Accrued Time. Accrued time provides for an employee to work on a Saturday and/or Sunday, and in lieu of receiving overtime penalty payments, receive time off in lieu credits equivalent to the penalty time worked. That is, for each of the first three hours worked on a Saturday, the employee receives 1.5 hours of TOIL credits. For subsequent hours worked on Saturday, and for all hours on Sunday, the employee receives 2 hours of TOIL credits for each hour worked. The TOIL credits so accrued may be taken in accordance with clause 28.2 (time off in lieu). Accrued time is available only when offered by Xxxxxxx and generally only in exceptional circumstances.
Accrued Time. The following will be respectively added to, or deducted from the final payment to an Employee on termination:
Accrued Time. Any accrued time owing to an employee, or rostered time off granted in advance to the employee but not offset by time worked, will be respectively added to, or deducted from the final payment on termination.
Accrued Time. Any compensatory (T.O.) time accrued at the time of any employee's separation from State service shall be paid off to the employee at the applicable rate in effect at the time of such service separation. Employees who are assigned to work schedules which contain daily tours of eight (8) hours and fifteen (15) minutes shall, upon separation or retirement from state service, have accrued compensatory (T.O.) time pay computed based on a standard eight (8) hour and fifteen (15) minute work day.
Accrued Time. 33.1 All work in excess of 76 hours for full time employees in a two week cycle or any work in excess of ordinary hours for part time employees which is worked within the spread of ordinary hours defined by this agreement and pre-approved to be undertaken in advance between the relevant Director and/or Manager shall be known as ‘accumulated time’ to be taken at the rate of one to one.
33.2 Time worked outside the spread of normal ordinary hours may be banked as accrued time but will be accrued at the appropriate Award penalty rates.
Accrued Time. 6.8.1 Every employee shall work an extra .4 hour every normal working day Monday to Friday (Public and Sick days exempted) to be banked as accrued time. The total accrued time will be recorded on the employee’s pay slip.
6.8.2 The employee must apply with the appropriate leave application form for any day of leave to be taken from the accrued time banked hours. (Maximum 1 day with 2 weeks notice).
6.8.3 Accrued time may be taken by the hour by approval of the Leading Hands. The Maintenance Manager has the ability to make final decisions on approvals to use accrued time.
6.8.4 Unused accrued time will be paid out annually in the first pay week of February. Accrued time will paid at the normal time rate at which the employee is classified.
Accrued Time. 16 37. Call Out ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Accrued Time. Members working the Schedule will annually accrue 104 hours (based on 52 weeks X 2 hours per week) based upon working 2192 hours per year rather than 2088 hours. This accrued time will be used in the following way:
a. Accrued Time will be considered to be Lieu Time only and the members shall not receive monetary reimbursement for it.
b. There will be four (4) Mandatory Training days per year conducted while the member is on duty. Those mandatory training days will be scheduled as an eight (8) hour work day. Four hours of accrued time will be used to supplement each eight hours to make up the twelve hour shift. Since there are four Mandatory Training days per year, 16 hours (4 days x 4 hours) shall be deducted from each officers Accrued Bank at the beginning of the year.
c. Accrued Time shall be used in the calendar year in which it was accrued and cannot be carried over to another year under any circumstances.
Accrued Time.
23.1 Accrued time for Level 1 to Level 5 employees outlined in clause 22.4 will be debited on an hour for hour basis. To avoid doubt where eight 10 hour shifts are taken as accrued time, 80 hours will be debited from the employee's accrual. Where seven 12 hour shifts are taken as accrued time, 84 hours will be debited from the employee's accrual.
23.2 When employees access accrued time, they will be paid the same rate of pay for the day on which the accrued time is accessed as would have applied had they been at work.
23.3 Where an employee has not accessed their annual accrued time entitlement, the employee is required to access a period of accrued time to ensure their balance does not exceed 104 hours.
23.4 Accrued time is not available to casual or part-time employees or to employees participating in job-share arrangements.
23.5 Accrued time shall not be accumulated for periods including:
(a) Leave without pay;
(b) Where an employee is in receipt of salary maintenance through the superannuation scheme; or
(c) Where an employee has been suspended from duty with or without pay.
23.6 Accrued time does not attract the annual leave loading.
23.7 Any employee leaving employment with the QAS with a negative accrued time balance will have the negative balance deducted from the employee's termination pay. Any employee leaving employment with the QAS with a positive accrued time balance will have the balance paid out on termination.
23.8 A full-time employee who reverts to part-time, and who has a positive accrued time balance at the time of reversion, will have the balance paid out as at the date of reversion or access the time off within twelve months of working as a part-time employee.
23.9 A newly appointed Level 6 employee who has a positive accrued time balance as a Level 1 to 5 employee at the time of appointment will have the balance paid out at the accrual rate as at the date of appointment.
Accrued Time. 17.1 On the basis of a 35-hour week for employees on contracts prior to April 2001 and a 38-hour week for all employees who commenced after April 2001, which can be worked Monday to Sunday inclusive, with a span of hours from 7.00am to 10.00pm, the following provisions will apply: All hours worked beyond 10.00pm of an evening and before 7:00 in the morning will accrue at the rate of Time + 1/2.