3 We are committed to making places available to learners articulating from FE colleges with advanced standing, and have articulation agreements in place with a number of colleges across Scotland. We plan to expand the range of articulation routes available to learners from partner colleges. For example, at Dundee and Angus College this expansion includes a consideration of Petroleum Engineering and Medical Sciences articulation routes and we are working actively with our partner colleges to identify scope for closer collaboration and an enhanced range of articulation opportunities for FE students.
2.7.4 We offer students at FE colleges the opportunity to spend time on-campus each year, to experience life as an HE student and to help smooth the transition from FE to HE. We also offer FE students the opportunity to take Associate Student status, which allows them access to our Library and sporting facilities.
2.7.5 We offer students on relevant articulation routes the opportunity to take online self-study units in subjects such as engineering and maths to help build their confidence and smooth their transition on to their HE courses.
2.7.6 In addition to using a contextualised admissions process, which takes account of a broader range of candidate attributes and ensures that admission is based entirely on merit and on an individual’s ability to achieve, during the 2014-2015 admissions cycle (for entry in 2015-2016) we are introducing additional checks into the admissions process to ensure that candidates from protected characteristic groups, care leavers, students from the 20% and 40% most deprived postcodes and students from low progression schools are identified and given full consideration for admission.
2.7.7 In addition to our work with the ASPIRE North (SHEP) programme, we are also ...
Access to Higher Education